
Ch. 10 Sailing Ships

Jotaro walked inside the apartment. His body aching now. A testament to his physical durability of his human body. Only to ache after the beating he took.

He sees Tatsuki collapsed against the wall still.

Jotaro walks up to her and lays her down on her back. Then he moves his palms over her shoulder that was bleeding. Using his Kaido she is easily healed. It's just the blood on her shirt and the ripped shirt itself that would be evidence of the fight this night.

Jotaro goes back outside. The stairs becoming more of a bother the more he used them.

He sees Orihime still crying. "Ichigo. Take her inside to her body"

Ichigo doesn't say anything and picks her up. She clings to his Shihakusho and cries some more.

Ichigo jumps through the hole in the wall.

At the side of the building Jotaro uses his unique Kido: Chikei no Shufuku.

Light was emitted by his palms and the building was restored. You couldn't even tell there was just a life or death battle.

Rukia is left outside with Jotaro. Rukia is still on the ground.

Jotaro doesn't say anything and walks to her side. "Idiot"

Rukia has a vein bulge on her forehead. "Huh!?"

She turns to him and sees his tears, or what's left of them. His eyes still covered. His hands glowing green.

Rukia had used Kaido even in her souls current state. It was an unnecessary risk for her to take. So he just silently filled her spiritual pressure back up to what her current body and soul can handle. It'll take a long while for her to heal completely.

"Thanks…" Rukia looks to her front. Her pajama slightly wet from Orihime's tears.

Jotaro stands back up once he's healed her. He has his arms across his torso. And he just stands there. Tall and unwavering.

"Why don't you heal yourself now?" Rukia asks as she watches the shining stars in the sky.

"Because" Jotaro knows why. He wants to remember that his actions have consequences. That he will get himself hurt and possibly killed, along with those around him.

"Because you're and idiot" Rukia finishes for himself. She brings her knees up to her chest and hugs them.

"Brother?" Jotaro asks.

"Older" Rukia thinks about her brother back in soul society. "Adopted"

"He was?"

"No…" Rukia releases a helpless sigh. "…I was"

Jotaro stayed silent.

"And…the only reason why….was because…" Rukia put her head down and Jotaro noticed her shoulders shaking.

"…because I just happened to look like my brothers late wife…." Rukia continued on after taking a breath. "…I just got lucky….to be adopted in the noble Kuchiki clan….lucky because of my looks…not because of who I am….or how strong I am….just pity and my looks….. I know he cares about me….but he's so strict…."

"Knock it off" Jotaro's voice was blunt.

Rukia turned around angry and hurt. She hadn't ever told anyone about this. And he just…. Acted like himself. She was stupid to expec-

"Who cares why he chose you" Jotaro took his hat off. It revealed his dark black hair that was curly in some places but mostly was spiky and flowed to the back of his head.

"He chose you so it doesn't matter. You're his little sister. And he's you're older brother. I don't know the guy…or your clan and the nobles. But I know a decent bit in general"

Jotaro crouches down on the balls of his feet to get down to Rukia's level. Which was very close to the ground, she's short.

"Older brothers are always stricter on their younger siblings. They want to see them succeed where they themselves struggled and might have failed. They don't want their younger siblings to fail, so they are harsh on them. And I can only imagine it's worse in the SoulSociety. One mistake and that's it. He will lose you just like how he lost his wife. If he didn't push you to be stronger to defend yourself, he would beat himself up for not doing it. And because he's doing it, he probably beats himself up for pushing you so hard"

Jotaro puts his hat on her head.

"Just know, you only see half the story. You can only guess, or take the other persons word, about what the other side is like"

Jotaro stands up. "Or something bullshit like that"

He walks down the street and out of her view.

Rukia sits in the middle of the road with Jotaro's hat on her head. It was warm and a little big. But her hair helped fill it in. And even if the back was ripped it still fit on her head without sliding off.

