
Team V vs Team X


"WE WON!!!!"




"So, how did you guys feel? Did it feel good? Do you like winning?" Asked Keisuke smirking at his teammates.


"I LOVE IT!!!"

"Then, now you know to just follow instructions and you'll win." Said Keisuke.

"But, if you mess up in defense like in this game I'll fuck you up." Said Keisuke sneering.


"Hey, Keisuke did you figure out what Ego said before the game, if so is that how we won?" Asked Hiori as he sat down next to Keisuke.

"Sort of, if you noticed during the game the reason I scored so quick was because the faster I scored the easier it would get. Ego said it had something about working on our foundations, so I simply became the foundation for our team." Said Keisuke

"I see. A striker has to be amazing enough to lead his team... Someone who can incite the skills of his team's DF's and MF's... I think I get it." Said Hiori thoughtfully.

"Certainly, playing football normally, you wouldn't really stop to think about that..." Said Ishikari.

"So Ego purposely cobbled up a system where we could realize... That 'A team's best scorer is decided by who adapts the best'?" Exclaimed Kurona.

"I think so... Ego used that rule to make something clear to us. He forced us to discard our ideas of tactics and reasoning, to 'score goals entirely on our own'. And that our team's foundation could only come, after somebody scores a goal. Football, and the teams within it, are born from a top-notch striker. To start from scratch, I think that was Ego's message for us." Said Keisuke as he stood up.


"Well, Well, you're in the right track. Listen up, you unpolished gems. The second match of the fifth stratum concluded just a few moments ago... And Team Y beat Team Z with a score of 2-0. These are the current standings."

1st Team V 3 Points Goal Diff. +2

2nd Team Y 3 Points Goal Diff. +2

3rd Team X 0 Points Goal Diff. 0

4th Team W 0 Points Goal Diff. -2

5th Team Z 0 Points Goal Diff. -2



"'Beginning from scratch' and 'Making a foundation'. I see you have been thinking about my words but... It seems you haven't found the core of what's needed to 'create something from nothing'. To accomplish that, let us talk first... About our country, Japan."

"The Japanese are people who rejoice in having a fixed role to play. Whether as a society, as a group, or nearly anyone... It's good national character, to fulfill one's role. One could say it's a virtue. And it's easily applicable to sports. Can you think of a major sport where Japan competes as an equal against the world?"

"That would be baseball. Pitchers, catchers, infielders, outfielders... First batter, fourth batter... And more importantly, a system of defense and offense divided in innings. A field where players are isolated and rarely interact..."

"It is plainly a sport where one performs a single role while giving it their all, perfectly matching Japan's character. Thus, we are are strong. But football is different. Offense and defense intertwine continuously on the field... And the sport is played in close quarters. It's a game that can't be won by perfectly fulfilling just one role."

"Thus, what we need... is 'Individual Power'. That's where each of your strengths come in. As Japan stands now. Do you know what positions we can be proud of?"

"Midfielders and Sidebacks. Those work hard for the team's sake. Positions mainly focused on following established patterns, leaving it to strikers to become their team's foundation. It only makes sense for us to be so prolific in such positions! And yet, thanks to that selfless sacrifice... It can also be said that Japan's football hasn't evolved beyond that!"

"Like that, there can be no revolution. Now then, you unpolished gems, rewrite your common sense."

"You see, scoring goals in football means... 'Destroying' your opponent's structure!! In other words, strikers are 'Destroyers'!! A goal is nothing but instilling chaos in your opponents!! A revolution right on the field!! Strikers! Don't confine yourselves within boundaries of a role!! You are the beings incapable of follwing such a system!! To become the foundation of the team..."

"A striker carries a weapon! Something to disrupt the enemy's organization! To make them yield!! To destroy them!! Those are your 'Weapons'!!"

"Every single elite striker... Carries their own unique and unparalleled weapon!! Reflect on it! Deliberate on it! What are your bodies and brains capable of?!"

"It is only with your weapons, that you can make a revolution! And only then will you find your greatest self..."


"My... Weapon..."

'If all I need to become the best is a weapon, then I'll find it and hone it to the point where it terrifies everybody.'


"Alright listen here you shitheads, the only weapons that matter are Ishikari's, Kurona's, Hiori's, and mine."


"Shut up. As I was saying, what Ego said only matters for those that are actually talented and the one who actually did something last game were the four of us."


"You didn't let us..."

"That's right I didn't let you, but as a striker you must have the hunger to score goals because clearly you guys don't have that hunger which mean you're not a striker and never will be in my books." Said Keisuke smirking as he stood up.




"If you're going to be the best... No, not the best if you're just going to be striker you must want to score a goals at any cost."

"Anyway my weapon is my high-speed dribbling." Said Keisuke as he then gestured to Ishikari.

"My weapon is obviously my height." Said Ishikari with a deadpan face.

"My weapon is my passing..." Said Hiori.

"My weapon is... my speed in short turns." Said Kurona.

"Good, you know your weapons. As you can see these weapons will help you score goals unlike the rest of you." Said Keisuke with a condescending tone.


