

In pain was reborn as a new race and in rage she accidentally gained a gang. A whirlwind of emotion mixed with guns in their conquest to the summit that will break the norm It may even dye the oceans and pile up on the lands With a brighter and darker world opened up to her, can time heal the girl's heart that shattered or will she be dragged by her bloody rage for revenge. All we need to care about is pulling them into the red abyss together.

R_Twilight · ファンタジー
20 Chs


The teen introduced himself as Theodore and the twin sighed.

" What do you think you're doing?" Petunia frowned

Theodore smiled, " I'll be honest. I'm a Bloodhart-supporter, I was a mole within the institution."

" Why do you support these, monsters." Petunia went

" That hurt..." Unity's voice echoed

She came out of a tree and smiled

" They use all magic....." Petunia began

" That's actually a misunderstanding. I'm quite horrible at fire magic as compared to plant magic. We just use mana but not having affinity for an element is totally different." Unity interrupted

" Aura users...." Petunia went

" Once again everything is about affinity. We can use them but doesn't mean we're good at everything. We're more normal than you think." Unity sighed

" Would normal people aimlessly slaughter?" Petunia asked

Unity closed the distance between, " I would kill an ocean for my family. "

" Don't you notice, Petunia. Bloodhart is taking this level into a brighter age but if we resist it won't help change." Theodore smiled

Unity, Riccardo and Rina pushed back unsure on the weird situation before them. Theodore knocked out Petunia and they went to the others who finished of the other government people.

" Now we've done it. Our first day has gone down the drain." Rosalie laughed


" What's wrong with them?" Ken frowned " Do you usually cheer killers on?"

" Seems there are more supporters of Bloodhart than I thought." Theodore smiled

" Supporters?" Jimmy repeated " So.....the government will retaliate to our growing influence."

" Normal people don't know that we kill, right?" Ken asked to which Theodore nodded

The Bloodhart kids thought hard and a loud clanging sound was growing closer.

" What is that?" Rosalie snapped

" A tank....." they answered

Ken ran forward as it let out its projectile. He punched it back to the swarm of tanks. The numbers were overwhelming.

" Damn, are they going to war?" Ken frowned

A screen appeared in all regions and people whether in the underworld or not. Lyza in bad-shape, bruised and bleeding was shown with a blade by her throat.

" Mother?" Jimmy reacted


" Any last words?" the man asked Lyza

Lyza smiled, " Kids, this revenge is my own. I don't want it to be on too. You will always b my loving children but you are yourself first."

Lyza remembered her parents dreams being forced into her dreams and the pain of it as well. When they looked at her in the experimental ward with cold eyes and degrading her for failing in their dreams.

" It's not what would mother do but....what would I do in this situation-" Lyza went

The blade came down and shattered as Lyza started laughing loudly. Lyza started to cry from laugh as the executioner was extremely baffled.

" Did you see your faces.....' she gonna die'....hahahaha." Lyza laughed " I'll be honest, I don't want a war."

The government couldn't cut Lyza's broadcast. They barged into the room with guns blazing.

" On moment-" Lyza sighed

Jimmy jumped forward his teddy bear became a cannon attached to his left arm and fired bringing dozens of tanks down. Pure white large wings burst out of his back and Jimmy's eyes were black.

" Well, shall we get going too?" Ken smiled his eyes blackening as well

Unity and Rosalie also joined the fight, the number of tanks didn't seem to reduce and they were burning up stamina. Suddenly a person appeared and slashed at Jimmy's wings.

" You're done." she smiled

Jimmy was exhausted and the healing process was slow but he stood up staring at his opponent.

" What can you do without Lyza?" the enemy laughed

Jimmy smirked, " I think their is a misunderstand. Who said you only need to be scared of mother? She won't come to save us because I alone can beat you. That is my decision."

Tears started to ran down his eyes, he spread his wings and the scene started to overlap with many people who looked down on him and bullied him. He saw him flying in his mother's arm before a blue blazing target appeared on the woman's chest.

" Do you think you can scare me?" the woman laughed

Jimmy cried, " So painful...so sad.... I'll have to kill you....it's so sad, I can't help but mourn your death."

His summon, Aqua and turned into a whip with an ice handle that he grabbed. Jimmy wailed to the sky, it became cloudy and rained.

" This sorrow I feel can't be resolved as I must mourn those that will pass on. I so sorry...sorry.....you have to die but it's just too sad....."

Water blades started to stab people and the woman looked at the crying Jimmy with a horror that couldn't be explained.

Lyza was holding a head and covered in blood when the reinforcements arrived. A newbie ran away to reunite with his breakfast even the veterans felt queasy. She sat on the corpses that were dismantled to their bones and muscles.

" Why would you do this?" the leader asked

" Hate is a poisonous emotion. It kills and can never save anyone....that's why you must never hate because what comes after is sinister." Lyza rambled " Although this a secret between you and me."

" I ASKED WHY!! THEY DID NOTHING TO YOU!!!" He bursted out

Lyza picked up a card and saw the person resembled the leader. She came to he realization that she was his family member.

" Unfortunate. Hate isn't my main emotion but that will be a secret between us.....like you brother." she smiled

The couldn't react when they saw the world spinning and died.

" I just want to hate so I won't lose the resolve to revenge on my Sister." Lyza smiled in the silence " I can be quite pathetic sometimes....this path drenched in blood by a coward like myself...."

Lyza returned to the screen and smiled towards the citizens with a gleam in her eye.

" I don't want war but if you bite me, I'll shot you." Lyza went " I want to strengthen the level to rival the other Levels or even surpass them. It's up to you whether you will sit down and leave as it it or get up to change."

Lyza saw herself in the laboratory looking back at her but she smiled, " I want to change....how about you? Do you have the resolve to change yourself before changing this level?"

The streets were filled with supporters and people cheering her on. She said exactly what they wanted to hear and they were drawn into her abyss-like eyes.

" I will become the law." Lyza thought " I wonder will this new self change as well with these changes?"

Her past self looked back at her, " Aren't I you too? Will you let Lydia go?"

" No. This hate can't seem to change and that is who I am as well." Lyza grinned