
Chapter 63

“Shh, you’re growling.” Ellis glared at him from where he hunched down behind a bush.

“I’m gonna kill Gilbert.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Ellis touched his arm. “Shut up and listen.”

“Why? We should run in there and grab him.” The claws had long ago ripped through Nash’s skin, and his teeth threatened to follow.

“One, because he’s locked in a cage. Two, because Gilbert is trying to get him out of the cage so we can grab him, and it would be too bad not to be ready when the opportunity comes because you’re making too much noise for us to hear what’s going on. Three, because we might learn something about Arlo.”

“I know all I need to know.”

“Did you know he needed plants?”

Nash knew Arlo cared a great deal for his plants, he touched them every night before bed, sang to them. Nash cracked his neck and remembered Arlo wanting more plants in the bedroom. “Sort of.”

“You did not.”