
Black clover:The Black Swordsman

This is my first fanfiction.I started it to learn English and waste time I wanted to try writing my own fanfiction so I decided to start this one and i apologize if my grammar is bad i hope you enjoy it the story is about a teenager who was hospitalized all his life due to a heart disease. and after he died he met an old man who granted him wishes and reincarnated him in the world of black clover. i dont own black clover or any thing in the book

Amaterasu_ · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

3:Memories & Magic

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a roof that looked familiar. Then I remembered that I lost consciousness due to a sharp pain in my head. It turned out that the pain was the result of memories that suddenly flooded into my head. In the memories, it turned out that I was two months older than Asta and Yuno, meaning that I had arrived at church two months before them. I and the children in the church were very close to each other and they were. They see me as their big brother

As for my magic, I can only create a small dagger because the child who had this body had never trained and lost hope of becoming a magic knight because he believed that his magic was an ordinary, weak dagger, so he was lazy and did nothing but sleep, eat, and play.

I got up slowly and turned right to see Sister Lily sleeping next to me to make sure I was okay. I looked around a little. It seemed like she had put me in a separate room because the children of the church usually sleep together in the same beds. I got out of bed slowly so as not to wake her and left the room.

After I left the room, my stomach growled. I went to the kitchen through my memories because I felt hungry and thirsty. When I arrived, I found nothing but some potatoes and a little crusty bread. I drank a little water and then went towards the church exit

When I went out, it turned out that the sun was just starting to rise

Kirito:"it seems i slept all day"I muttered and

Then I started walking towards a giant skull in a wide place, and above it was a small rock statue of a young man holding a grimoire in his hand.

Kirito:"It looks much bigger when seen in reality than in anime or manga"I said looking at it in amazement I continued walking until I reached a large place under the skull.

Kirito:"let's see what i can do"I stood in the middle of the open area and opened my hand, Then I tried to imagine the shape of what I wanted to create with my magic, Then, after a short while, a Japanese tantō appeared in my hands, resembling a small sword, but without any special effects just a normal one

Kirito:"It's smaller than I wanted, and it seems rusty and without any special effect"I then tried putting the fire element on it,but I didn't work it seems like my control over my magic is very weak or that I can't use different elements because it's not my magic i will find that out later

Kirito:"My control over magic is very weak. This problem must be solved, and my body also needs training. I cannot use swords with a weak body. I must also learn to use KI Through my memories of the anime"i noted and decided it was enough for today so i went back to the church because the villagers usually wake up early for their work

When I arrived at the church and was about to enter, the door suddenly opened and I found Sister Lily smiling at me with a smile that sent a chill down my spine.

Lily:"Kirito where have you been?"she asked with that smile of her

Kirito:"Sister, I woke up hungry and wanted to eat and drink some water, and then I went for a little walk because I was bored"I replied calmly, hoping that she would believe me and let me without punishment

Lily:"Do you know how worried I was about you? Why didn't you wake me up? Are you okay? Do you know why you lost consciousness?"

Kirito:"Don't worry, sister, I'm fine. I had a very strong headache in the morning, so I fainted"I replied smiling, hoping she would close the issue

Lily:"Okay, but if you feel pain again, tell me. Go and wake up your brothers while I prepare breakfast"She told me as she closed the door after we entered

Kirito:"yes sister"i answered as i walked towards the bedroom when i entered and found 4 children sleeping on a futon. I tried to wake Asta up first because he is the closest

Kirito:"asta,asta wake up breakfast is ready"As I was trying to wake him up,he kicked his foot towards the person who was next to him waking him up as it turned out it was yuno

Yuno:" what's happening?!"He woke up and was surprised by the kick, but when he opened his eyes and found me in front of him

Yuno:"kirito nii are you okay they told me you fainted and was in pain"He asked me while looking at me worriedly

Kirito:"im fine don't worry it was just a headache I'm fine now. Come on, get up.also wake The rest of the kids,Breakfast will be ready."I reassured him with a smile and then went out for breakfast

After I quickly finished breakfast, I went outside the church after reassure everyone that i was okay to make a training plan

End of Chapter