
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

U.A. Exam Test

It was almost time for the exam, but given the time Izuku had to bath and freshen up, he had no time left to practice One for All. The only advice All Might had given him was to clench his butt and to yell from the bowels of his heart "SMASH!"

He was currently in front of the exam building and was muttering to himself. "Out of the way Deku."

Only one person in the entire world could call him that name. "Kacchan," he said turning around to see the grouch teen. "I never thought you'd make it here."

Kacchan didn't bother to respond as he walked past Deku. He stopped as he turned to look at Deku. "We'll see."

After Kacchan left, Deku took a deep breath. He definitely wanted to be friends with Kacchan and despite the fights they had, Deku really appreciated Kacchan as he was the reason Deku wanted to get stronger. Kacchan was also really good at using his quirk, and he wouldn't know what he would do if he faced him.

Deku shook his head to clear his thoughts before taking his first step into the building. Funny enough, he ended up tripping on his other foot as he went down. Face heading towards the ground. He braced himself for impact as there was nothing he could do to stop it. Seconds later and the impact never came. He opened his eyes and there was a girl standing next to him. She righted him on the ground before speaking.

"Sorry for using my quirk on you," she said in a really cheerful tone. "But it would be a shame if you'd ended up hurting yourself." Deku didn't respond. He was in a kind of shock as a girl was talking to him.

"Anyways, I'll see you inside. Let's do our best. Bye." And she left. Everyone's eyes were on Deku. 'I talked to a girl.' In reality he didn't actually talk.

Few minutes later...

"Hello everybody!" A man with speakers on his neck said. He was speaking to a gathering of students who wanted to attend U.A. High.

"Oh my gosh," Deku muttered to himself. "It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic. He-" he was cut short by Kacchan who told him to shut up.

"Everybody say wee!" Present Mic began but was met with a silent crowd.

"Alright I see it. Well anyways you are all here for the Practical exams into U.A. You all are going to be divided into groups of ten for each battle area, lettered A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J."

"That makes it difficult to work with people you know. Even though our registration numbers follow each other, we are in completely different facilities," Deku said.

"Don't look or I'll kill you," Kacchan said as Deku was looking at his I.D. card.

"Anyways, in each battle facility, there are three villain bots. Each bot is worth a certain amount of points." He pointed to the big screen behind him as three pixel-like bots appeared gradually.

"There is the one-point villain, the two-point villain and the three-point villain. Each are worth the number of points they represent. Destroying a bot earns you its denoted point. Only those with the highest points will be accepted into U.A.'s Hero course. The rest will either make it to one of the other courses or will not make it at all. Any questions?"

"Yes you there," Present Mic said as he pointed to a boy in the crowd.

"Thank you," the boy said as he got up. He looked a little older than Deku. "On the print out given to us, there are four faux villains. But according to you there are only three villains. Now if this is a mistake, then Japan's most prestigious school should be ashamed of themselves for misleading young minds. And you there," he said turning to Deku.


"Yes you. You've being muttering the entire time. Some of us here are trying to focus, so could you please shut the hell up."

'This guy,' Deku thought as he glared back at the boy.

"Thank you for the kind observation Student No. 1111. Now, that is not a mistake. You see there is a fourth villain not, a.k.a the zero bot." As he said this, the pixelized form of the robot appeared on the screen. "This particular bot is worth zero points. You can try to destroy the zero bot if you want as there is one in every facility. However, doing so is a waste of time as the bot is worth no points and it has a tendency to get crazy in tight spaces."

"Thank you," the boy said as he sat down.

"Okay. You have been broken down into groups, so let's head out to the battle facilities. Give it your all. Plus Ultra!"

Outside Deku's Battle Facility

Deku was currently outside the huge battle facility with some other team mates. The facilities were huge, but he had a different issue. While everybody was accustomed to their quirks, he wasn't. He had just received the quirk this morning so he was basically a child. He kept on pondering when he spotted a girl with brown hair. It was the same girl that had helped him that morning. 'I should go thank her properly,' he thought to himself as he made his way towards her.

He stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see who it was and noticed that it was the same boy from earlier.


"That girl is trying her best to focus. It would be best not to disturb her. Some of us are here to put in our best so if you feel like this is just a vacation, I suggest you should leave now!" He said in a slight shout, causing all eyes to be on them.

Feeling pissed off Deku began. "What's with you man? You better watch it." He felt his blood boil.

"Begin!" Present Mic said from atop the roof. Everyone was slightly confused as to what Present Mic said. "There's no countdown in a real battle."

Deku blinked twice before noticing that the entire crowd had left. He shot off after them as quickly as he could. The moment he entered the facility, he saw people destroying bots as they appeared.

Before he could begin his search, a one point jumped in front of him. "Target acquired, begin elimination process."

The bot charged at him but he couldn't move. He mentally screamed to his legs but they refused to respond. As the one point neared him, a blue laser tore through it, destroying it. He whipped his head to the right to see a french-looking blond haired boy.

The boy sped off after destroying the not to continue his conquest. Deku blinked twice as he was snapped out of his thoughts by people calling the number of points they had accumulated so far. "Five minutes left."

Deku screamed. Only five minutes and he had yet to acquire even a single point. He ran towards the crowd majority to see most of the robots destroyed.

In an unknown location

"The candidates this year all seem promising," a voice said.

"It is true, but however, their real test is yet to come," the shadowed figure pushed a red button. This caused all the entire battle facilities to shake as if an earthquake had occurred.

In Deku's Battle Facility

The ground shook mightily as all the candidates struggled to maintain balance. A huge dust cloud was seen heading towards the center of the battle facility were a majority of the candidates were. As the dust cleared, a huge robot was making its way towards them.

"Run!" They all yelled as they saw the zero point. Deku turned to run but fell as he heard someone scream. "Help." He turned around as other candidates ran past him to see the same girl from earlier. She was trapped under some rubble and if she didn't escape that rubble she would be crushed by the robot.

Name: Ochaco Uraraka

Quirk: Zero Gravity

He contemplated running away and trying to get more points, but he couldn't bear it if someone died in an exam like this, and someone who had helped him earlier. Before he could think further, his legs shot off on their own as he leapt towards the robot.

He reminisced on what All Might had said earlier. 'To use One for All, you have to clench your buttocks... And scream from the bottom of your heart...' "SMASH!"

As One for All welled through his hand, the clothing around his hand tore and with it he punched the head of the zero point, causing it to reel back as it exploded. Everyone was shocked at the display of power. Deku himself was caught up in the moment before he remembered that he was falling. He panicked, after noticing that both his legs and right arm are broken. 'This must have been what All Might was referring to. About the repercussions I would face if I used One for All. Now what do I do? If I don't do anything to slow my fall, then I'm in big trouble... I could use a Detroit Smash on the ground to slow down my fall. But... If I do that I'll lose my left arm. What do I do? Dammit.' He was approaching the ground at top speeds but before he hit the ground, he felt a hand slap him greatly.

He was launched sideways from the impact, but he didn't hit the ground, instead he levitated above it. "Release," Uraraka said as she released the effects of her quirk and let Deku fall to the ground. She had used her Zero-Gravity quirk and had saved his life. However, she was left drained due to exceeding her weight limit. She vomited as nausea flooded over her. Deku raised his head up with tears in his eyes. She had saved him again.

He began to use his only good hand to crawl on the floor very slowly. 'If I can just get one point,' he said out loud. He was stepped dead in his tracks by Present Mic's voice. "Time's up."

As Deku heard those words, his heart sank and he passed out.

"Hi," a voice said as it approached them and. They all turned towards the source of the voice. A short, old lady wearing a white lab coat over her body was the source of the voice. Underneath her lab coat, she wore a red and white gown-like dress and pink boots and gloves. She held in her left hand a large syringe which she used as a cane. She had grey hair tied up in a bun and held together by a small syringe. She wore on her head a kind of half pink helmet with a purple visor.

