

A gentle breeze lulls birds to sleep, while predators stalk their prey, ready to sink their canines deep into their necks. A pleading cry disturbed their peace, and the birds were wide awake in an instant. They flapped their wings, rising up into the air and out of the reach of the predator. In a single moment, harmony had been broken and the birds had escaped to safety.

Distance away from the predator's hunting ground. A woman was put to sleep while being protected from prying eyes by a man beside her. He pleads for her mercy. She was his loving wife and growing in her womb was their beloved 6 month daughter.

"I am sure you knew what you were doing and still decided to act on it. Do not beg for decisions you made."

The statement was made matter-of-factly by one of the search party members.

The man understood these search parties would not spare their lives, without much hope, they are mindless soldiers following whatever task is being thrown at them from the higher ups with no resistance or thought to clearly see how fucked up everything became after the mishap. The man thought the government had to take responsibility for the disaster they created, but they instead chose to ignore it and blame the citizens for their misfortune. He knew that the search parties would not be able to restore order, but instead, further chaos and destruction would follow. He was determined to find a way to prevent this from happening.

These soldiers showed no restraint, and it was unbecoming for the country's defence force to whistle at the man's sleeping beauty who was tranquilised by their sniper. The man was unarmed, yet they showed no remorse in their actions. This showed a severe lack of respect for the human life they were supposed to protect. It was an inexcusable act of violence.

A gun was aimed at his head without much delay as the man grabbed it. He thanked his luck that the search party lacked experience. Using himself as a shield from sharp blades and bullets, he gunned down one of them quickly. He escaped and disappeared into the woods with the unconscious women. It took the search party a while to realise they had to kill the fledging couples. This gave them some time to recover and adjust to what had occurred. Their leader emerged from behind and castigated the ignorant group.

"Return to base and run laps without rest! AM I CLEAR?"

"Sir yes, Sir!"


The leader roared in acknowledgement.

There is a slight dissatisfaction on the leader's part regarding new recruitment and the assignment to train these ametaurs to become the next elite force. With much disappointment their leader followed the path where the couple fled. He decided to take matters into his own hands and track them down. He knew he had to find them before it was too late, for the fate of the nation was in their hands.

How do you like the beginning so far?

Bonnie_Doylescreators' thoughts