
Blackwings; A Devil Princess' Adventures on the Surface World

Grey is just your typical, average high school student who joined the Occult Club but became part of a laughingstock because it’s been stated that all their club activities are nothing but a hoax. Days had passed and the members left, leaving him alone in the club. One day, he found some old notes from the club’s alumni members. He decided to leave the club for good after doing the note’s last activity—summoning a devil. He’s certain that it’s going to fail anyway but, after a single drop of blood, an unexpected event has occurred.

krsaysk · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Volume.01 - Chapter 01: A Devil’s Ascension to the Mortal Realm.

Hearing her daughter's question, she was surprised.

"Oh my, honey! How did you know about that? You're not supposed to know about humans until you're 16,000 years of age."

Kureha lowers her head, "I didn't mean to hear that, but Papa was talking about it in the lounge with his associate."

Her mother gently strokes her temple with her index finger, "That father of yours… Sigh…"

Her mother turned around and took a few steps.


"Let's move to the lounge, honey." She beckoned.

Without turning around, her mother left the room.

Kureha also followed up.


Moving to the lounge, there stood a fetching maid, preparing tea. With cute little horns peeking in her pink, short-bub hair, she's also wearing red-rimmed glasses.

"Mistress," she slightly lowered her head. "your tea is ready."

"Thank you, Goldoon." She said as she sat on a single-seated couch.

Goldoon stepped beside Kureha's mother and stood there composed while holding a silver platter in her hands.

It was quite a spacious lounge than average. On one wall, there hangs a large canvas art of an apocalyptic world. The concept of the art is terrible, but it was a masterpiece. Above, there suspended a chandelier that covered half of the ceiling. There are also a few bookshelves on the sides and the glass window panes are similar to Kureha's room.

Kureha then sat on a couch in front of her mother.

Her mother sipped on her porcelain teacup, then silence occurred between them in a moment…

"You see, honey. Lower demons such as yourself can't know about humans until the right time. But since you've already heard about it, I can tell you."

Kureha's expression lightens up, "Really?"

"But I can only tell you an insufficient amount of information."

"Well, I guess that's fine…"

Kureha took a sip on her teacup.

"The Human Realm is located at the flat surface, or above this realm. And as I said before, higher demons can only make contact with them. For example, your father, Goldoon, and of course… Me." She put her hand on her chest wearing a bright smile.

"Are they dangerous?"

"Oh my! Of course, they're not. But if you make it to the surface world, your very being will turn feeble than you are here."

"Why is that, Mama?"

"The surface world will alleviate your prowess. In addition to that, humans have Gods in their side." Then her expression became terrifying. "And believe me it's surely will be problematic if you encounter a clerical human."

Goldoon moved a few meters away and Kureha got goosebumps from her mother's ominous aura that's oozing out.

"Um… Mama?"

Just then, her mother's expression changes back to normal, "So never go up there until your time comes. Is that clear, honey?"

"Um… Y-yes." Kureha replied in a low tone.

And with that, her mother stood and left the lounge.

Little did she know something sparked inside Kureha...

"Hm?" Goldoon glanced at Kureha and noticed determination in her eyes.

After learning a little information about humans, Kureha decided to embark on an epic quest—going to the surface world; the Human Realm.

"So… How will I go there?"

Back to Kureha's room, she's sitting on a couch in front of her window, thinking various ideas on how to ascend there.

It may seem hard, but she's certain that it's not impossible. Exchanging words with her mother and knowing even little information is enough for her motivation.


"Pardon me for speaking, but Mistress will not allow such action," Goldoon spoke from behind. "I suggest for you to stop."

Kureha turned her head, calmly.

"Oh. Goldoon."

Goldoon sighs, "I am truly sorry, but I must prevent you to—!"

"Say, aren't you a demon with high caliber?" Kureha said, cutting her off.

"Yes, I am." She replied, politely.

"Do you know a way to get to the surface world?"

"Yes." She nodded. "You can either pass the Hell's Gate or letting a human summon you in the fortress—!"

Goldoon suddenly covered her mouth with both hands, realized that she's giving confidential information to Kureha.