She handed a gummy treat over to a boy as she made her way to everyone in Deku's facility. She soon reached where Deku was passed out and was in shock at the damage he had received. 'It looks like he just used his quirk for the first time in his life. The drawback is like that of a child who just activated his quirk for the first time and was not used to the repercussions… wait a minute, Toshinori said that he had finally transferred his quirk to someone. Could it be this boy?" As she was thinking this, the students were muttering about Deku's actions and were shocked at the behavior he had just shown.

One question did however catch her ear. "Who's that old lady?"

"Oh you don't know. She is the backbone of U.A. Academy. The actual reason U.A. can perform such dangerous exams is because of her. The Youthful Hero, Recovery Girl." It was the French-looking boy who had said this. Recovery Girl extended her lips as she kissed Izuku on the head and he began to miraculously heal. The burns he had faded out of existence and his bones joined together and healed each other.

It had been a week since the exam into U.A. and there had been no response from the academy. Deku was down in the dumps, kicking and beating himself up and constantly telling himself that he had failed All Might. His mom called his attention from the living room as she came from the door. She had in her hands an envelope with U.A. Academy's seal.

Deku locked himself in his room as his mom paced back and forth outside. In front of him was a holographic machine. He was kinda scared to hear the final verdict and after steeling his nerves, he turned it on.

Few minutes later, Deku came out of his room, tears in his eyes. It was All Might who had relayed the information to him via the holographic message. At first he was given the impression that he hadn't passed the exam, but as the video continued, he found out that the girl that had helped him out when he fell had also vouched for him and offered to give him some of her points and had talked to Present Mic on his behalf. Present Mic had told her that it wasn't necessary to give him her points. All Might proceeded to inform Deku about the point system, namely the Villain Point and the Rescue Point. He informed him that he had earned sixty-points for rescuing the girl.

Deku was beyond happy and he hugged his mum proudly saying "I made it in."

The next day, Deku was already prepped and ready with his U.A. Uniform and after a loving goodbye from her and after he promised her that he would be safe, he left.

He stepped into the huge school compound and made his way to the huge building. He reached just in front of his class and opened the door, silently hoping that a certain of pair of individuals where not in the same class as him. He crossed his fingers and opened the door.

"Get your feet off of the table. It's obviously meant for seating and not resting your damn legs," a boy said. He was wearing the same uniform as Deku, consisting of a grey blazer worn over white undershirt and a red tie and black trousers. The boy had dark blue hair and wore glasses.

"Oh yeah. Make me," Bakugo said as he glared at the boy.

Deku silently cursed as he took a breath. He was soon face to face with the girl who had saved him from falling, twice.

"You made it!" she said joyfully and clasped her hands together.

His presence was noticed by the entire class and the boy with glasses rushed to meet him. He lightly shoved Uraraka as he made his way in front of Deku.

"Sorry for the unfriendly introduction at the exams," the boy said with a bow. "My name is Tenya Iida and I'm honoured to meet you."

Name: Tenya Iida

Quirk: Engine

"How'd you figure out the other part of the exam, y'know the Rescue Points?"

"Trust me when I say this, I didn't know anything about that."

"So you were willing to give up your points just to save me," the girl piped in.

"Well," Deku scratched the back of his head. "It seemed like the right thing to do and if I hadn't, you would have been hurt or worse."

"Thank you," she said. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka."

Before Deku could reply, Bakugo piped in. "Deku," he said in his usual savage manner. "Nice to see you here. It means that at least you're good for something and that gives me a chance to continue trashing you." As he said this, he let sparks go off.

" Well Kacchan, you can bring it on and I'm sure you know that I was capable of taking you on when I was quirkless. I just bloomed and kept it as a surprise to you, so let's see if you can take me on now."

"Just because you got some damn quirk doesn't mean that you stand a chance against me."