Rukia mulls over what Jotaro said. It was…bizarre. He tried to cheer her up. And did a better job than she thought he could ever do. She doesn't know why she told him about her brother or the clan. She just…did.

"Rukia!" She looks to the window and sees Ichigo looking down at her. "Where did Jotaro go?!"

"He….had something to take care of"

"Arrrgghhhh! Well come up here. I don't know what to do with these two!" Ichigo states

"How about you leave and lock the door you dunce?!" Rukia didn't understand why he was freaking out.

"Then you talk to Tatsuki's mom!" Ichigo tosses a phone towards Rukia who catches it.

Ichigo can't hear what she said but she tossed the phone back up to him.

"It's taken care of!" She smugly smiles as she stands on the ground.

"How?!" Ichigo doesn't understand.

"I can be pretty persuasive when I need to be~" she says in her cute high schooler voice.

"Geez…whatever" Ichigo goes and locks the door and then exits through the window.

He lands next to Rukia. "You never did explain why you were in my closet"

"Don't worry your empty head about it"

"Empty?! I'll have you kno-!"

———With Jotaro———

Jotaro took his phone out of his pocket. His mom was calling. He answered.

"Jotaro?! Is that you?!"

"Yes" Jotaro held the phone in his left hand as he continued walking.

"Where are you?! Orihime isn't answering her phone! She was supposed to just get some things from her apartment and eat dinner there then come back! But it's been so long! You aren't home! I came back from the Kurosaki's home and nobody was home! I-I"

"I was just with Orihime, mom. Orihime and Tatsuki are going to be sleeping there. They were cleaning the place and got tired. And apparently their dinner was pretty good they said"

"You we're with them? Pheeew…." Jotaro can hear her relaxing on the other side of the call.

"I was so worried. She never has done that before"

"She'll be home tomorrow morning probably"

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm alright"

"Are you sure? Are you coming home soon?"

"I'm sure. And I've got some things to do tonight. I won't be home till tomorrow. Sorry"

Jotaro hears crying on the other side of the phone.

"*sniffle*. Alright. Thank you for answering. Be safe. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. I'll see you tomorrow"

Jotaro hangs up. He knows his mom knows something is up. She didn't cry because she was sad. Those were her tears of joy. He could tell the difference like night and day skies.

He was going to head home, but since he knows she is fine he heads towards Urahara's Shop.

He gets near the shop when he stops and leans his back against the wall. He coughs into his left hand and sees blood on his hand. "Shit"

"That's definitely what you look like" He hears Requis say. He looks to his left and up on the wall is a black cat.

"Oh really? Hadn't fucking noticed" Jotaro stands up.

"Why don't you just heal yourself with Kaido. Even in your current state you should be perfectly fine and capable of healing yourself"Yoruichi says in her usual deep melodiously rough voice.

"Because" Jotaro walks towards the shop. He's almost there.

"You're just making it worse for yourself. Your pain resistance is already at a commendable level. Not many other soul reapers can shrug off what you have"

"I don't care about the normal soul reapers"

"You definitely aren't ok. You never are this talkative. Something must've happened"

"Yare Yare" Jotaro messes with his hair and runs his right hand from the front of his hair to the back.

"There's the Jotaro Kujo I know" Yoruichi was walking along the top of the wall, matching Jotaros pace.

Jotaro gets to the shop. He opens the door and enters.

"What are you doing here Jotaro?! Miss me already?!" Kisuke has his folding fan covering his face except his eyes.

Jotaro just glares at him and walks to the training ground.

"Yoruichi?" Kisuke asks.

"He's just helped Ichigo with a Hollow. And it was a tough one. But not physically….emotionally"

"Ah. Flesh wounds always heal with time. And all emotional wounds also heal over time. But the scars the emotional wounds leave behind, they will forever be etched into your soul. You must be able to learn to clean the wound and allow proper time for it to heal the best it can, to minimize the scar"

"Meh, I'd give it a 10 for effort but 7 since it's choppy"

"Darn" Kisuke folds his fan and goes after Jotaro. "Tessai, you got the front"

Kisuke and Yoruichi go to the training ground and see Jotaro healing his body while he is in his soul reaper form. After he heals his body he starts running around.

