
Blue Lock: Rise of the Miracle Striker

Meet a young basketball player who unexpectedly finds himself in a dark void controlled by a mysterious entity. But all is not lost, as this entity offers him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: a chance to live again, but with a catch - he must become the greatest striker in the football world and bring entertainment to the entity. The basketball player rises to the challenge, selecting three special abilities to aid him on his journey and embarking on an epic adventure in the world of Blue Lock. Will he have what it takes to become the best of the best, even though he will forget the conditions of his deal and his goal once he arrives? Join him as he strives to achieve greatness in this captivating tale of sports, power, and second chances. **Dear Readers, I'm so excited to finally share my first fanfiction with all of you! I poured my heart and soul into this story and I truly hope you enjoy it. This is my first attempt at fanfiction writing, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I could improve. Your feedback is invaluable to me and will help me grow as an author. As you read, I hope you get lost in the world I've created and become fully immersed in the story. I can't wait to hear about your favorite parts and what you think of the characters. Thank you for supporting me and for being a part of this exciting journey. I can't wait to see what the future holds! With gratitude, Ego_Epicenter

Ego_Epicenter · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Reo walked onto the field, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. This was it, the first official training session for the football club he had worked so hard to put together. As he looked around at the players, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were all here, ready to work hard and improve.

He called out to the team, "Alright, let's get started! Today we're going to focus on individual exercises. Let's give it our all and make sure we're ready for that upcoming match!"

The players split off, each going to their designated stations. Reo walked around, observing, pointing their mistakes and offering words of encouragement. He was impressed by how hard they were all working, and he knew they were going to be a force to be reckoned with.

As the training session came to an end, Reo stayed behind to do some extra training of his own, as he didn't exactly train while giving instructions. Nagi, who had been watching from the sidelines, walked over to him. "Man, you're something else," Nagi said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Reo just grinned, feeling the burn in his muscles. "I have to set an example for the team, right?"

Yuna, Nagi's twin sister and the team's manager, joined them on the field. "I have to admit, I'm impressed," she said, crossing her arms. "I've never seen anyone analyze every player's strengths and weaknesses like that before," Yuna added.

Reo had never considered himself to be particularly analytical, but the way his team had improved under his guidance was undeniable.

Reo paused for a moment, taking in their words. "I never realized that I had this ability before," he said to himself, thoughtfully. "It's almost like...like I've seen it before, in someone else."

As he reflected on his newfound ability, a nagging feeling of familiarity began to gnaw at the back of his mind. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it felt as if he had seen this type of analytical ability before.

And then it hit him. Momoi from Kuroko No Basket. Her ability to analyze her opponents and predict their movements was eerily similar to his own.

Reo shook his head in disbelief. Could it be that the anime he had been so obsessed with in his previous life had somehow influenced his own abilities? Or maybe this was granted to him? Or he was just making useless scenarios in his head. He couldn't be sure, but he knew one thing for certain: he was determined to become the best coach, manager and player he could be, and he would do whatever it takes to lead his team to victory.

Nagi and Yuna exchanged a glance, both thinking the same thing. "Could it be...your father?" Nagi asked tentatively.

Hearing the question, Reo brust out of laughing and the twins exchanged a glance again.

"Nah, it couldn't be my dad," Reo replied, still chuckling. "But it does remind me of someone else... and she was able to analyze the players' strengths and weaknesses and predict their moves."

As he delved deeper into his thoughts, he noticed that the missing pieces of the puzzle were beginning to align in his mind. With a sudden realization, he cried out, "That's it! This is what I've been struggling to grasp all along. I've been trying to steer this team without a clear comprehension of the strengths and weaknesses of each player. But, apparently, I have developed this ability unconsciously at some point, and now that I have recognized it, I can start customizing the training regimen to specifically cater to each player's needs, ultimately elevating the team's performance as a whole. Just like what happened during today's training session! And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can also delve into the analysis of our opponents and predict their strategies beforehand."

Nagi and Yuna watched as Reo's eyes lit up with understanding, impressed by his insight and determination.

Reo turned to his friends, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "You two are geniuses!" he exclaimed, wrapping them both in a tight hug.

"Hey, watch it!" Nagi complained, wincing as Reo's embrace squeezed his sore muscles. "I just finished a grueling training session."

Yuna rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. Despite his sweat-soaked clothes and the stench emanating from his body, she was happy to see Reo so excited. "What are you talking about, Reo?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Reo couldn't help but laugh at their reactions. He knew that Nagi exhausted and he himself was covered in sweat, but he couldn't help but feel elated at their achievement. He knew that with their help, they were one step closer to achieving their goal.

"Thank you, both of you," Reo said, giving them each a pat on the back. "I couldn't have done it without you.", he thought.

Reo pulled back, still beaming with joy. "It's just that... I didn't realize that I've been able to analyze each of the players' strengths and weaknesses."

Yuna's eyes widened in realization. "Could it be...?"

Reo nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude from the bottom of his heart. "Yes, I would have never realized it if you two hadn't pointed it out. Or atleast this soon. But now that I know, our chances of achieving our goal have just skyrocketed."

The three of them shared a smile, knowing that with Reo's newfound insight and their hard work, they were one step closer to making their dream a reality.


Reo let out a sigh of contentment as he walked out of the training ground with Nagi and Yuna. The three of them had just finished a grueling practice session, and they were all looking forward to a well-deserved treat.

"So, what do you say, guys? Ice cream?" Reo suggested, looking at his teammates with a grin.

"Yes please!" Nagi exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the thought of a cold, creamy treat. Yuna nodded in agreement, her own mouth watering at the prospect.

The three of them made their way to the nearby ice cream shop, chatting and laughing as they went. They talked about the team, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each player and coming up with ideas for how to improve their performance. Reo listened attentively, his mind already working on theories of how to use his own skills to help his teammates improve faster.

As they walked home, Reo's thoughts were consumed by the team. He couldn't wait to start putting his ideas into action and seeing the improvements in his teammates' abilities. With a renewed sense of purpose, he said goodbye to Nagi and Yuna, promising to see them at the next practice session.

With a smile on his face, Reo walked through the door of his house, already making plans for the next day's training session. He knew that there was still a long road ahead, but with his new understanding of his own abilities and the help of his teammates, he was confident that they could achieve their goal of competing in the nationals.

**Dear, Readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, so that I could improve it. Your feedback is invaluable to me and will help me improve the story. Plus, it will help me grow as an author. ;)

With gratitude,