"Uhh... Deku," Uraraka said out of the blue, bit before she could continue, Deku stopped her.

"That's not my name."

"Oh... I just thought y'know, because he said it."

"Yah. He gave me that name to constantly try and remind me that I'm a failure. My name is Izuku Midoriya."

"Okay, Midoriya-san. I kind of like the name Deku. It kind of sounds like "I can do it", bit of you don't-"

"N-No, you can call me Deku if you like," he said while blushing a little.

Before they could continue bickering, a voice cut in. "This isn't the time or the place for friendly discussions. You are here to become Pro Heroes. If you came here for a joy ride, I suggest you leave."

They all turned their attention to the door to see a yellow worm-like figure with the face of a human. It was soon revealed to be a person in a sleeping bag of some sort.

"Good morning everyone, I am your Homeroom Teacher, Shota Aizawa." After he saw that they had fully taken in his presence, he continued. "Put these on and meet me in the Training Field." He reached into his sleeping bag and brought out a blue and red jumpsuit with the words U and A in front. Deku was confused at the person in front of him, because he didn't match any heroes he knew of.

They were all fully dressed and were outside in the Training Field. All twenty of them in Class 1A.

"We're basically going to be doing a quirk assessment test. You know how the government gives you guys Physical Assessment Tests when you enroll into an Academy. Instead of your normal physical assessment, you will be using your quirks. To demonstrate," he said as he pointed at Kacchan. "Bakugo, come here."

The blond boy walked towards where Aizawa pointed at. There was a white circle drawn on the ground and Bakugo stood inside it.

Aizawa tossed a ball at him. "I want you toss that ball as far as you can."

Bakugo nodded as he drew his hand backward and tossed the ball with all his might. Aizawa nodded as he looked at a device he held in his hand. "Sixty-seven meters," Aizawa said. "Now try it with your quirk."

Bakugo nodded as he caught another ball from Aizawa. He took a deep breath as he drew his hands back and with an explosive heave and a loud shout of "DIE!" he tossed the ball forward.

The ball weaved through the air and landed a good couple of meters away. Aizawa smiled as he showed the reading to both Bakugo and the others. It read "Seven hundred and five point two meters."

"Basically you'll be performing your normal middle school physical assessment tests, but with the aid of your quirks. If there are no questions, let's get started, and being the psychotic teacher that I am, the person in last place will be sent off or in better words, expelled. First the fifty meter dash."

They were paired up in groups of two were they raced each other. That boy, Tenya Iida was first, he was up against the french boy that had saved Deku during the start of the exam against the one point bot. His name was Yuga Aoyama and his quirk was navel laser.

Tenya Iida and Yuga Aoyama were at the starting line and at the signal of Aizawa-sensei, they shot off. Tenya using his engine quirk to boost his speed and Yuga firing his laser while facing backwards. Tenya finished in three point zero four seconds and Yuga Aoyama finishing in six point eight seconds.

Next was Uraraka and a girl with pink skin and an even more pink hair, making her look like an alien of some sort. Her name was Mina Ashido and her quirk was acid. Uraraka had used her quirk to lighten the load on her body and had finished in seven point two eight seconds. Mina Ashido had finished in eight point nine seconds.

Deku was paired with Bakugo who was grinning at him deviously. He knew better than to use One for All in the test and risk breaking his legs once more. Aizawa gave the signal and they shot off, Bakugo using his explosion quirk to propel himself towards the finish line while Deku ran. Bakugo finished the event in five point four three seconds and Deku finished in seven point four nine seconds.

The next test was the grip test, with Deku getting a grip of forty kilograms. After that came the multiple sidestep test and the standing long jump test. Deku poured his power to his legs and jumped. He had used a little (very little) of One for All. "Four metres," Aizawa said as Deku stood back up to full height.

There were a couple of other tests before the ball throw test. Bakugo had already thrown so he wasn't among those participating.

"Infinity?!" the entire class said as Aizawa showed them the result of Uraraka's ball throw. Having a zero gravity quirk was pretty handy.

