
Billy the Lumberjack

作者: BenH2009
Martial Arts
連載中 · 4.1K ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is Billy the Lumberjack

WebNovel で公開されている、BenH2009 の作者が書いた Billy the Lumberjack の小説を読んでください。...



Sword art online:Aincrad's Flash

The series takes place in the near future and focuses on protagonist Toyo "Lord Grim" Kamizaki and his brother as they play through a death game virtual reality MMORPG world Aincrad-The floating castle. Toyo is a live streamer, lazy and handsome pro-gamer with plenty of experience in this field also one of the best strategists and a cunning person, let's go along with him to know how he survived this death game..... _____________________________________________ The usually soft light of two computer monitors - now almost like a room light itself in the darkness of the room - caused the occupant to wince slightly. Having just woken up a few minutes ago, staying in the darkness of their room, He wasn't used to having a light shone directly in their face, no matter how dim it may seem. He often found themselves cursing for their stupidity, using an electronic device so soon after waking. After giving his hazel eyes another rub and a few more seconds to adjust to the light, the occupant slid their mouse over their mouse pad with quick, precise movements that came from years of practice. A few clicks here and there, and the monitor displayed a stream and a stream chat next to it. In the box that showed what the webcam was seeing, was the face of the streamer, which happened to be the sole occupant of the room.______________________________________________ The cover is not mine so if you want me to remove it massage me at discord @Mark D Dragneel #7200

Mark_D_Dragneel · ゲーム
2 Chs
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  • 総合レビュー
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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