Kureha laughs, "You're still as clumsy as you are, Goldoon."

Goldoon curls herself, hiding her face with her knees. "This is bad… Mistress will definitely kill me…" She muttered.

Kureha let out a cute laugh, "Don't worry. I will try to convince Mama about this anyways."

Goldoon let out a sigh of relief since her mother wouldn't allow that. But Kureha will still go even if she fails to convince her mother. She's already decided that she'll ascend no matter what.

"No!" Kureha's mother exclaimed. "Didn't we already discuss this matter? You're still young to encounter humans. To be blunt, you're weak. And you'll become weaker if you go there."

"B-but, Mama—!"

"Enough of this." She raised a hand. "Goldoon, please accompany my daughter to her room."

Kureha didn't say anything and obediently went back to her room and beckoned Goldoon that it's not necessary for her company.

Kureha's mother sat on a couch and gently pressed her forehead with her left hand and sighed.

"Mistress?" Goldoon approached.

Then Kureha's mother shows a smile, "Like father like daughter, huh… Listen closely, Goldoon…"


Inside Kureha's room…

"Excuse me—!" When Goldoon walked in, Kureha was nowhere to be seen and her window is widely opened.

Realizing the situation, Goldoon immediately rushed towards Kureha's mother to report what happened.


"I think that's the place…" Kureha's hovering in the air, above a dread swamp; on the outskirts of their land. This swamp used to be Kureha's playground with other demons when she was young, thus she felt nostalgia when she glanced at it.

She showed a smile.

On the horizon, she saw a sea of flames intensely surging, consuming the land with echoing cries from the distance. With haste, she flew straight towards there.

With her flight speed, she just entered the main territory. Now that she's over their land's border, the cries of the unfortunate souls are now louder and they keep on stretching their arms, reaching for her. However, for a normal demon they shouldn't, yet she felt pity as she watches and passes by them, scorching for eternity.

"Those are humans…?" Kureha thought to herself.

Thus, she made an unusual, firm decision of trying to befriend humans… No matter how sly they are.

In the distance, a fortress can be seen. It was adjacent to a humongous, active volcano behind.

Kureha landed gently near the portcullis.

Then, she saw two higher demons guarding on the opposite sides.

"Okay. This should be easy…"

She muttered, building up the courage to encounter them.

Kureha's not yet near them, but they were alerted from her presence. She also noticed that they're staring at her.

They didn't notice it from each other, but they, Kureha includes, gulped at the same time when they met each other's eyes.

Now, she's right in front of them. But…

"Um… hello." Kureha greeted. "May I pass here?"

In Kureha's eyes, apart from their ugly faces, the two were terrifying. But that's normal since they're higher demons, unlike her.

On the other hand, in the guard's eyes, Kureha was so intimidating they couldn't even muster their strength to speak. They felt as if they met someone who can devour them easily the moment they make a wrong move.

It's in the demons' nature where they can sense other demons, or creatures, to figure out who's on the top and who's on the bottom. In this scenario, albeit being a lower demon, Kureha still has royal blood, coursing through her veins. Even if you're the lowest of the low, if you're in a prestigious family, you're as good as a higher demon or much more.

The guard on the left managed to beckon her to enter the fortress with their head lowered.

Kureha nodded and continued to walk.


"Mistress!" Goldoon barged inside the chambers of Kureha's mother. She didn't say anything but only gave a nod.

At that moment, Kureha's mother knew what that gesture indicates.

She sighs and smiles, "It's time."


Kureha made it inside the fortress.

Although the moment she entered the hall, all face turned to her in silence.

It was filled with, of course, demons. But not just demons, extraordinary and mystical creatures are there as well. Among them are human-looking, so she thought they're literally humans at first.

As if she owned the place, Kureha continued her way deeper inside, keeping up her calm and collected manner. Then, one of the demons, wearing a red suit, approached Kureha and two demons followed from behind...

"Greetings, Princess." Greeted the demon with his head, lowered. "What brings you to this place?"

Kureha just glanced at him from head to toe and knew he was a noble.

His skin is as white as paper but his eyes are pitch black. No horns and no tail, but his teeth are absolutely razor sharp.