It was now Deku's turn and he made his way to the white circle and prepared to throw the ball. He hurled his hand back, but before Deku could throw it, he felt something wrap his head. He turned his head to look at the source and it was Aizawa. His eyes were blood red and the scarf around him was wrapped tightly around Deku, restricting his movement.

It was there that it hit him. The person standing in front of him was none other than the Underground Hero, Eraser Head.

"I erased your quirk. Don't be a fool. Remember what happened at the practical exams. No one wants a hero that can't fight. I suggest that you think things through, just drop out of the Hero course."

He let his carbon fiber drop and deactivated his quirk.

Deku looked at the ball in his hands and thought deeply. He had destroyed his hands when he first used One for All. What if he could do it like how he did at the standing long jump. No. That would not do anything. Maybe he could…

Deku held the ball and drew his hands backward. He lobbed the ball forward and before it left his hands, he gave it an extra boost with all the One for All he could muster in his index finger. The ball exploded as it shot forward. "Seven hundred and ten metres, not bad."

"Aizawa-sensei," Deku said causing the older man to turn to him. "I can still fight." He said as he clutched the arm with the broken finger with a grin.

"This guy," Aizawa muttered, letting a smirk grace his face.

"Deku," Bakugo yelled as he let explosions escape his palm. "I'm going to kill you." He charged at Deku who was a little winded on using One for All. Before he could reach Deku, Aizawa's carbon fibre material wrapped around his head, restraining his movement. He couldn't even let off his explosion quirk.

"You've made me use my quirk twice already. I have dry eye." Aizawa was irritated. He let his restraints drop as he tabulated their results and smirked.

"The person who came last is Minoru Mineta."

A short boy with purple blobs on his head gasped as tears started rolling down his cheek. "No way. No way," he sobbed deeply.

"Congratulations," Aizawa said as he looked at all of them. "I was only joking about one of you leaving the academy. I did that to make sure that all of you put in your best, so … congrats."

All of them were standing mouth agape at his revelation. "Now let's get back inside. It is best to not waste any time." He led them inside the building.

The next days went by fast and they were presently seated in the classroom, awaiting the Pro Hero that would come and take them on their next class.

"So," Uraraka began as she turned to Deku. "Who do you think is going to be taking us?"

Deku closed his eyes to think before speaking up. "It's most certainly going to be a Pro Hero, but who exactly, I can't say."

The entire class were actually engaged in a sort of back and forth discussion over this. They paused as they heard footsteps approaching their class at a rapid rate. Before they could comprehend who the footsteps belonged to, the doors burst open.


All of them looked up to see All Might, the Number 1 Hero. "Good morning young ones. I am All Might as you all know and I will be the one taking you on this class."

The class pretty much went ecstatic at that. The Number 1 Hero was taking them on a class.

"First I'd like to say, welcome to U.A., the best Hero School in Japan. Also I'd like to introduce you to the Basic Hero Training Class which I'll be in charge of… Unlike most of your other classes, this class will be held outside and it is also mandatory that you all attend it with your Hero Costumes." On seeing their confused faces, he continued. "The costumes that you guys submitted to U.A."

"The costumes are ready?!" a boy with blond hair practically shouted. Their costumes were

All Might nodded as he gestured to them. "Meet me down at Training Ground Beta, but first." He pressed a button on a remote and shelves protruded from the wall. "Those are your Hero Costumes labelled according to your seat number, later."

A few minutes later, they were out in the Training Ground and in front of them was All Might. All of them were clad in the Hero Costumes they had sent over. Deku's costume was a green jumpsuit with ear-like protrusions that mimicked All Might's hair and a respirator that mimicked his huge smile. Something the symbol of Peace noticed but shrugged off.

"Today we will be commencing with a Battle Trial training. It will be an indoor training exercise consisting of a duo of Heroes and Villains. Each team will be determined by drawing lots." All Might had two boxes labelled Hero and Villain, and they contained the names of all Class 1A members. "For the first Hero team…" he dug his hands and took out two names. "For Team A, Ochaco Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya."

