

In pain was reborn as a new race and in rage she accidentally gained a gang. A whirlwind of emotion mixed with guns in their conquest to the summit that will break the norm It may even dye the oceans and pile up on the lands With a brighter and darker world opened up to her, can time heal the girl's heart that shattered or will she be dragged by her bloody rage for revenge. All we need to care about is pulling them into the red abyss together.

R_Twilight · ファンタジー
20 Chs


Everyone was shocked as the the cracked building didn't collapse. They turned to Lyza who vomited out blood with her body violently surrounded by aura. They saw a frightful creature formed above her and dare not try to see its true appearance.


They quickly got everyone out of the mansion as Lyza held it up with her aura which was a deep black-red color. When she saw everyone was outside, her children in front of her and smiled as she lost consciousness. The five floored building came crashing down on her and there was silence for a moment.

" MUUUUUUMMMM!!!!" Ken cried

Lyza other two children were daughter, Unity and Rosalie. They were all shocked at how Lyza gave her life for theirs and felt powerless. Jack looked at Jimmy and gasped seeing black tears running down his cheeks.

" Jim, c...calm down." Jack went

" Mum....NO!!!! MMMMUUUUMMMM!!!!" He cried and let out a roar.

His eyes turned black and shocked everyone by manifesting blue-black aura. The aura turned into a creature and the rubble started to float.


They brought Lyza's body and did immediate first-aid. Jimmy cried as she wasn't responding and his aura went rampart as he screamed. Lyza opened her eyes, her tail pulled Jimmy closer and she weakly stroked his head. They were was a bright light for a moment and the saw a tall woman with a baby.

" It's okay....hush..sleep now." she smiled

They saw Jimmy asleep on Lyza whom was asleep too when the light left. They returned to their old house and Pedro immediately started checking on Lyza.

" Why?" Owen was thinking " Why did she do that? I don't understand."

Aura- The manifestation of fighting specialist types in Breeds and Users have allowing them to coat themselves.

Soon Pedro called them stating Lyza was seated upright. She was drinking a milkshake making a loud slurping sound.

" WHY DID YOU RISK YOURSELF FOR US?!!!?!?!?!" Owen yelled

" Cause...your family?" She went trying to figure it as well

" YOU-" Owen went

" Eitherway.....Our combat power at the moment-" Lyza sighed

" Trash." they finished in dismay

" Yeah. So we'll need better weapons to cover the low combat prowess but how....." Lyza continued

" That's a good question. We don't have anyone good in mechanics and technology." Pedro sighed

Lyza smiled widely, " Why not do it the right way."

" As in?" Damian frowned

" By stealing it from Black Rattle...kekekekeke." she laughed

" We are very concerned. Perhaps Boss was more injured than we thought." they thought in silence

Lyza was about to get up before letting scream that sounded like she was in pain. She fell down back to the bed with blue eyes.

" That looks painful." Pedro smiled

" Y..Yo..YOU-" Lyza cried

" Allow me, Mother." Unity smiled " YOU UNGRATEFUL WETCHES!!!! I FUCKING SAVED YOU BITCHES!!!!"

" Thank you, Honey." Lyza smiled

" Mum.....can I steal the mechanics and technology place?" Jimmy asked

" THAT'S RIGHT!!!" Lyza smiled " I want you done as soon as possible. Everything and anything is allowed. Now.....WAIT."

Lyza held her tail and they were shocked as she snapped off the tip of it. The broken piece turned into a necklace and she gave it to Jimmy.

" Remember. Think happy thoughts unless you need to fight seriously." Lyza smiled "If you don't control your emotions people can get hurt alright?"

" Yes." Jimmy beamed his cheeks were stained from with tear marks

Jimmy and his guard Axel left to the best weapon mechanics run under Black Rattle Gang. The bustling of creations was keeping everyone busy with the upcoming fight.

" Hey kid. This isn't a playground." a person laughed

Jimmy's hair was black and blue with a blue strip on the black parts. His horns came from his forehead and curved to his head. He had a thin tail with a heart the end pointing outwards. In between in horns was a blue diamond and black nails.

" Who's the leader of this place?" Axel went " We are from Bloodhart."

Everyone was petrified and the Head Technician came out laughing.

" We are protected by Black Rattle. They're already on their way to destroy you all. We won't cooperate with you." he announced

Jimmy's tail sliced the man into half and the blood sprayed like a fountain as he turned to the others.

" Anyone else? We really don't have time for a ' reasonable' negotiation." Jimmy smiled


They looked at a person on the floor with supplies scattered everywhere. Jimmy approached the woman and picked up a blue print.

" This is nice." Jimmy complimented raising his tail " Just impractical honestly speaking."

His tail dipped into some ink, added and subtracted some things as he wrote notes. The other engineers and the like started surrounding him looking with a glow in their eyes.

" Do you need these made?" they asked

Jimmy nodded and they all sped to work as though reviving their passion for making things. Jimmy helped up the woman, Tiffany and appointed her as Supervisor.

" Who are you?" Tiffany asked

Jimmy smiled, " Jimmy Bloodhart. I'm expecting good things to come."

Jimmy and Axel left returning to base. Bloodhart became a hot topic even in places that weren't their territory. They were also preparing for the not-so-far fight between Bloodhart and Black Rattle when you stay in a level of gangsters you get used to violence, guns and whatever.

" No one is like Family Head Lyza Bloodhart. She was just a sweet girl." a woman smiled

" Didn't you see her appearance maybe she's a breed that can alter appearance?" her husband snapped

The two bickered over it and a man approached them.

" Where can I find the Bloodharts now?"

" You planning to join them. How sweet." the wife smiled

Her husband frowned, " There ain't no need to destroy you future with those hooligans."

The woman slapped him with a newspaper before giving the person directions happily. Life is sometimes cruelly funny, at the time the man enter Lyza and the other Bloodhart were on the same floor even Jimmy discussing.

" LYZA!!!" The man exclaimed loudly

She turned around and their eyes met. Her aura beast shrieked out, clawing into the floor, breaking the windows and everyone backed away from her. Her eyes were widened and partly red.

She forced a smile, " It's been a while.....Brother Leo."