"Yes," She responded with a slight bow. "where can I find the Hell's Gate?"


Just then, all fell in panic.



Be it nobility or royalty, a demon must not ascend to the mortal realm if it's not their time. This rule is mandatory to all—even to Angels.

If this rule didn't exist, the world will be a "No Man's Land" for eternity. Humanity will not even survive.

In Heaven, if an angel breaks this rule, that angel will become a Fallen, in other words, a pseudo-demon, and it can't return from whence it came. In Hell, if a demon breaks this rule, that demon will get thrown into the Abyss and fall, forever.

"Hold on, why is everyone panicking?" Kureha tilted her head in confusion.


With the noble's sudden exclamation, all froze in their feet.

Even Kureha was surprised.

"My apologies for that, Princess." Said the noble. "Please follow me, let's talk in private."

Moving into a private area, Kureha was led by the noble from the hall to the balcony on the second floor of the fortress. The balcony was quite spacious and can see the occurrence of apocalypse in the distance. The environment seemed peaceful but the cries of suffering are echoing along with the wind's current.

His servants remained by the entrance of the balcony.

"So," the noble spoke. "why are you finding Hell's Gate? This is not yet your time, Princess Kurono from the eastern lands."

"You know me?"

Kureha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course. Demons know who you are, especially those who're on the top of the triangle. Your grandfather excels at dark magic, so your family name is known throughout the realm."

"I see," Kureha muttered.

"Anyways, going back to my question. Going to the human world, when it's not your time yet, is taboo. Whatever your reason is, I don't think your family will approve of it."

Kureha sigh, "I am fully aware of what will I become when I ascend. I don't need your pity. Just tell me where the Gate is and I shall be on my way."

The noble crosses his arms and stares at the view.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Now that you've told me your objective, I will do my utmost best to stop you." Then he glanced at Kureha.

Kureha narrowed her eyes in response to the noble's remark.

She clenched her fists as she's gradually spreading her wings…

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You have no escape in this realm even if you run away."

So said the noble, but Kureha showed a grin…

"Well, there is one place that I can escape to…"

The noble glanced at Kureha and he convinced himself that she's firm in her decision to ascend. Realizing that, he pointed at Kureha, then the other two demons showed up behind her.



A sudden voice took their attention. There stood Goldoon on the edge of the balcony with multiple utensils on both hands, in between her fingers.

Goldoon arranges her glasses with a fork, "Milady, it is time to take you home." With a serious face, she stated in a cool demeanor.

Seeing Goldoon's expression, Kureha knew she wouldn't be able to escape the scene. She sighed and hid her wings.

Goldoon quickly clenched her fists and opened her palms, making the utensils disappear. As if it's human magic, in the eyes of a human magician, it is called 'Sleight of Hand'.

Goldoon starts to walk towards them, "My apologies for the mess that Milady has made, Sir." She halted and lowered her head to the noble.

"A Rakshesa, eh." Said the noble. "That's quite a form you got there. Is that the real you, or are you hiding your true face?"

Goldoon arranges her glasses, "Kindly keep your remarks to yourself, Sir." She then scowled at the noble.


The noble smirked and shrugged. He turned and left with the two demons, disappearing inside the fortress.

"I didn't know you were this cool, Goldoon." Kureha stated. "But I know very well that you're cute and clumsy."

Kureha giggled.

"W-we should go, Milady."

Goldoon said without looking at her since hearing Kureha's remark, her face turned beet red.

Surely, Kureha noticed that and followed up behind her wearing a smile.


Kureha and Goldoon are lingering inside the fortress for a while now and Kureha's starting to get suspicious…

"Goldoon, I thought we're going back home? Why are we still walking around here?"

Kureha wondered.

Goldoon's not saying a single word after hearing Kureha's question.

Surrounded by well-structured walls, the two made their way down the spiral, stone staircase with a well-designed banister.

The deeper they went, the eerier the atmosphere became. They could see a surging flame with the naked eye deep below, and with every step, it grew brighter.

