
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Shocking Announcement

Meanwhile, Ellen was confused after watching the weird exchange between the father and son duo, she had a strange look on her face as she wondered internally… 

'What the heck just happened… '

Everything was going as expected when Kim entered happy and excited to see his son doing well as a father should be, though she was a little surprised by Kai's sudden change of behavior after Kim's entrance, she didn't think much of it as she thought Kai's health might have gone down a little… 

But shortly after reaching his son's side things started to get a little weird as Kim's eyes progressively turned into empty windows devoid of any sort of emotion or thought they once held, until eventually, they lost all life leaving a hollow void of emptiness in their wake. 

But then he went back to his ordinary self… Well, not really… For some reason she didn't know he looked like he was disgusted and ashamed of Kai… And somehow even Kai looked a little ashamed of himself like he failed to achieve what was expected of him. 

Ellen's confusion got to the point where she was questioning herself if there was some conversation that happened without her knowledge or when she wasn't paying attention… 

Which she knew wasn't true because of her enhanced senses as a superhuman and the fact she was giving her full attention between the two in hopes of knowing more about the person who gave her her power… 

'Could it be…?'

Thinking about the possible reasons for the weird exchange between the two, a crazy, wild guess swept over her mind as her expression changed into complete disbelief… 

'No, no!... It can't be possible… Even if he was a mad genius, it would still take him days to learn how to use it properly… '

Ellen instantly denied her wild thoughts as she couldn't believe it was even a possibility… No, it was more like she refused to believe it was one. 

'Ugh… Whatever. This is none of my business, I'm just gonna do my job for now…'

After about a day… 

Back at the family's mansion, Kai was back this morning and now holding a mug he was drinking some juice from while watching the beautiful night sky from his balcony, looking at the lofty moon standing proudly alone in the dark void of the sky always made Kai calm… No matter the situations he found himself in, it always made his mind clear and cooled him down. 

Staring at the moon for a couple more seconds, Kai shrugged the whole cup in one go before throwing it mindlessly to the ground. 

And of course, a sound of shattering echoed throughout the emptiness of the place as the broken glass scattered on the once-clean floor. 

Kai's face hadn't changed one bit before he turned around heading to the dining room, and as he got out of his room he gave a quick order to his servant. 

"Finn, clean the balcony please…" 


"Broke another glass huh? Sir, you do know these mugs are very expensive, right…?"

Kai gazed intensely at Finn sending shivers down his poor servant's spine… 

Realizing the mistake he made, Finn apologized immediately, but oddly enough, his voice contained no fear a normal servant should have when they insult their master… In fact, his voice was completely calm and didn't seem like he was afraid at all… 

"Please forgive my insolence Master Kai, I forgot my place for a second…" 

"Don't worry about it *sigh, I'm sorry Finn, I'm just feeling kinda stressed today, I'll make it up for you later…" 

"I'll be finished in a few minutes… Is there anything else you need me to do Sir?" 

Kai didn't answer instantly as he kept his eyes on Finn while many thoughts were running back and forth through his head… 

A few seconds later Kai seemed to have finally made up his mind as he gave Finn another final order before dismissing him to do his job. 

"Finn, pack up all my important things and prepare them for me…" 

"Huh? Are you going somewhere Master Kai…?"

Kai didn't answer Finn's question as he took off leaving his servant baffled and frozen in confusion. 


Around the same dining table as before, Kai and his family were eating in silence repeating stuff just like the last time. 

And of course, just like the last time, Mark was the one to break the silence with his usual unjustified hate for Kai. 

"So, Kai… Is what we've heard true?" 

Kai took a sip of the red juice in front of him though he had just drank a cup of orange juice before answering Mark's ridiculing question. 

"I don't know brother, it depends… What did you hear?" 

"Don't play a fool on us Kai, you know very well what I'm talking about, the rumors about your ability, are they valid… Is it true that your ability is something that only makes you smarter?" 

It wasn't just Mark that was interested in figuring out if this was true or not as even Nora and Martha seemed to be curious about this, and so they all stared extremely at Kai waiting for his confirmation or denial. 

Taking another sip of his cup like he had no care in the world, Kai closed his eyes before letting out an annoyed sigh as he answered… 

"Yes, brother… Those rumors aren't false, it's the absolute truth… My superpower is something this useless" 

As the last word came out of his mouth, Kai glanced at his father from the side of his eye with a bit of hope and expectation in his eye, which didn't slide down from his siblings and mother's attention as all of their jaws dropped to the ground. 

Seeing Kai show any type of emotion was something rare enough that he only does on certain occasions, but showing emotions such as hope, or even expecting something from someone was a thing they had never ever seen Kai do, not even once in his entire life. 

Even Mark who was going to mock his brother for obtaining such a worthless ability was lost for words as his jaw was left hanging in shock. 

He, alongside his sister and mother, turned their heads towards Kim waiting for his reaction in complete sync like they were training for that moment for their whole life. 

But what they didn't expect and what made them even more surprised was the bomb Kim decided to throw on their heads… 

"Kai, prepare yourself for travelling tomorrow, you'll be joining the military..."