

A wide balcony of white marble, wrapped in ivy. It was quite large and one of its corners has a shelf with plants and books. Some of them look as soon as bought, but there are also old ones that seem to open and they will fall apart. There's a table and some soft chairs right next to it. All this together created a soft and fresh feeling. Sitting on a chair, you could read or enjoy the view from the balcony over a cup of tea. A large area was planted with plum trees of different sarts, which could bloom all year round. Now the spring-summer plum is blooming and green fruits are forming. Behind the trees there are small paths and lawns that lead to fantasies and swings.

The truth is, the atmosphere is so quiet and calm.

In the middle of the balcony sat a girl on the couch lazily stretching her long, white legs in the sun. A black free T-shirt with white prints of blooming plums along her thighs and denim shorts. Red hair in a light riot lay on the chest.

The whole painting is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing and you want to look at it. But it's all ruined by a group of five men in black. They were on their knees in the scorching lunch sun. With bloody stains all over their body, especially on their feet. The rays were drawn to them, burning their bodies. The blood that was on the marble and bodies of the group had already dried up and turned into a dark, dry stain. But it wasn't the first bucket of sweat that poured out of them, diluting the spots and turning them into a dark, dark group. One of them tried to get up, but all without results, because the bones and tendons in the legs all in movement and fragmented.

He raised his head and saw the devil. Wondering how such a beautiful young girl of 15 could be... so... ...ruthlessly cold.

"Hmm... ...I see you have the strength to raise your head yet? Of course I can add more."

A cold, calm voice was heard echoing around the balcony perimeter. The girl raised her glass from the table next to her and drank some. A drop of red wine rolled down her white chin from the corner of her mouth. At that moment she was like a devil from hell drinking the blood of his victim, despising her dying in their hands.

"N-no... we... Aska... Miss, forgive us. We're sorry... have served you for so long."

Shaking and stuttering, the man answered with a thirst for death. Ah, better death than this girl. But as you know, people are greedy for many things, especially life. Therefore, knowing that this will not end well, he continued to belittle and press for pity, in the hope that they will be released, which is in fact very naive.

"Mmmmm... It's true you've been here a long time... rats. Well, I'm in a good mood today so you can figure it out for yourself, right? "

Aska smiled playfully and swayed slightly in her hand and a small dagger appeared in them. A little less than 15 centimeters, which is legally missed and is not considered a cold weapon, although until you kill. A little more twisted lips, Aska looked even gentler and kinder.

The whole group had a bad feeling on the floor... Namely the death propensity. It was as if she was gently clinging to a thin thread around her neck, sending cold and numbness all over her body to keep her from moving. Slowly enveloping the victim with fear, death quietly took their lives without mercy.

Of course!

As if by reading their thoughts or because they were all together thinking about it, it began to come true.

With that same smile, Aska threw the dagger. He and his frog landed next to the side guy. He, or rather Mark, wasn't tall, although he was standard. Brown eyes, black short hair and a medium quality face. A slight fear appeared in his eyes.

By moving one leg to the other, and holding his face with his hand in a completely relaxed atmosphere. Aska leaned back on the back of the couch watching Mark. Her whole aura was fun, not at all the kind of aura a person should have in front of him who commits suicide.

Well, hello!

Looks like you're going to put up with me.

At least a little time( no)

Well, I hope you like it.

And yes... I'm such a (great?no) writer, gardener, designer, etc., that I hope you won't scold me?

This is not a criticism of what I write, but scolding ( 2 things)

The only thing I know. So that's what at least now I like.

And what I love to read and find myself in this is pretty good.

My writing of something... I think it's worse but... There is hope (yes)

Good luck~


Lukidicreators' thoughts