After a while, they finally reached the end. In the middle, they were greeted by a pillar of flames, the same flames they saw while going down. As soon as they passed the threshold, a large library was exposed to their view. It was a ridiculously spacious library with thousands and thousands of bookshelves. Looking from left to right, all you can see are rows and columns of bookshelves are filled with not just books, but also tattered and compiled cloth parchments and scrolls.

"Milady," Goldoon called out as she spread her wings. "I shall be waiting for you…"

So she said and flew away.


Kureha decided to linger around for a bit before following up with Goldoon. Her feeling of being overwhelmed by these many books has not yet subsided, so out of curiosity, she approached the nearest bookshelf and took one book.

There was nothing written on the book's cover, it's just leather. She opened the book and the second page showed something…

It was a profile of a human male; Basic information about the man was written on that single page. She's not reading it word by word but as she kept skimming the pages, she realized that this book contains the life of a single human.

What was written on the last page is the man's death. The book is not even that thick, which means this guy led a short life compared to other books.

In conclusion; This ridiculously vast library is the database of humanity who were fated to suffer for eternity.

Kureha returns the book and sigh,

"How unfortunate…" She muttered.

She spread her wings and took flight in the air, making her way towards Goldoon who's waiting somewhere in the library.

As she hovers in the air, Kureha saw a large pentagram carved below on the ground with a 10ft radius of measurement. In the center of that pentagram, erected a marble lectern in average height, and it was fixated on the mossy floor. Around that circle are long tables and chairs with stacked books, papers, and scrolls atop of it.

There stood Goldoon skimming a book. Kureha gently landed behind her…

"You sure took your time, Milady." Goldoon placed the book she's holding on a near table. "Aren't you in a hurry to ascend?"

Kureha frowns, "Hold on, you're helping me get access to the Gate?"

Along with the tables, there's a wide space in between.

Goldoon walked by it…

"I am helping you to ascend but not through the Gate," She then gestured by extending her right arm. "but through Summoning via here, in this center of the library."

Then something came to Kureha's mind, "Oh, right! You were about to say that I can ascend either the Hell's Gate or Summoning. It's thanks to your clumsiness." She said with a bright smile.

Goldoon clears her throat, "A-anyway, let's begin the ritual." She approached the lectern and clapped.

The moment she did, books that reached to a hundred, flung from nowhere and hovered around the pentagram, as if she was inside a dome of papers. Then, the intricate lines of the pentagram glowed and ignited small, bluish flames.


The only word that came out from Kureha as she was astonished from witnessing the scene in front of her.


Kureha entered the dome and approached Goldoon.

The books opened and pages start to flip.

It's like endless pages that keep on flipping.

"These books around us contains people who are making a ritual for a demon's contract, as we speak," Goldoon explained. "Pick one, Milady."

"Eh? I just randomly pick one?" Kureha asked in confusion.

"Of course!" Goldoon replied as she arranged her glasses. "You're a demon. You don't need to be picky when you're making a contract with a human."

"I-I see."

Kureha starts to observe every book that is hovering around them. In the eyes of a normal person, it's just an illusion or a grand magic trick at best. But in the case of Kureha, the moment her eyes laid on a book, every piece of information that is written within will enter her mind.

It's not because she has overwhelming prowess that can read every word written in a book with a single glance, it's because every paper in this library contains magic that makes it easier for a reader.

"Let's see…" Kureha put her index finger on her chin. "I want a human who's not that famous or well-known. A novice when it comes to ritual-making, and a human who's desperate enough to make it work and wanted to prove something…"

"Hm. Quite specific..." Goldoon arranged her glasses, then clapped.

The books that were once reached a hundred were narrowed to only one. This one book hovered towards Kureha and halted in front of her.

"This is the only book that contains your preferences, Milady."

Goldoon explained.

"Oh!" Kureha exclaimed in excitement. "Let's see…"

The book opened and stopped to the second page revealing basic information about a human. Kureha caressed her chin with her thumb and index fingers as she read the page.

"Hm?" Goldoon was alarmed. She gazed in direction of perceived hazard, then arranged her glasses. "We don't have much time, Milady. We should start the ritual."

Goldoon approached Kureha and took the book. She then placed it on the lectern…

"Milady, stand here and drop your blood on the last page. After that, wait for the human to finish the ritual. I will buy you some time…" Goldoon instructed.

