

In the vast space of universe, all you can see in this darkness of space is sea of stars. Myriad of colorful stars scattered in this darkness bringing a bit of life.

In the small part of this big space. However, there is a small thing floating for how many years, well in this vast space of universe, its shape and size is nothing to compare. This thing will be considered small like a dust floating in the air It's true size, However, in the perspective of a person is enormous with no words will suffice, maybe a planet size will do, a enormous size like planet.

It looks like a solid rough rock, but not like a rock. Its shape is unrefined and irregular, and has no definite shape, and when you took a closer look, its unrefined shape is constantly moving. Like its molding into something.

This thing has a black color, that has darker than night in the sky. Like a black hole that is sole purpose is sucking all light. But given the background of this dark space, its like one of this vast space. Blending in the surrounding, maybe when a unlucky person got a glimpse of this thing, perhaps his soul will be suck in, its like a black hole but certainly not one, but anything and everything in it's path will be indiscriminately devoured and sucked up, everything like light, energy, stars, sun, moon and heavenly bodies all of this is like it's food for it, and will be perish. Like a starved beast devouring all of the things. Leaving nothing in its way.

However, when taken a closer lool, every now and then after devouring all of this things, the rough black rock like surface in its body will peel off little by little like a butterfly that cast off its cocoon, and like this it continues floating aimlessly in this vast space.


How many years have been? hundred years? thousand years? millions? billions? or eternity? who knows? the rock? obviously not.

The enormous black rock, that floating aimlessly for how many years have been throughout a earth shaking transformation. No visage of its past self can be seen when you look at it now.

If before it has enormous size like planet, now it's size shrink to unbelievable degree of a 2nd floored house, and its unrefined shape now looks a crystal like look, a beautiful Black crystal to be exact that has many side that is proportional like an art, given the count of its many sides, it has 11 sides in total, and every side of it has been giving out a weak colorful light shining every now and then. However, when you took a look closely you will feel a terrifying energy, like the birth of creation is in that colorful lights.

It's Black crystal like body of it before that is darker than night, now has a color of a transparent black that you can try to peek, but once you peek inside of it you will only see is darkness, a condensed darkness substance that you will fail to see what its inside of it, its like the mystery of the universe is inside of this Black crystal, the birth and creation that seems like brewing in that dense darkness like substance.

Like the Pandora's box you cannot help to open it and see what inside of it, and get what is inside of it no matter what, and given that each side of the Black crystal will give off a different weak light from time to time, every person who will give a glimpse of it will surely be mesmerize.

However after a long long time aimlessly floating and repeatedly sucking and devouring, the Black crystal has finally stopped all its activity and its form now is what you called perfect, and like a child that is satisfied and has given its fill, the Black crystal just soundlessly floating away toward the sea of stars.

And in this day finally after the long journey like a sleepy child that finally exhausted, the Black crystal decided to find a place to rest and sleep, to permanently stay at one place, the Black crystal continues to floating slowly in the direction of sea of stars, and the stars like a servants that welcoming their master and soldier that saluting their commander, the sea of stars is like giving a way to the Black crystal giving it the direction.....towards the green planet that full of life, slowly and surely it floated there like a child that found its mother.