Deku turned to look at Uraraka who was clad in a skintight costume, and she had a helmet on. "You hear that Deku, we're in a team together."

"That's... Nice," he said trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible. He would have to get used to this though, since they were on the same team. He was pulled out of his musings by All Might who was announcing the Villain team.

"Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida."

At the mention of his name, Tenya turned to Kacchan with an extended hand. "It will be nice working with you."

"Yeah, Yeah, just don't get in my way."

"Alright. Now that the teams have been chosen, the Villain team will be given a nuclear reactor and they are required to guard it inside this building."

While most hero and villain confrontation happened outdoors, the ones that happened indoors were also critical as they usually involved hostages and bombs. This would be a perfect simulation for them.

"If," All Might continued. "The Hero team restrains or recaptures the nuclear reactor, they win. But if the Villain team captures or knocks out the Heroes, they win. You're going to be on a timer that I won't disclose to anyone. That's how the real world works. The Heroes and Villains will be given five minutes of prep time, and once you hear the alarm, you are to begin."

Both teams nodded and the simulation began. All Might and the other students went to a kind of makeshift control tower where they could monitor the goings-on in the building.

"Okay Uraraka, this is all I can think of for a basic plan."

"I'm all ears Deku."

"Well, one thing is sure and that's Kacchan, he is going to come straight at us. And that means-"

"Tenya-san will be guarding the reactor alone."

'She's catching on.' "That's right. I think you should go after the reactor and I'll stall Kacchan long enough. Regards Iida, his quirk allows him move at fast speeds, and I can't think of a proper counter to it with your quirk, but-"

"Since his quirk involves running, I'll need to be stealthy and as a failsafe if I get caught, I'll cause rubble to float around us. That should buy me time to get the reactor."

"That's one way," Deku said as he began doing light exercises. "Other than that, we will communicate with the ear phones given to us."

The alarm went off.

Deku nodded to Uraraka and they began making their way inside the building. "Now it's just a matter of finding the room."

With Iida and Bakugou

"The alarms sounded," Kacchan said. "I'm going after Deku."

"What?! I'm guarding the reactor alone. I would have suggested we set traps to restrain them."

"Not necessary. I can take out Deku, always have and always will." He wanted to move but he stopped. "Is it true that Deku has a quirk?"

Tenya blinked. "You saw it at the test right? It's a powerful quirk."

"Figures," Kacchan said as he left the room. "Do not let them get that reactor."

Tenya turned to the reactor as he took deep breaths before letting out a maniacal laughter and announcing to himself that he would guard the reactor and ensure that no hero gets it.

With Midoriya and Uraraka

They were slowly making their way inside the building, taking the time to check some of the rooms. Deku knew that the reactor was most likely to be at the top floor. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. Rapid approaching footsteps. He shoved himself and Uraraka out of the way to escape Bakugou's explosion. As they recovered, he nodded to her and she left to go after Tenya.

"I don't know what is going through your head Deku, but, you suddenly feel that you can face me with that "new" quirk you just developed. You're dead wrong."

"Nope. I'm just confident in the fact that I'm going up against the person I admire the most save the Pros and my parents."

"Oh really," Kacchan said as he shot off towards Deku. The green-haired boy smirked. It was his "first" battle. First battle meaning that it was his first hero related battle. As Kacchan swung his fist, Deku caught it and used Kacchan's momentum against him.


Kacchan impacted the ground and the air in his lungs was knocked out of him. "Aargh! Damn Deku." Kacchan got up and tried to recover from the force of being slammed into the ground.

"Ever since you got your explosion quirk, we have been fighting. And all those times, you always start your battle with a big right hook."

"Guess you're not as dumb as you look. That means this would be a lot fun."

Both teens squared off against each other, feeling each other with nothing but their stares. As if there was a silent cry to begin battle, they shot off towards themselves.