She spread her wings and flew away. Kureha turned her head to the lectern and pursed her lips in concentration. She knew the consequences of breaking a taboo and thus realizing that Goldoon went to confront those who are pursuing Kureha.

"Hurry up, human," Kureha muttered.

In the entrance of the library, a familiar demon walks out from the threshold. It's the same demon that Kureha encountered earlier; The Demon Noble. On a high point of the wall sat a figure gazing down on him.

That spot was dark, hence the figure won't be seen, but…

"I know you're out there, Rakshesa!" Exclaimed the noble. "You may erase your presence but I can feel your sadistic gaze even from a mile away."

Yes. The figure who's sitting on the wall was Goldoon. She let out a sigh and jumped from her spot, landing in front of the noble. She stood and narrowed her eyes the moment she laid her eyes on him.

The noble starts to clap, "That was fantastic. I didn't expect that you wore white stockings with a garter belt. It was a feast for my eyes—!"


Goldoon threw a fork at the noble. With a speed that almost can't be seen from the naked eyes, the fork passed the noble's ear with a whistle, impaling the wall behind him.

"Consider it as a warning, Sir." Goldoon showed an icy stare as she arranged her glasses.

A creepy smile showed from the noble's lips. He snapped his fingers and suddenly, two black figures jumped out from the entrance and quickly flew in a straight direction. Goldoon's eyes were dilated the moment she realized that the two black figures were the noble's servants, the two demons with him earlier, and on their way to apprehend Kureha.

"Well then…" Said the noble. "Shall we start?"


In an instant, when Goldoon clenched her fists, various kitchen utensils appeared in between her fingers. Meanwhile, the noble's fingernails grew a bit longer and sharper.

"Say, I'm willing to overlook these actions if you would become my—!"

Cutting off the noble's words, Goldoon threw a few with a precise aim at his forehead, but he quickly leaned his head, dodging Goldoon's attack.

"If those were normal utensils, I would gladly let them stab my head, but…" He glanced at Goldoon's hands. "Applying that will definitely hurt me."

As he said, normal objects deal no damage to the demons. The reason why he dodged Goldoon's attack is that she's applying certain magic that even the slightest scratch can nullify a demon's power temporarily.

Goldoon suddenly jumped in the air, almost exposing her undergarments but for some reason was covered by her legs, and threw more utensils at him so fast that it makes whistling sounds, similar to a full speed of a released arrow.

The noble evaded and deflected them with his fingernails and jumped towards Goldoon in high-speed. As he did, he landed a clean kick to Goldoon's abdominal area, making her flung away.

The noble landed on the floor with a drop of his left knee.

He stood and knew that his blow is not enough to bring Goldoon down.

"I guess it's time to chase a mouse…" So he said with a grin.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he abruptly opened them, his eyes turned jet-black. In his perspective, he can see Goldoon running in the distance, quite a far position from him. As if he activated his wallhack, he can see anything even if there's a very thick wall in front of him.

He grins broadly, "On your way to stop my servants, eh."

Suddenly, he vanished from his position, leaving a trail of smoke.

He sprinted so quick it's unnoticeable.

But, after his single blink, Goldoon disappeared from his eyes.


He instantly stopped on his tracks and began looking around to search Goldoon's location. But unfortunately for him, she completely vanished under his nose.

Although he knew that Goldoon's goal is to prevent his servants from apprehending Kureha, he's still cautious of her. Goldoon is a shape-shifter after all, hence he thought that she might turn into one of his servants to get his guard down and use that opportunity to detain him.

Not even a minute has passed and he sensed a demon somewhere. He immediately thought that it might be Goldoon in disguise, but it was strange since he can't see any figures or silhouettes in his vision. He sped up his pace and trusted his senses rather than relying on his wallhack. The demon he sensed was nearing and it's just a few bookshelves away. When he finally passed the last bookshelf, he turned to look—there he saw his servant walking around slowly with its arms reaching out without its head.

He clicks his tongue as he realizes Goldoon's plan, "What a nuisance."

