
Black Clover:Lord of the Flame

A man gets reincarnated to the Black Clover world. He starts from zero, he doesn't have his memories but he has a goal. To travel the world, seek the mysteries that it has to offer, and make a name for himself. He will face challenges that no one has ever faced before but he never backs down...or does he? Read and find out!

Demiurgos · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Everything was dark and not a single light could be seen in the proximity. The body of a young man was floating in this endless void. The young man was calm because he was finally free from his life.

"It seems that this is the afterlife, it is a little bit boring but I knew there was no eternal lake of fire and lava or a silver city with gardens and angels. Nevertheless, it is better than the battlefields of the Middle East."

The man started to smile as he thought that now he could rest forever and he wouldn't have to kill anyone again. But he wasn't ready for what was about to happen.

Just then a small ball of light appeared near him and it started to expand drastically.

"What the hell is going on?"

Said the man as he started to move his hands and feet to move away but to no avail. The light swallowed him and he couldn't do anything about it.

The man opened his eyes and he tried to adjust to the lighting of the area. After a few seconds, he could see the scenery. He was able to see a clear blue sky with different kinds of birds flying, he then heard the sound of flowing water and he saw a river with different kinds of animals drinking from it.

"Where am I, I know that I am dead then how the hell i am in a damn forest, and why the hell is a lion and a zebra dirking water side by side?"

The man didn't know what was going on and where he was at the moment. Just then an elderly voice was heard

"Let's see, the name is Alexander Agiad, descendent of the Agiad dynasty, you were a soldier in the Greek army and you died during World War 3."

The voice said and Alexander started to look around him to find the man that was speaking but he also got in a guarding position to be ready for everything.

Just then an old man wearing all white appeared behind a tree and started to walk towards Alexander. Alexander saw him but he didn't feel threatened.

"Hello my child"

Said the elder with a sincere smile

Alexander then got off his stance and just kept looking at the man with a shocked face but then tears started to form in his eyes

"That presence, this place, you, you are God right?"

Said Alexander as he connected the dots, the man was an elder human-like man and this place was just like what the Garden of Eden was described to be, he saw the tree that the man appeared from was an apple tree so that means that this tree is from where Eve ate the apple.

"You got that right, it seems all the reading you did about religions paid off. Anyway, I have a proposition for you."

He snapped his fingers and both he and Alexander were sitting in a chair.

"Tell me, do you want to get reincarnated?"

Alexander was taken aback by the question, he just met God, the god he didn't believe existed and now he tells him that he could live again, this was too much for him to comprehend.

"Wait a minute, I have questions"

Said Alexander as he was facing God

"It's not my business what you are doing I give you all free will, yes I am the only god that exists now and yes there is life outside your galaxy. I believe I answered all your questions. Now let's go to the main dish, tell me the world you want to get reincarnated and I will give you three wishes but they have to make sense.

Alexander was more shocked than ever because he got the answers to all the questions he wanted to ask and now he had to answer the question that was in front of him but he had one more question.

"Why me, why do I have the chance to get reincarnated and why do I have wishes? I didn't pray to you, I killed people and I wasn't the best one before I got the the army. So why me of all people?"

"Hmm that's a good question and I have the answer, I chose you randomly."

"Eh? So I got randomly chosen from the billions of people?"

"Yes, I guess you are a lucky bastard."

"Yeah seems like it but I do not want to live again as I have PTSD from the war and I just want to relax"

God then got up from his chair and picked an apple from the tree

"How about I erase your memories from this life and you live a new one?"

Alexander thought about this and he didn't have any problems with that

"I like that, I agree to get reincarnated and I want to go to the world of Black Clover"

"Okay good, now about the three wishes, remember they have to make sense so don't ask about a system that will help you, or that every girl will want you, or that you want to be overpowered from the start, you get what I say."

"I understand, for my first wish, I wish to be born in the House Vermillion"

"Okay, so you will be a royal"

"My second wish is that I want the world to be different and have different events"

"I see, so it will be an alternative universe, and for your final wish?

"I want to have fire magic"

"Great, so are you ready to go?"

"Yes sir"

"Very well, I hope not to see you soon Alexander Agiad or should I say Vulcan Vermillion?"

Says God with a grin

"Wait my name will be Vulcan?Like the god of fire? That's cool!"

Then God snapped his fingers and with that, the story begins

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, this is my first time writing a book so if you have any tips for me it will help, English is not my primary language so expect a lot of mistakes.

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