

Today I turned 20, and everything started to change. I don't know it is for good or bad but the change is certain. It all started a month ago, it was community gathering and my first time of attending it.

The sole reason for presence was to cheer my young brother Om for his first public performance of Sitar. It actually went well. All the entertainment programs were over and was time for dining and socializing.

I made new friends and was enjoying time with them when the disruption was made by an ringtone. It was an crazy song, everyone was searching for the holder of phone, then someone poke me saying "Probably it is your phone ringing."

How can it be mine, I don't have such song to be my ringtone. 'Oh that scheming Om, how can he do this to me' I almost screamed in my mind. 'You are dead meant in my hand today'.

Who is calling me? At this time? Haven't I informed my friends 'I won't be available today? Being CA student have already reduced my scope of socializing, chatting, outing. Which ultimately reduced the chances of me receiving calls and messages. Now I only the calls and messages registered on my phone are from service provider and once in a while from mom and two to three friends.

The caller happened to be mom, no wonder who else would be calling me... Is it already time to return home? But it is not even that late? I swiped the screen and took it to ear, as I was about to say something a very tender voice came from other side "Where are you dear?". I was stunned for the movement, what is happening? Am I hearing things?Is something wrong with my ear? Mom speaking in such voice gave me goosebumps, there is something fishy I can smell it.

"Aai , what happened?" as usual my question was ignored and "Where are you dear ?" was mom's response. "I am in …dining area. Why?" "Come to the right of fountain." Mom maintained the same tender voice. "Why? Is there something urgent? Can I come after 5 minutes?" "Come right now. At this instant." and the call was hung, her usual self…

After finishing the food on plate and bidding momentary farewell to my newly made friends I stared making my way to the fountain. Through the time mind was filled with various thoughts, reason for calling me over. Had she meet her cousins? Old friends? Want to introduce me to them? Or brag about her daughter? Are we already heading back?

And then I spotted her flaunting in traditional Maharashrian saree, talking in group of people. I made my way towards her "Aai[1], I am here." She smiled at me and continued "This is my daughter Rammya. Currently she is preparing for Intermediate." The two gentlemen turned their gaze towards me and we exchanged smiles.

One of them was man in his early 50s while the other looked like his son. "I'll look for mom…"was his sudden excuse and left with that note. From back the figure appeared to be tall, wide shoulders, masculine build, over all to be called as sexy figure. Mom and resumed their talk.

"Rammya, did you recognized me?" the uncle was asking with smile. Every Indian relative asks the same question 'do you recognize me?'. How can I know every single relative? All I did was just smile and smile. "when I last saw you, you were little kid just this much." Made the hand gesture till this waist. How can a kid old 6-7 year recognize face after so many years.

"Let me introduce." Mom spoke "this is my cousin aunt's, brother-in-laws daughter's husband". In India every relation has some special name, so this must be …. "Hello uncle". Till the time the guy came with a lady, she must be his mom and uncles wife. "Hello aunty". This is my son Rhythm" uncle said gesturing towards him. "Hi" I was looking at Rhythm. What's wrong with him? Why this guy is blushing so much?

"He is also pursuing CA. and just cleared 1st group of intermediate." his mom was bragging about him. "Oh congrats" was mine and moms reply at same time. "Why don't you give some tips to Rammya." Is it really necessary to say that mom I was almost cursing her in mind.

"Should I ?" Rhythm are you really gonna ask for permission for lecturing me? He cleared his throght. No No No not again… I was screaming in mind. "Look Rammya, you must study hard. Nothing comes without ...…"and it went on & on & on. Though his voice was melodious & was like song, but lecture remains lecture. Through time I bowed head down, pretending listening was actually inflating with anger and cursing mom, uncle, aunt & Rhythm … All in mind.

After finishing the long speech the guy also had courage to ask "Do you need extra study material? I can give you mine." Salute to this person… he is actually offering me extra when I am not even able to complete the part it. "Oh so kind of you. That would be great if she studies some extra." I was doomed and scornful face towards mom, ignoring me "when should come to pick books?". "The sooner the better aunty." Rhythm was smiling while talking. "What about day after tomorrow? Are you free then?" mom no I am not going. "That's best I'll sort books. Rammya don't forget to come." Rhythm was almost smiling coyly towards me.

[1] Aai- means mother in one of Indian language- Marathi