"Is it this long for a human to summon a demon?" Kureha let out an audible exhalation. "This is boring—!"

Just then, she was alarmed by something. She turned around to check and saw a demon sneering at her, then another demon appeared from behind.

"Those are the servants of that noble…" Kureha muttered while frowning.

She's beginning to get worried about Goldoon since she confronted them. Albeit being in a notable family, Kureha only knows a few magic and spells. Mostly for defense and fortification, but those abilities are the ones she needed at this moment. The only thing that she needs to do is to prevent these two demons from sabotaging the ritual. With haste, she stretched out both arms and used a spell where an invisible wall was constructed in between her and the demons.

The first demon tried to break through with its club, but its attack was deflected as if a ball bounced off the wall. The second one tried to throw a small, sharp object but was ricocheted to the ground.

Kureha smirks at them, "I'm a demon from a royal family, you know."


"Damn! Why didn't I realize sooner?" The noble thought as he's sprinting his way to the center of the library. "She intentionally received my attack for her to catch up with my servants."

He fell from Goldoon's plan all along the moment they fought and his last attack was the trigger to her success. The moment Goldoon saw his servants appeared, she knew that he will buy his servants enough time so that she can't prevent them from stopping Kureha.

But the moment he kicked Goldoon, his plan was already failed and now she's currently in disguise as one of his servants.

Goldoon also knew that Kureha can defend herself, but it will be much easier for Kureha with her around. She is the Kurono's Head Maid after all, hence she needs to stay by her side all the time.

With the noble almost reaching his destination, the center of the library, he jumped very high so that he could see the situation below…

But he was too late—

Goldoon beheaded his other servant in sheer speed.

As she did, her body was enveloped by thick, bloody veins crawling from her foot up to her head, with creepy, skin-tingling rustling sounds which are quite similar to a centipede's crawl; She reverted back to her normal form as she arranged her glasses.

"Eh? Goldoon?!" Kureha exclaimed in surprise.

"I admit, you got me there, Rakshesa…" Said the noble with a broad grin. "But this ends now—!"

The noble rushed towards Goldoon with his claws ready for slashing. Goldoon leaped back, crossed her arms, and threw some thick needles but she missed him. He narrowed his left eye and halted, thinking that she intentionally missed him.

He glanced over his shoulder to check what happened to the needles she threw. Unfortunately for him, he thought wrong. The needles were stuck deep in the ground. His eyes were dilated as he then realized that her attack was a complete bluff. The moment he turned to look, Goldoon was nowhere to be found.

"You damn vermin!" He fell from Goldoon's tricks once again.

"Fret not, Milady," Goldoon spoke behind him, standing composed on a bookshelf, not far from him. "The human's ritual is about to conclude. You may disable your defenses now."

"Y-yeah!" Kureha nodded and did what Goldoon said.


The noble almost cried in pain as something struck his body. When he checked, he saw his body being impaled by large spikes from the ground, completely paralyzing him.

His torso was a complete mess, same with his waist. Even his arms and legs were impaled by the same spikes. It's as if the spikes were already programmed to the parts where they should strike. When he glanced to the spikes' root, it was in the same spot where Goldoon's needles were struck. It was strange to him since he didn't sense any type of magic embedded in those needles.

Surprised, he gritted his teeth after falling into Goldoon's tricks yet again.

But after a moment, he smiled…

"You think I'm not the only one in pursue?" He then looked at Kureha. "They should be here any second now…"

After hearing his remark, Kureha and Goldoon were alarmed. When Kureha turned to look, she clenched her fists as she saw another company of demons making an appearance.

Some of the demons were clad in armor, while some wore eerie, hooded clothing which is similar to those cultic attires. And of course, most of them are just looked like straight-up, skinless monstrosity. There are also a few orbs and evil spirits floating around.

Although it's not just them…

"Oh my."

Among the demons who showed up, Kureha's mother is one of them.


Kureha's expression became slack, thinking that this is the end of the line for her. But…

"Take your positions!"

When Goldoon shouted, all demons surrounded the pentagram.

After that, dark, thick mists crawled out from the pentagram's edge and sticks to every demon around.