Fifth Stratum Game 4

Team V vs Team X

"Listen up, I'm going to change the formation up a little bit so here it is:


GK: Shitty Servant #1

DF: Shitty Servant #2-#5

DMF: Shitty Servant #6 & #7

AMF: Hiori & Kurona

FW: Ishikari & Keisuke

Also, Ishikari this time drop more into the midfield." Said Keisuke as he finished writing on a white board.

"Got it."

"Then, get ready to win, the rest of you servants don't mess up and be fast." Finished Keisuke as he then walked out of the locker room.


Both teams entered the field lining in their own half with Team X starting with the ball, a boy with white hair and a green strand standing in the middle.



Start of 1st Half

As soon as the whistle blew the boy with white hair flicked the ball to side and then got it back quickly taking off.

"Oi, green hair, where do you think you're going?" Asked Keisuke he ran towards the white-haired boy trying to steal the ball.

"None of your business."

The white hair player then passed the ball to the side and ran around his teammate receiving the ball.

As soon as Keisuke was about to tackle him he quickly passed the ball to the wing and ran away from Keisuke.

"Oi, get back you... Where the hell did he go?" Keisuke asked himself as his opponent had just suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

He then watched his team's defense slowly collapse by the sudden attack and found that the white hair player scored after appearing out of nowhere.

Team V 0-1 Team X

'Tch, what was that...?'

After the game restarted Hiori passed the ball to Keisuke who then took off passing half the team who rushed at him and right when he was about to shoot from outside the box he was kicked from behind.


"What the fuck...!"


"Foul, yellow card to number 6 of Team X."



Once everybody got set up for the free kick. Hiori ran up to the ball kicking it sending in a cross to the far post where Ishikari headed it into the goal equalizing the score.

Team V 1-1 Team X

"Hell Yeah!" Ishizaki excitedly screamed after scoring his first goal having not scored last game.



"Hey... Keisuke you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" Asked Hiori as he saw Keisuke staring off into space.

"Yeah... Don't worry about me... I was just thinking." Said Keisuke as he walked back along with team.

After the game restarted both teams played cautiously until the 20th minute where Keisuke tried running through the wing before being tackled out of bounds.


"Foul by number 5."

'Tch, again they keep fouling... Fucking bastards.' Thought Keisuke as he stood up stretching his legs after having already been fouled for the forth time in 20 minutes.

"Are you sure you're okay...? You've been fouled a couple time already, it looks like they're targeting you." Hiori asked as he placed the ball on the spot.

"As I said don't worry... Plus all I have to do is teach them a lesson, right?" Asked Keisuke smirking at Hiori.

Keisuke then walked into the box near the far post behind Ishikari using him as a cover with Ishikari being heavily guarded from having already scored a goal from a set piece.


Once Hiori ran up to send in the cross Keisuke had feeling deep inside him to run to the other side, so he did. Taken over by instincts without thinking he ran to other side in what he thought felt like a trance, and watched the ball go towards him. Turning at a certain angle he swung his left foot and volleyed the ball with blinding speed and deadly accuracy into the top left corner. After scoring the goal he fell to ground to due to being unbalanced in daze.

Team V 2-1 Team X

'Huh...? What was that...? Was that it?'

'It happened again, that feeling where everything goes blank and my body moves on its own.'

'It feels so... Good.'

Keisuke then stood up as everybody started hugging him celebrating the goal while he smiled maniacally.




"Settle down, you shitty servants. Let's keep going, I feel excited." Said Keisuke as he walked back his half.

"Hey Keisuke, what happened there?"

"Something amazing happened, I feel like I discovered something new, and all I need to do is perfect it then I'll truly be the strongest." Said Keisuke smirking at Kurona.

"Tch, you're already getting stronger, that means I'm being left behind." Said Kurona as he walked to his position.

The game soon resumed with Team V mostly in possession of the ball after leading the game. Although they created dangerous chances none of them succeeded.

In the 35th minute Team V started out another attack with Hiori leading the attack who sent a pass onto the wing to Kurona who then cut into the box and attempted to shoot with his left foot when suddenly he got blocked by the white haired player. Who then passed the ball to the center half and took off to the goal.

"Oi, where you going Mr. Ninja? You're my opponent this game, and I'm going to destroy you since you're in my way." Said Keisuke as he pressed the white haired player.

"Tch, shut up, my name's Otoya not Mr. Ninja, but thanks for the idea." Said Otoya as he ran even faster eventually passing Keisuke.

By the time they both reached the edge of the box, they were both running at their top speed waiting for the cross to come. Until Otoya suddenly paused, cut inside confusing Keisuke, and then cut back out getting Keisuke off his mark. Then the ball was crossed to Otoya leaving him to easily put it in the back of the net. All of this happening in a matter of seconds.

Team V 2-2 Team X



'Tch, another weirdo to worry about... But those moves were so sudden, unlike last time when he first scored... That means he got stronger in just one moment.'

'Interesting, almost like an awakening.'

