
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · ファンタジー
23 Chs

The Black Crows

Driven by anger and humiliation, The three managed to beat whatever power that was left of the weird force that was shoving them down just a second ago as they launched a mutual attack surrounding Myra from all sides… 

Myra analyzed the upcoming attacks one by one as she Dodged a quick punch aiming for her liver from Ken before she immediately dunked over Conor whose punch was of no skill whatsoever yet contained a dangerous inhumane amount of force and strength. 

But even then she had no time to rest before another swift attack came from her side as Ken's dead serious, focused face she had just sprinted away from appeared out of nowhere in front of her. 

And unlike the last time, she was unable to get out of this exchange intact as she was yet to regain her balance and was still unsteady… 

Myra felt the air getting knocked out of her lungs as soon as Ken's angry fist landed on her side… She was in so much pain and she wasn't sure but she felt like a few of her ribs were already broken… 

Ken took his chance as he once again sprinted towards Myra's side reaching it with an inhumane speed that even beginner superhumans can't reach without a speed-related ability… Ken's goal this time was Myra's chin hoping he can perhaps knock her out but when his hand was about to make contact with her face… 

Myra installed Ken's hand in place with her own using her higher strength to hold his punching, angry fist in place… But she seemed to have used too much force because of the sound of the cracking that echoed through the -now-messy tent as the loudest scream any of them had ever heard came out of Ken's throat… The pain in Ken's voice sent shivers down everyone's spine as their back became covered with cold sweat… 

They all felt frightened and dreaded but yet none of them showed a single sign of hesitation or uncertainty… In fact, they only seemed to have gotten even more mad as they looked at Myra with fierce stares that made chills crawl down her back down to her feet. 

Using their anger as fuel Ellen and Conor went for an attack from each side forcing Myra to kick Ken back as she used his body as a foothold to do a quick backflip barely able to escape the two's sudden attack. 

Raising her head as fast as possible to track the two's current location, Myra was amazed to see the look on their faces as it felt like their eyes were filled with blood and wanted nothing more than to see her death… 

The only time Myra was unfortunate enough to see that type of eyes was when fighting the mindless killing machines… Monsters were the only beings which had that crazed look that wanted nothing other than to rip apart the flesh and swim in a pool of the blood of their victims. 

'Damn it… I thought they barely knew each other??!?'

The only way a human could have that type of look on their face was when they witness someone they adore getting hurt so badly in front of them, and even then not many people would fall into that much hate and bloodlust. 

Sensing that something strange was happening, Myra suddenly thought of the expression Kai had previously when she still had ahold of him, back then she believed that he was just a perverted kid, and even after realizing she was wrong, she simply thought that face was his plan or perhaps his happiness because of the success of his plan. 

Yet now she had something inside her guts telling her she was wrong all along and she was now about to find out the truth… 

Myra turned her head to look at Kai's previous spot and there he was… Standing there with his hands behind his back with a grin that stretched from one ear to another and a crazy expression of pure euphoria painted on his face. 

Myra was instantly sucked into his blue oceanic eyes that felt like an actual ocean, she didn't know what it was… Yet something inside his eyes was so alluring and made her feel like she was being sucked into a vortex the more she kept staring into his eyes… 

Though Kai looked nothing older than a pure Ten-year-old child… In Myra's eyes, he was no child at all, this innocent-looking kid that didn't seem like he ever killed an ant in his entire life was nothing but true evil.

A Demon… 

The most evil monster Myra has ever seen, and it wasn't just because he was using his own friends and comrades like some replaceable tools, but it was something inside his eyes… Madness, death, misery, pain… And his eyes made it clear of how he wanted it to be inflicted on others…

After all, Myra had already seen many people with that type of psychotic, hateful eyes… And they had always terrified her to some extent, yet Kai's eyes were on a completely different level of frightening… 

Myra was so lost in her dread and fear from Kai's oceanic eyes that she didn't even notice Ellen and Conor's arrival to her side. 

With a 360 kick to Myra's belly, Ellen nearly sent her flying across the room if Conor wasn't there to catch her like a volleyball with his own kick to her back knocking all the air out of her. 

Cough* Cough * 

Myra's head got so dizzy after Conor's kick as she coughed out a pile of blood while trying to get up but failing to do so. 

'It hurts… Ugggh… '

Everything, whether it was her insides or outsides, her head or her liver… Every single part of her body was screaming in pain as her skin got paler and paler. 

The last two strikes really damaged her body internally and even externally as many of her bones were broken and some even went through some of her organs while others were popping out of her skin adding an additional amount of pain to what she was already in. 

'Is this how it ends???'

No… Not yet… She wasn't ready to die yet, there was so much she wanted to do, so many things she had to do… She couldn't let herself die here, not today… Not on the hands of a bunch of kids. 

She still had her little brother to take care of and she wasn't going to give up just yet, she slowly got up ignoring the excruciating pain invading her system. 

She looked Kai dead in the eye with a determined look on her face preparing for a final attack but before she was able to take any move she heard a calming, charming elegant, yet childish voice entering her ears. 

Looking into Kai's face with a shocked face, she couldn't believe it when she saw his previous evil smile switch into something entirely different as it became the purest, most innocent and most friendly smile she had ever seen… 

"Welcome to The Black Crows group Miss Myra… We're glad to have you with us" 

Those were the last words Myra was able to hear before her vision went dark…