Just then, the small, bluish flames on the pentagram began surging and growing; the ritual is coming to an end.

"Yay!" Kureha's mother applauds in joy. "Finally, it is done!"


"Eh?" Kureha's blinking became rapid as she was confused about what's happening. "Um… Mama?"

"Now calm down, Honey. If you think we're here to stop you, then you're completely mistaken." Her mother giggled while she covered her mouth with her hand.

"May I, Mistress?" Goldoon retorted.

Kureha's mother beckoned with a single nod.

Goldoon arranges her glasses, "To explain, all demons who are currently surrounding the pentagram are giving their very existence in the circle."

"Eh?" Kureha tilted her head.

"The reason why it takes so long for the ritual to end is not because of the human who's making the other ritual on the surface, but mainly because the ritual here requires demons as a sacrifice. The more demons are there, the higher chance that the ritual will succeed." Goldoon explained.

"Is that so?" Said Kureha. "But what about him—?"

She pointed to the noble who's still impaled by Goldoon's spikes, but he's not moving anymore. Not even an inch—It's because he became one with the sacrifices.

"But I thought you were buying time for me?" Asked Kureha.

Goldoon arranges her glasses, "Apparently, that noble doesn't know the system of this ritual. Hence, I used that logic to make it seemed like I was buying time for you when my real plan was to make him one with the sacrifices, and since he's being a nuisance."

Kureha sighs, "So there are times where you're not clumsy."

Goldoon cleared her throat after hearing Kureha's remark.

"Then," Kureha continued. "why are you helping me, Mama?"

Kureha's mother shows a sweet smile, "Well, it is your wish to ascend, and as a parent, I am merely supporting my sweet little devil."

"Human influence, I see," Goldoon whispered.

"I heard that." Kureha's mother raised an eyebrow at shrugging Goldoon.

Suddenly, all demon sacrifices are thawing one by one…

"Anyway, it's almost time and I probably need to explain all of this to your very scary father."

"But it is you who's the most terrifying in the household, Mistress." Goldoon chipped in.

"No, I'm not! Geez~" She pouted with her arms crossed. "Oh! And one last thing, honey. Goldoon, would you please?"

Goldoon responded with a nod and threw something at Kureha. Kureha holds out both arms to catch the object. When she did and examined, she was holding six inches, mauve-colored egg.

The blue flames began swirling around Kureha, forming a cyclone. As the flames increases in size, her body has commenced floating. It's like she was gradually getting drag up in the air. She also extended and flap her wings to stabilize her body movement.

"Do please take care of it, honey!"

Kureha didn't say anything and only responded with a bright smile indicating her appreciation and an arm wave indicating her farewell.

Her mother did the same…

As the pentagram was completely enclosed with blue flames, Kureha saw above her head that a bright light shone down and intricate lines of multiple magic circles appeared; The gate to the surface world has opened.

Her sparkling eyes were focused on the gate and she showed a broad smile. Filled with curiosity and excitement, her patience ran out and immediately flew through the gate…

"So, all it needs is a drop of blood?"

Said a guy who's skimming through some tattered pages and just finished drawing a pentagram on a cracked, concrete floor.

He takes out his mechanical pencil from his left pocket, "This should be enough to make me bleed…"

He clenched his jaw, gritted his teeth, and inhales…

"Kuh—!" He cried after pressing his left thumb against the mechanical pencil's point and dropped it on the floor.

His forearm was shaking from the pain but he managed to extend it, aiming his hand to the center of the pentagram.

"I don't care if it's superstition, but it's worth a try…"

But little did he know…



The very moment when a single drop of his blood touched the floor, he was blown away by some unknown force, then surging blue flames elevated from the circle, forming a cyclone. He slowly picked himself up and saw this majestic sight, making him completely dumbfounded.

He frowned after noticing that something was illuminating from within the flames; That light contains multiple magic circles.

Unexpectedly, a figure erupted, putting out the flames. He was stunned after witnessing that the figure was floating in the air and its silhouette's similar to that of a monster. And just from its presence, he was completely overwhelmed.

The figure opened its emerald eyes and met his'…

"This is bad…"

End of Chapter 1

Next: Join the Occult Club!