
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · ファンタジー
71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 59: ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʟᴜsᴛ

"I hate to break it but there's two vampires who entered the house just now." Blue spoke bluntly in the midst of their laughters.

Everyone abruptly stopped at his statement and took in their surroundings. Eventually realizing that there are indeed two vampires who trespassed the house.

"Let's get this over with. I still need to create a serum. I forgot to bring some stocks with me since our good leader never mentioned anything about 24 hours!" Rhian scoffed and gave Samuel the look.

"Okay I'm joining. There is no way I'm not joining this time when y'all fought together back in Samuel's home!" Trevor said and quickly stood up from his seat.

Coleen and Yvel also stood up looking very excited and giddy.

"I wanna join too. Let's go." Coleen squealed while squeezing the gigglish goddess beside her due to excitement.

"You guys can take a rest and observe. We'll take care of those trespassers." Trevor snickered and playfully pulled back a strand of his hair to the back of his ear. Playfully teasing the others.

"I join too. Want fight!" Ysabella said as she stood up and practically threw her brother to Samuel's arms. The poor dragon flinching at the sudden action.

But before Ysabella can fully join Coleen and Yvel on their way out. Yalex snaked her waist and pulled her back.

"You're too fragile for this. Stay with us." He said straight to her ear with a calm voice.

Samuel was sure he was going to make fun of Yalex for this. Especially when Ysabella effortlessly pry off his hands and gave him a cold glare.

"I fight. You stay. I play with bloodsucker!" She said while pointing a finger at him.

To say Yalex was shocked would be an understatement. But he looks more completely dumbfounded at how she showed a new side of her. And that's really hot.

Ysabella quickly returned her bubbly expression and hopped towards the girls who immediately disappeared.

"We'll be back so don't miss us too much." Rhian chuckled before walking out with Trevor.

"You girls can take the one in here. We'll take the one upstairs." Rhian said before beckoning Trevor to follow him upstairs.

"Okay. So I'm not a fan of murder and massacres so let's just restrain the vampire and let the others take care of it maybe?" Yvel said and the other two agreed.

"He's watching us now. But he won't show up." Coleen whispered despite knowing that the vampire can probably hear it.

"Me. Bait." Ysabella mumbled to the two while pointing at herself.

"Phoenix blood. They not control themselves if I bait me. If vampire comes. You kill." Ysabella suggested.

And unlike earlier. She doesn't look giddy or excited, instead she was very serious and if only she's fluent speaking their language. She would've told them her plan in detail.

Coleen gestured a thumbs up to Ysabella. She left her hairclip to the phoenix before she dragged a confused Yvel with her to hide.

Once the two are out of sight. Ysabella used the pointy end of the hairclip to cut herself even with a smallest wound.

The phoenix stood very calmly. Sensing that the hiding vampire is getting riled up because of her scent that is now stronger than ever.

She let out a small grin. Locating the vampire hiding behind the large pillar not far from the stairs.

Show yourself.

She thought to herself with her own language.

"You're different." And just as she expected. The vampire finally showed himself.

His eyes were blood red but much darker. Shaded with pure lust. He stalked slowly towards the phoenix who remained composed.

Ysabella watch the vampire stalk around her and wondered if he'll escape if Coleen and Yvel only tries to 'restrain' him.

Ysabella spotted Yvel and Coleen finally coming for the vampire. So when the vampire sensed the two who are about to corner him. He tried to escape but Ysabella was quick to grab his neck and harshly pinned him to the floor.

Her eyes glowed orange as it morphs into viper slits.

"I want kill him." Ysabella said with a sly grin upon shifting her gaze to the two girls.

Her gaze was deadly wild. Too far from the giddy and gleeful phoenix they are used to. Coleen and Yvel looked at each other before the sorceress shook her head no.

"This is exactly why demons are evil. He's a bad influence to you." Coleen said and casted a simple spell that put the vampire into a trance under her command.

"You can let him go now. You're a white creature. You shouldn't think of killing at all." Yvel said and helped Ysabella to stand up.

The phoenix did stand up but pinned her foot on the vampire's body so he wouldn't be able to get up.

The two girls let out a dejected sigh as they look at Ysabella with disbelief.

"Yalex teaches you many things and it just had to include cruelness." Coleen muttered while shaking her head.

"He only teach me walk. And talk in your language." Ysabella said while gesturing with her hand. She sounds quite confident about it.

"Then I assume. You probably learned how to cuss first than the good ones." Coleen chuckled as she crossed her arms while looking at the older with a playful expression.

"Yes. The fu**er taught many bullsh*ts! He said. Bad people are bi**h, ass**les and motherfu----"

"Alright! That's enough!!!" Coleen laughed hilariously and quickly covered the phoenix mouth.

The three girls laughed afterwards because of Ysabella's hilariousness.

"Let him go now. We'll take him---" Yvel cut off herself as she turned around and saw Rhian and Trevor.

Rhian had blood all over her mouth. Trevor's clothes too were stained with blood, but of course. What will we know if they just stood there without expressions on their faces.

Well, aside from the fact that these two evil creatures probably murdered the poor vampire upstairs.

"Don't even ask. I know y'all won't manage to see what we did to that guy." Trevor said nonchalantly. Referring to the vampire they killed.

"I recognize his face." Rhian said although her eyes is glued to the phoenix. Probably because of her fresh wound that was attracting the vampire to her.

"I wonder what phoenix blood tastes..." she mumbled as if in a trance. Yvel and Coleen noticed her strange behaviour. And soon Rhian began walking slowly towards them.

Trevor quickly abandoned them with a rather calmed expression.

The girls were confused but they had to focus more on Rhian who were acting strange.

"I appreciate the tiger's blood earlier. Or the blood I've spilled from the filthy assh**e upstairs." The vampire said as she continues walking towards the three.

Coleen and Yvel instinctly stepped back. With Ysabella behind their backs and maintaining a safe distance.

"However. I can not deny. I could hear your blood calling for my name... I could hear it flowing in your veins. I wonder how it sounds if---"

"Rhian. Do you even hear yourself!?" Coleen cut her off with a stern voice.

She beckoned the other two to step back which they did. Yvel needed to make sure the phoenix is safe so she quickly wrapped Ysabella's hand with a handkerchief.

But it was of course not enough now that the vampire is completely seduced and tempted by her blood.

"It's enticing. I want it." Rhian said firmly and made a large step to the two but Coleen quickly pushed her back.

"Back off! You're bloodlust is controlling you! Get a grip!" Coleen had no choice but to yell at her face as she pushes the vampire with a strong force.

Rhian grumbled and immediately shot her a deadly glare. Her eyes glowed red and her fangs slowly reveals itself.

The vampire's complexion grew more paler as usual. Contrasting to her divine vampire traits.

And now a beauty that is not for everyone's eyes was behold to their eyes.

It's no longer a question why Rhian is also famous among her race. Because she's one of those vampires who can simply make you offer your own life just to get a glimpse of her deadly beauty.

Coleen's eyes went alert upon setting gaze at the aggressive vampire. It's really obvious that she is far from her self-control. And it's only a matter of time before she charges to attack the phoenix.

"Rhian I know you're still somewhere in that small brain of yours. You must fight your bloodlust. She is not one of your preys! She's your friend!" Coleen tried to talk her out of it. But it was pointless.

"I've had a taste of sorcerer's blood. It's also a good quality. And it will be fun to taste it again." Rhian said filled with lust and without hesitation. She charged towards Coleen and attempted to bite her instead.

"Rhian no!!!" Yvel screamed. She wanted to help them but can't leave the phoenix alone as well.

She can't also just run and drag Ysabella to the others then be back to help immediately. Rhian might end up hurting Coleen if she goes away.

So she could only hope now that Trevor left to get help.

"Rhian stop!!! Don't hurt her!!!" Yvel screamed as loud as she could. Hoping the others will be alerted by it.

Coleen was throwned to the wall. And since that doesn't satisfy the vampire without spilling blood. She attacked the sorceress without holding herself back.

Coleen didn't wanna fight back at first. Because she knows that Rhian is still there and was just overpowered by her bloodlust. She would never want something like this.

But the continious throwing and banging her head here and there made her feel it's enough.

Maybe you should try because it actually hurts.

Coleen grabbed Rhian by her arms and started pushing her while the vampire tried to push her back. The two trying to prove which is stronger. And no one is willing to give way.

"You're being such a bi**h! I swear I'll teach you a lesson for this if you throw me one more---Aaah!!!!" Coleen screamed when Rhian managed to trip her down by kicking her left foot that was keeping her balance.

Coleen fell hard on the floor with her head first. But before she could try to regain her footing, Rhian had hovered on top of her and pinned her arms on the floor.

Afraid that she might get bitten. Yvel immediately ran towards Rhian and grabbed her by her neck with her left arm before pulling her away.

More like dragging her since Yvel is taller.

"Stop it please. This isn't you--" Rhian pulled Yvel's arm and forced her to face the vampire.

"Wait for your da*n turn!" She growled before throwing Yvel to Ysabella. Causing the two of them to get thrown on the nearest wall causing a huge crack on it.

Rhian dashed back to Coleen who only just got to sit up. Pinning her to the floor again.

"Your people is gone!" The vampire said.

She leaned close to her ear and whispered.

"Your life abandoned you. What else do you have left but death?"

"But don't worry. I can assure you."

"Death is never the end. It's just a door to another adventure."