
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · ファンタジー
71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 38: ᴏʟᴅ sᴛᴏʀʏ

Five minutes had passed atleast and everyone are still in the same position. Watching carefully each and every movements of the baby dragon.

When it jumped onto Yvel's arm. That's when Coleen finally noticed a symbol burnt on her palm.

"W-what is that?" Coleen asked and pointed at the symbol. Everyone looking at it immediately.

"That must be the dragon's symbol. If she have it, it only means that she is his destined rider." Yalex explained and looked at their teary eyed leader.

He didn't cry like Jessi did and are still doing. He only teared up as he is still feeling very sentimental.

"Your hardwork of taking care of them paids off. You brought them both to where they belong." Yalex said to him without any bad intentions and only sincerity.

Samuel nodded and as if a cue. He finally started crying.

He had been there the longest with these two creatures.

He had been with them through every ups and downs.

He had seen many storms and deaths with them.

Passed the endless time with them.

And now that they are finally breathing the same air together. United with their destined partners. It made Jessi and Samuel feel like a proud parent.

But they were also sad at the same time. Because this would mean that they now have someone else to take care of them. Much better than they did. And that made them feel more emotional about it.

"Hey! It's alright. We did so well taking care of them!" Jessi said to him while wiping her tears but broke into tears again anyway. Jade and Coleen decided to calm her down while Yalex walked towards Samuel to offer comfort.

The phoenix turned into her human form again. Sensing the heavy worries of her caretakers.

She pouted and blinked her eyes multiple times before reaching her arms to them. Requesting for a hug. Jessi was quick to comply and hugged her while crying.

"My babies are all grown up!" Jessi cried and gently parted from the hug to pat the baby dragon on its head.

The creature purred and relaxed at the touch. Causing everyone to coo at the reaction.

"Come Samuel." The phoenix muttered almost very hard with pronunciation.

Samuel smiled at her effort before slowly stepping on the nest. Crouching beside them and he almost flinched when the dragon carelessly jumped on his lap. Playing as it keeps walking in circle.

Samuel chuckled and petted the creature. It gave the same reaction and snuggled further for his attention.

"I think he likes you a lot." Yalex said and the phoenix said something.

Everyone looked at either of the three who understands her. Waiting for translation.

"She said, My brother loved his voice. He sings to us all the time during the old days." Blue said as he smiles gently at the creatures.

Coleen and the other girls decided to check on Yvel. They were about to carry her to the couch but the dragon suddenly growled at them and it jumped on Yvel's stomach.

The little creature becoming territorial looked so cute. He looks very small.

From his viper ash and ocean blue eyes. His dark and little purple scale. Its small yet sharp detailed face and tail. He looked already perfect to think that if he grows more. They'll ran out of words to describe him.

They decided to leave Yvel on the nest because of her dragon.

Coleen had finished examining her and told everyone that she's good. She only passed out because of the powerful wave that she took face on.

And so they just stayed there.

Yalex and Trevor are sitting on the couch while watching the others.

Blue and Rhian were arguing on how they will play the phonograph.

And the others are busy playing with the baby dragon.

"Practically speaking. You're older than everyone here. So that means that you have also seen the time of the dragons." Trevor said to the demon that made both Rhian and Blue to look at them.

It was quite an interesting information especially if Yalex confirm it.

Yalex only chuckled. And then he showed Trevor and the other two his left palm. There was a symbol burnt on it but it was almost faded.

They've seen it before but disregarded thinking it's just a scar or a part of his demon thing.

"I was a rider too." Yalex said with a small smile.

The three immediately listened attentively. Waiting for him to continue to speak like children waiting for their parents to read them a story to sleep.

Yalex chukled and closed his palm before crossing his arms while leaning his back on the couch.

He took a few seconds of silence before finally giving them what they want...

"It was the old times indeed. Thousands of dragons and their riders ruled the world. Many people from every race almost have their own dragons."

"Me and two of my six brothers have dragons of our own..."

"That alone made us very powerful and superior. And my oh-so-fu**ing-great-father. The great assho** of all time. He didn't liked the idea of us being the same level as him."

"He used us to put an end to their time."

"The first dragon of us three, after killing atleast hundreds with our help. That dragon was incinerated by the fires of hell. No souls were left."

"The second dragon. It was killed by his own rider under the order of my father."

"And finally the last one. I named her Heathen. And because she didn't want to die in the hands of my father, she begged me to kill her instead."

Yalex trailed off and a small smile painted his lips as he looks at the baby dragon that is now biting off on Coleen's dress.

"She didn't want my father to kill him because of zero chance survival. That's when I realized that she had two eggs with her."

"She have a family she wanted to save. And she willingly offered her soul to me if I keep her eggs safe in exchange."

"Of course, a willingly offered soul remains the top of the best. Especially a supreme dragon of a demon."

"And you killed her!?" Blue exclaimed. Too immersed in his story.

"I was about to but her mate came to me and offered the same. However, his wife's safety included. His name is Icarus."

"Just imagine the fu**ing drama I witnessed."

"I used to hate admitting to it. But I think I can now." Yalex then chuckled as he began fiddling the tips of his fingers.

"I guess I really got attached with Heathen. So I showed mercy, for the first time that I could remember."

"I played a scheme my father nor anyone from home didn't know about."

"I took Icarus' life and his soul for compensation because it was too big of a risk. And then I allowed Heathen to stay alive and stucked in her human form."

"I brought them to one of the many angel's ancient caves. A place far from my father or even my own power and reach. And told her to find someone that can take care of her children for her. That once she does, she will come back to me as the end of the deal."

"Her soul came back to me unexpectedly. She was happy and contented saying she found someone."

"I didn't bother to know their names. Or who took care of them in her place. Because I'd rather think that they're dead for my father to never find out."

Yalex sighed bitterly and returned his gaze to the dragon and phoenix once more.

"What are the odds to bring us back in the same cave together." He whispered. "But without the mother..."

Yalex had stopped speaking and had his gaze locked at the two creatures.

The three were confused at first. Especially Trevor as he observes how Yalex stares at the two creatures.

And the sooner Trevor puzzled his stories altogether.

It kind of makes sense. But not at the same time. Because Heathens and Icarus had two dragon eggs.

And in the cave where they are right now have a phoenix and one dragon only.

The dragon can't be her son unless one of the dragon eggs were unfortunately exiled.

Trevor wished he could read minds right now. Something in the demon's story is connecting to Samuel, the dragon and the phoenix.

So he decided he will investigate about it starting by telling Samuel the story.

"Eew! What a drama!"