
That Guy

Shin showed them some fragmented scenes from his memories, he didn't show that much just what they needed to know, meaning some scenes of the Soul Society arc, the Arrancar arc, and finally, the final fight against Aizen, all captains including Isshin and Urahara being straight up bossed around by Aizen, He didn't show them Ichigo's fight against Aizen and how Urahara sealed him.

With everything they have seen, Urahara agreed to retrieve the Hogyoku from Rukia's soul, and give it to Shin, but he did make him swear on his Soul not to use it in any way, which he accepted.

Although the hogyoku was powerful, he didn't particularly need it, there were too many opportunities for him to grow even more than he currently was, and there was no need to come back on his promise or tread around it with some wordplay or anything. It was just not worth it.

He would just keep it in his Inventory till, perhaps come a time when he wouldn't be able to make do without it, which he hoped would never be the case.

Sound stupid? Yes, perhaps that was the case but that didn't matter to him, he was not one to come back on his words.

With that, a week went by, and everybody went back to their occupations, making preparation for their future battles, even if it didn't seem necessary since Shin already seemed strong enough to take care of Aizen.

Still, against someone like Aizen, it was always better to be prepared. Perhaps he was overestimating the man but, then again, that was better than underestimating him.

Another interesting piece of news was that he was asked out by Yoruichi, it was as surprising as it was not. How? seems pretty contradictory, isn't it?

Well, considering her personality, it was not strange that she would ask him out if she liked him, but he was still a little surprised as people tended to act differently when they were in love, so to see her still act accordingly to herself is a relief, he wouldn't want her to become all love struck crazy or some, that would have been too damn hard to accept. Only if he knew...

Anyway, although she asked him out, they decided to put it off for now as it was just not the right time for that. One, they needed to get done with the preparations, train Ichigo and his friends, who at this point already unlocked their abilities, and also Shin also wanted to get used to his, too many things to do for them to go on a date.

Now that he had the Hogyoku in his Inventory he didn't need to worry about Aizen going all butterfly thus, he took his time to get used to his new powers.

Although she was pissed knowing what Urahara did to her without her consent and she was right to be, she understood the bigger picture and thus didn't make a big scene, still, that didn't mean that she Forgave him though.

After getting the Hogyoku out of her Soul Rukia's powers started coming back to her, they still wanted to make Aizen think that she was in possession of it, so after talking to her about it, she accepted to become bait to draw Aizen out, a decision that Ichigo was particularly against, but since she already excepted he could do nothing about it. Instead, he dedicated his time to training.

But the question was, how would they make Aizen believe that she still had it within her? Well, it was the easy part, really, with Urahara being its creator it was not hard to make something that possessed the same energy signature as the Hogyoku and give it to Rukia but this time instead of putting it inside her Soul, she just had to put it in her Haori, between her almost nonexistent breast...

That pretty much sums up everything that happened that week, thus here they were, in Urahara's shop underground Area, Ichigo training with Isshin, Yoruichi taking care of Orihime and Chad, and surprisingly Shin training with Urahara.

You may wonder, why would Shin who was already stronger than Urahara trained with him. Well, the answer was rather simple, experience. Urahara has experience as a Shinigami that Shin does not, thus he was learning the Shinigami way.

And who says Shinigami says also, Kido, yes Kido, that was what he wanted to learn.

"I told you already, Learning kido is not that easy, although it is not difficult in the first levels, meaning from 1 to 20, after that, it becomes exponentially harder, and that's without even talking about implementing meeting them into your combat style." Urahara sighed, there was just too little time for him to learn Kido, even for someone like him it has taken years before he become an expert at it. And that's him, most need hundreds of years just to be decent.

"It seems like you still don't "know" me well, but that's also to be expected. You are right, it's indeed not easy if not straight up almost impossible to do that. But that's for normal people. Those people learn it the normal way, but as you may know, I am everything but normal." Shin said as the corner of his mouth raised in a smirk making Urahara feel a little uncomfortable.

"I already possessed the basic knowledge regarding kido, and I could learn it all by myself with enough time, but sadly, time is something we lack... well not really lack, but I am not willing to put off Aizen's matter thus after thinking about it for a minute, I came up with a solution." Shin said as his gaze on the shop owner became more and more predatory much to the latter's apprehension.

As he said, Shin was not normal so why would he bother doing it the normal way? He was a reincarnator, thus he was a cheater, and what does a cheater do? Cheat, of course.

"Rather than one, there are two to be exact, be since I know that you wouldn't accept me getting in your head to get the information, there is only one other way." Of course, he could force himself into his head but was he really going to mind rape an ally? Of course not, he wouldn't.

As Urahara heard what Shin said, he couldn't help but feel a chill going through his whole body, he definitely didn't like this idea... Nothing was worse for someone like him than to have someone mess with his head. Like it was his selling point. Wouldn't he become useless if something turned wrong? Yes, He definitely hated that Idea.

"The Other option will take more time but it's still way faster than the normal way, all you got to do is use all the spells you know one after the other." Seeing the man's reaction, Shin shook his head, since he couldn't get it directly from his head and also didn't want to lose too much time looking through the memory of the "world" itself, it's better to do it this way.

"Wait, but wouldn't it be better to learn from Tessai? It's his specialty after all." Urahara tried to pass the responsibility to someone else, yep, he didn't want to deal with someone like Shin. He felt like the young man was a little too unpredictable to his liking... Quite Ironic isn't it?

"Please, stop kidding me, I know full well, what y'all are capable of to an extent, I told, it's all about knowledge, in fact 'knowledge is power' has never been truer than in my case. I already know, that although he is a little better than you in Kiddo, it's not by much, thus you are still more than enough qualified to do it." Shin said a little exasperated, during this week he didn't just get accustomed to his new powers, he also used them for his own benefice.

He browsed through the memory of the world that he called the "Akashik Record." he believed that every world had one, there he could access the knowledge of everything that happened in this world since its creation, the problem was that he had to waste a considerable amount of time to find what he looked for since the event in different parallels realities were also there even with the assistance of his system it was not easy. He believed that not only the future but if he were to get even more familiar with his power then he could also come to "know" the future or more like futures.

Even then since he was curious about many things he wasted some time gathering information that he needed. A remark, he already knows the Bankai of Urahara and his father. He even discovered that Aizen effectively had one, and man it's terrifying, to say the least.

So speak, he knows many things, it could also be said that "knowledge" was his thing now. he became "him", that guy.

"Fine... at least I tried." Urahara nonchalantly shrugged, if he couldn't avoid it, then he'd rather quickly get done with it.

"I much prefer." As Shin said, they started going through all kido, He wanted to get learn them all in a single go, but it was impossible, even with his method, there were just too many of them, going from one to the Forbidden ones, he wanted to learn them all, thus it would take at least three days since getting out of reishi was a thing. At least for non-Quincy since they could just take some from the surroundings to recover Quickly.

But how could Shin even learn them so quickly? It was easier to learn this way because of the implication of what Urahara was doing, with the scientist using kido, the related knowledge literally flew to his head as he analyzed the said knowledge to gain an understanding... and this way, he just needed to see a technique once to be able to recreate it on his own and that wasn't just restricted to spell but also physical skills. But Unique Abilities like Zanpakuto's or hollows were really difficult to replicate... yes difficult but not impossible, though he hasn't tried it yet, he knew it was possible with enough time and effort.

The more he thought about it, the more overpowered his ability seemed to him...
