
Black Kingdom

The pain of being dumped by her lover and best friend brings Viona to a world that is in the middle of nowhere while she sleeps. A world that is said to promise happiness, if only he could free the prince imprisoned by the vile wizard Estes. Armed with pain and revenge from the real world, Viona and Haru search for prince Alucard to return the sun to the Black Kingdom. But on the way, he met Joseph--Viona's co-worker at the cafe. The question is, how did Joseph get to the dreamlike Black Kingdom? Will Joseph have the same grudge as Viona? Or did Joseph manage to open the gate himself?

Iris_Jingga · ファンタジー
2 Chs

1. Happy Weekend

Lunchtime was over, and Viona immediately rushed to the cafe to change shifts with Agnes. By riding a scooter belonging to Justin—her lover, Viona cut a fairly quiet road.

Arriving at the cafe, Agnes immediately approached her with the remaining enthusiasm.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is your stomach still hurting?" Viona approached Agnes and touched her stomach.

Agnes shook her head, "No, I'm just tired," she complained. "May I rest at your place? I'm too tired to go home, and it's taking a while."

Viona, who was getting ready to greet customers outside, then turned around and handed over her room key. "Didn't I tell you many times to move over to my place? Besides, my room is too big for me to live alone."

"Oh no, I don't want to bother you with Justin," Agnes replied.

Before actually leaving Agnes in the dressing room, Viona left Justin's motorcycle keys near the paper bag she had brought from home earlier. "Please tell Justin if you bring the motorbike back to my house,"

Without waiting for an answer from her best friend, Viona had already gone to the kitchen. Help some of the chefs prepare the groceries, and do whatever he can before finally moving to the checkout counter. Usually, the new cafe will be crowded before lunchtime, in the afternoon, and before dinner.

"Isn't your schedule still three hours away? Why come so early? Did you add shifts on purpose to get rich quick?" one of the chefs is 30 years old, starting a chat with Viona.

The woman then laughed softly, "Hahaha, that seems like a good idea, Tom," replied Viona, lightly patting Tommy's shoulder. "No, I was here early to replace Agnes. She wasn't feeling well, and I couldn't bear to let her work until the afternoon."

Tommy handed a packet of tomatoes to Viona to clean. "You spoil your friend too much. And she looks fine."

Well, that's what a girl named Viona looks like. As a human, she just wants to live well and help anyone who needs her help. Moreover, if she is very close and dear, then she will dedicate her entire life to that person.

As is the case with her boyfriend Justin, and her best friend Agnes. A long-standing relationship with Justin made Viona love the man. Moreover, so far Justin has never disappointed Viona. The man just studied and worked every day, without causing any problems. Although the cost of tuition and housing for Justin, Viona is the one who bears it.

Almost the same as Justin, the love that Viona gave to Agnes was no less great. The woman is not half-hearted in helping with every difficulty experienced by her friend. Coming from the same hometown and friends sharing childhood stories, Viona with an open heart reached out to help Agnes live independently after being abandoned by her parents, due to a fire that hit her house. Thanks to Viona, Agnes was able to work at her place and earn a wage to support herself.

Responding to Tommy's words earlier, Viona just smiled faintly and said to herself that not everyone understood our position.

After cleaning the tomatoes, Viona then said goodbye to move to the cashier's desk. Because one by one customers began to arrive.

"We'll talk later Tom,"

"Don't forget to have dinner tonight!" shouted the fat man.

Viona only answered by raising her hand in an 'okay' form while walking towards the counter, and greeting the humans who caught her attention one by one.


The Cafe closes at exactly 9:30 p.m., after all, items and food supplies are ensured to be safe, and the entire floor has been cleaned to facilitate the cleaning process the next day.

The cafe employees usually spend weekend nights making small events on the cafe roof. Laura as the owner of the cafe had given them access to use the place to unwind after a hard day working for her.

Like now, several employees gathered while enjoying the cool air from the roof. Staring at the twinkling city lights, accompanied by a can of beer and some snacks.

To be honest, Viona doesn't really like alcohol, so she's a bit away from the crowd so she can enjoy some alone time.

"I always look forward to the day I can get drunk with you Viona," said Tommy who suddenly sat down next to Viona.

Hearing that, Viona then laughed softly. "Ugh, I hope you stop waiting for Tom. Because I'll never touch that drink again in my life."

Then there was a heavy sigh from Tommy, "Still traumatized?"

Viona's mouth opened slightly but finally closed again. The woman just sighed heavily.

Seeing Viona who always behaved like that whenever Tommy tried to discuss his trauma, made the man take a deep breath. A tragic incident in the past makes it difficult for both of them to forget it, including Viona who saw the incident firsthand.

It was getting late, but the party was getting livelier—not for Viona. It's not that she doesn't want to join again, it's just that Viona is too tired. Yesterday she entered according to to shift, and this afternoon she had to come early to replace Agnes. Her body was tired, and she didn't have time to properly clean his room.

"Um, Tom ... I have to go home, it's late and I'm so tired," Viona glanced at the clock on her cell phone. "Looks like the last bus is almost here," she continued.

Hearing Viona was about to go home, Tommy also stood up. "Let me walk you," he offered.

"No need Tom. You... just enjoy the party, okay?" without waiting for a response from Tommy, Viona immediately grabbed her bag and rushed down the stairs.

While walking to the bus stop, she tried to contact Justin. Hoping her boyfriend hasn't slept yet and wants to pick her up. Unfortunately, Viona only got a ringing in her ear in response to her call.

Since Viona doesn't like prejudice, the woman assumes Justin has slept well so she doesn't hear a phone call from him. Therefore, Viona decided to take a taxi instead of taking the bus, as her body was tired and did not have enough time to crowd at the bus stop.

Getting out of the taxi, Viona found her room light was still on. Once again she checked the time on her cell phone, it was 01:45 local time. Not far from where Viona was standing, she saw Justin's scooter parked neatly.

For a moment she thought, 'It's unusual for Justin to stay up so late,'

Usually, the boy would fall asleep as soon as midnight, and would only get up at dawn to do his homework, and get ready to start the day early, because of his part-time job. And well, for now, Justin is living with Viona because he can't afford the dorm rent.

Unexpectedly, Viona continued her steps toward her room. Opened the door, and was very surprised when she found her room already like a wrecked ship—messier than before she left.

What surprised her, even more, was that he found the two people he loved the most sleeping in her bed, with their upper bodies both naked.

It felt like Viona's head was going to burst now. She was even at a loss for words to curse the two of them. Due to a tired body, Viona lost her balance and legs to stand up straight. Her eyes then stared blankly at the pair of traitors in front of her who were as surprised as Viona. While their hands were busy pulling the blanket to cover something that Viona thought didn't need to be covered anymore.

"I… can explain this, Vio," said Agnes, her voice choked.

There was no explanation Viona wanted to hear. Right now she just wanted to disappear from the face of this earth.