"You fucks better not mess it up even more because I will break you if you let another goal in." Keisuke coldly said he stared at the rest of his team.

"Let's go score one last time before the half ends." Said Keisuke smirking at the rest of his team


By the time the game restarted it was already the 43rd minute with little time left. Most of team V rushed into the attack with Keisuke leading it and Hiori behind him. Soon all of Team V linked up passing the ball to each other getting past Team X quickly. Then Hiori who had the ball passed it to Kurona on the wing again.

Only this time instead of cutting in and shooting, he ran to the the corner and crossed the ball into the right side of the box.

"Here I go." Said Ishikari as he jumped to header the ball only to realize the cross was too high.


Right when the ball was about to go out of bounds Hiori saved the ball from bouncing out. Quickly he picked himself back up, took a step and sent fast flat pass with the outside of his left foot.

"There right? Keisuke!"

"Thanks, Hiori." Said Keisuke as he ran up to the ball and did a finesse shot sending into the top left corner.

Team V 3-2 Team X

Right after the ball entered the goal the whistle blew ending the first half.



End of 1st Half


Start of 2nd Half

"Hey, Hiori, Kurona, and Ishikari, leave the rest to me. I want to try out something new, so give me chance won't you." Said Keisuke as he got to the center spot with Hiori


"Go ahead."

"As long as you score."

"Don't worry about the scoring part." Said Keisuke as he flicked the ball to Hiori who quickly passed the ball back.

Keisuke then rushed in with the challenge of awakening himself even further so that he could control that feeling.

'Let's see... Who can stop me...' Thought Keisuke as he got past the first batch of players with just feints. Then he moved on onto the next batch with just pure speed. Onto the last 3 defenders.

"You're next." Said Keisuke to first of the three and did a la croqueta to get past him, moving onto the next he moved towards the right attracting both of the defenders left. When he suddenly did a chop dribble to the left getting past one and doing another chop dribble to the right getting past the last defender, leaving only the goalkeeper.

"You're the last one." Keisuke said smiling like a maniac as he suddenly felt that his dribbling was about to step into the realm of legends.

At that moment Ego saw something that he only saw once in a player and never saw it again. He saw Keisuke do such a fast step over at such a close distance from the goalkeeper, then moving to the left to quickly put it in the back of the net. What had just seen reminded him of a Brazilian legend... Not Kaka...

But Ronaldo "El Phenomenon" Nazario.


Team V 4-2 Team X





'That felt amazing... I wanna do it again!'

After that goal both teams slowed as they knew the result of the game. With only one still in game was Keisuke, but he kept getting fouled. By the 70th minute Keisuke had enough of the fouls his legs were slowly getting sore with all the kicks he faced all game.

"Hiori, I wanna take this free kick." Keisuke coldly said as he pushed his hair out of his face allowing Hiori to see his irritated sneer.

Soon enough the free kick was set up from 25 meters on the right side of the field. With both Hiori and Keisuke on spot. Once the whistle blew Hiori ran up faking the free kick causing the wall to jump leaving just enough time for Keisuke to run up to the ball and kick it right under the wall into the bottom right corner leaving the opponents shocked. Even Hiori didn't expect Keisuke to kick under the wall.

Team V 5-2 Team X




"HAHA! Thats what you fuckers deserve! Just so you know I'm still not done!" Yelled out Keisuke as he started laughing crazily.

"Oi, calm down and hurry up the game is about restart." Kurona told Keisuke as he slapped his back.

"Ahh!!That Hurt!!"

"Just... Never mind." Said Kurona as he shook his head in defeat.

"Okay..." Said Keisuke he started sulking back.

Soon after the game restarted Team X tried to launch one last attack before the game ended which all ended unsuccessful. After many failed attempts Team V got one last counter attack in the 86th minute with Keisuke in the lead of the attack as he attempted to get past everybody. Unfortunately the attack had to slow down due to the amount of people marking, but he then decided to send long pass to the wing to Kurona who was in 1v1 when he received the ball.

'My weapon isn't enough to score goals on my own... I need to find a way...' Thought Kurona as he decided to try something new like Keisuke had done.

Slowly Kurona dribbled to the corner of the box and closer to his opponent when he suddenly cut into the middle and accelerated getting past the defender and shot while running causing the shot to curve into the top left corner leaving the goalkeeper no chance to save it.

Team V 6-2 Team X


'I did it. I finally figured out how to score my own goal.' Thought Kurona excitedly at the possibilities before he was slapped in the back getting knocked over.

"Haha! You did it!" Keisuke said laughing.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem, I chose you for a reason."

After that the game ended pretty soon after, while everybody was walking away Keisuke was walking towards Otoya.

"Oi, ninja! You did a good job on being my opponent today. Make sure to get stronger, so that I can beat you at your full potential." Said Keisuke

"Eh... Sure..."

End of Match

Fifth Stratum Game 4

Winner: Team V


Who do you want Keisuke to team up with in the second selection and who do you want him to go against. Also, sorry for the wait I've been busy finishing the first selection and I'm about to write the second selection.