As fast as he can, randomly using various HoHo techniques. He also starts casting random Kido. He casts Bakudo and Hado at what seems random. But he's casting various Bakudo barriers and trying to destroy them with Hado techniques.

Kisuke whistles. "Hadn't seen this done before"

"He seems to be trying something new" Yoruichi says.

"He seems more motivated at least. Oh? Now he's adding in Hakuda to the routine"

"Interesting~" Yoruichi enjoys watching this human train. It's always amusing. Especially since he's gifted in HoHo and Hakuda. Not to mention how hard working he is.

The longer Jotaro goes the more difficult Kido he uses. You would expect him to slow down over time. But he's just starting.

Kisuke watches for 45 minutes before leaving. Yoruichi watch for another hour before she also leaves.

Jotaro is egged on by his Zanpakuto spirit. "Stronger! Faster! Not good enough! Quicker! Put more strength into your punches! Switch to your Zanpakuto as well! Keep going! Harder!" Over the course of the entire night Jotaro was destroying the landscape around him. Hōfuku Ryoku was enjoying this. He hadn't expected Jotaro to do something like this.

By the time he stops the entire place is practically leveled. Jotaro is standing in the middle of the entire space with his Zanpakuto in both hands. He's practicing his Zanjutsu against Bakudo art 81: Denku. It creates a translucent wall that can block all Kido based attacks up to 89. So it's pretty durable. He has been swinging his Zanpakuto and moving around the giant wall for quite some time. He finally feels tired. He grabs the buster sword in both hands and holds it above his head.

He shouts as he brings the blade down vertically. The Zanpakuto makes contact with the wall and there is a cracking sound.

Jotaro shouts louder and his platinum colored Reiatsu erupts around him. Then a second later the wall shatters as his Zanpakuto crashes through it and into the ground.

Jotaro doesn't move after his Reiatsu disperses. He's breathing heavily. Sweat dripping off his brow and chin. He looks up at where the wall had been. He sees his Zanpakuto in the ground in front of him. But there is a huge cut in the ground in front of him that looks more like a canyon. It gets wider the farther away from his Zanpakuto.

Jotaro stands up and puts his Zanpakuto on his back. He puts his hands together in front of him. "Unique Kido art: Kanzen'na chikei shūfuku". His body glows a bright white as the terrain around him starts to reappear and reform.

This was a new technique he had made while he was destroying everything. After clearing the land he would have to move his hand to repair it and it was limited by a certain range. But this new technique allows for entire large areas to be repaired. It was like rewinding time, but it wasn't. Messing with space and time were forbidden and he really didn't want to get in trouble when he hadn't even been there yet.

There meaning the Seireitei.

Jotaro rises with the terrain as it finishes forming.

He then goes over towards where the table is and saw his body. He laid down in his body and got up, now in his human body.

He stretched and then went back to laying on the table. He put his arms under his head and closed his eyes. He was so very, very tired.

Once his eyes were closed they wouldn't open. Even when he felt 4 paws on his chest.

Yoruichi had jumped onto Jotaro. She curled up into a ball on his chest and also went to sleep. She got tired just from watching him. And it had been hours of him destroying the training ground and then trying to get his new Kido. It was not quick either. But Jotaro didn't stop and kept going. It was the next day already and Kisuke had called his mother. He said Jotaro was busy helping Jinta and Ururu.

She was happy he was helping out and that he was helping kids.

Jotaro felt Yoruichi breathing on top of him. And her weight wasn't too much. Just enough for him to be aware she is there without affecting his breathing.

2343 words

I wonder what happened while he was busy training?

Hope everyone Enjoyed!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts