
Chapter 4

Jackson went after Lily immediately she dashed out of the class. He couldn’t believe he was seeing her. He couldn’t believe that she was his fated mate. He had returned two days ago and has been lurking around her house but unable to go and meet her. Jackson realised that the white wolf he met in the morning was probably Lily. He had never seen her wolf before since she never transformed.

Lily dashed through the hallways ready to get away from him. It hurt his feelings but still went after her.

“Lily stop.” He called after her. She paused for a heartbeat then continued running. Jackson was glad that the classrooms were sound proof so they couldn’t hear the ruckus going on in the hallways.

He almost runs into her when she stops suddenly. She filled her hair and stared into his eyes with her hazel eyes.

“I. Am. Not. Your. Mate.” She gritted out. Jackson couldn’t believe that she was still keeping the grudge of 3 years ago. But her saying that she wasn’t his mate was like sticking a knife in his chest and twisting it around.

He stared at her and she stared back. She looked so different. More mature and more beautiful. Lily’s hard stare flattered for a bit.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked hiding her flustered cheeks with her light brown hair.

“you are so beautiful.” Jackson said stretching his hand to graze her cheek but she stepped back. His hand fell. Lily turned to go but his hand shot out and griped her exposed wrist holding her back.

They both audible gasped in shock. The electric static that flowed through them was overwhelming. Emotions, feelings and their heartbeats became one. The touch meant that their mating bond is strengthened and harder to resist.

Lily couldn’t control her reaction if she could. She felt herself lift of the ground and hover into the air until she was at eye level with Jackson. He stared into her purple eyes in shock and at her hovering feet.

“How?” he asked with so much questions in his eyes.

Lily used his distraction as a tool and pulled away from him running to the doors. Jackson stared after her then stared at his hands, he could still feel her in his hands. He placed it against his chest with a sigh.

Lily panted for air as she arrived home. Her father wasn’t home which was great. She didn’t have to explain anything. She feel back on her bed with her heart thundering against her chest. She tried to forget Jackson. He had gotten so much taller that her and was filled with purely muscle. His face looked carved by the gods and his green eyes were full of life. Lily sighed and buried her head under the blankets groaning to her pillow.

She looked at her mother’s half burnt book and hardened her heart. She wasn’t going to let him win simply because he was handsome.

Her phone rang startling her from her thoughts. It was her father.

“Hi dad.”

“Lily what’s wrong? The school called.” He said in a worried tone. Lily hated making her dad worry but she had no choice today.

“I suddenly got my period.” She said her face turning red in embarrassment.

“Oh…does that mean that we won’t celebrate your birthday tonight?” her father asked.

“We can celebrate it tomorrow.” Lily replied.

After chatting for a few minutes she hanged up.

The door pounded down stairs almost immediately after the call. Panic gripped lily she wondered if it was Jackson. She couldn’t be alone with Jackson. She doesn’t know what might happen.

The door pounded again and Hannah’s voice rang out.

“Lily it’s me, open up!”

Lily rushed to open the door. Hannah had a pissed look on her face once the door was opened.

“What was that all about at school?” She asked stepping into the living room.

“What do you mean?” Lily asked taking a bite from an apple on the counter.

“You know what I mean. Between you and Jackson. I thought you guys were friends why did you run off when you saw him.” Hannah says snatching the apple from her hand to prompt her to talk.

“We didn’t really end our friendship on a good note.” Lily said softly. This caused sympathy to grow for her in Hannah.

“We have to go for the mandatory welcome celebration for him.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere.” Lily groaned.

“You have no choice its mandatory.” Hannah said with a laugh pulling her to her room look for what to wear.

The party was very lively and full of chattering teenagers. It wasn’t really Lily’s scene but she didn’t want to dampen Hannah’s mood since she was really excited. She looks around but can’t really find Jackson which causing her chest to ache for some reason.

Lily looks for a quiet place to stay till the party is over. She goes to the pool area since no one is there. She stares at the moon and its reflection in the water. She takes in a deep breath but her senses is overwhelmed by the scent of the forest and earth. Jackson’s scent.

She looks behind her and he is standing there. She doesn’t know how he managed to sneak up to her without her noticing.

“What are you doing here?” lily asks trying to sound as mean as possible but it comes out breathless. She scolds herself internally for her lovesick behaviour.

“I was here before you.” Jackson said lowly. She shivered at the sound of his voice.

“Why-why aren’t you at your party?” Lily stammered out. They were too close to each other. Their scents fogging up each other minds.

It took Jackson everything to concentrate and not stare at her full pink lips.

“It’s not really my scene.” He replied.

“What?” lily said softly? She couldn’t remember what they were talking about anymore. Her eyes drifted to his lips and she licked her own lips.

Jackson couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled her against his chest. Lily stared up at him as his head dipped. But he didn’t meet her lips no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted her to meet him halfway.

His eyes widened when her lips touched his.

Sparks flew.