
Billionaires: The President's Bride

The heroine Mu Wanwan lives in an ordinary city, and the three male protagonists Bai Jiyu, Chu Lingfeng and Mu Miaotian are the young heads of three families respectively. By chance, Mu Wanwan met them and quickly fell in love.As time went by, the three people's feelings for Mu Wanwan became deeper and deeper. They tried their best to treat her well and embarked on a romantic and interesting pursuit. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Their respective families encountered unprecedented difficulties, forcing them to leave Mu Wanwan to deal with the family crisis. A year later, all three of them had solved their problems and returned to the city. They discovered that there was a new suitor around Mu Wanwan, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. So they started a fierce battle, each trying their best, hoping to win Ye Yao's heart again.In this fight, Mu Wanwan gradually understood her own intentions. She realized that true love should not be about fighting, but about mutual understanding and support. In the end, she chose the person who truly understood her and walked hand in hand with him towards a happy future.

Beeber167 · 都市
214 Chs

Chapter 80: The Strongest Terrorist Attack 1

 How could this be, in broad daylight... Someone wanted to kill her!?



 "Wanwan, don't move! Luo Zhan, Chitong!!" Seeing that Mu Wanwan was in a crisis, Chu Lingfeng, who had always been calm and calm about the battle, was almost about to burst out at this time, his red eyes were so red that they seemed to be dripping blood, he ordered Luo Zhan and Chitong to defend, while decisively and quickly taking off his white coat, and threw it into the air with great calm and wisdom, the white coat perfectly covered the sight of Lei Li shooting Mu Wanwan!!



 If Luo Zhan is a natural combat genius, then Chu Lingfeng may be a natural combat genius, with superb combat ability, calm analysis ability, and a smart and terrifying mind, at this time, Chu Lingfeng has already split no less than five hundred coping strategies in his mind, but he is not strong enough to practice!!



 The sight of the shooting range was blocked by the white suit floating in the air, and in the case of not seeing Mu Wanwan at all, Lei Li did not dare to shoot indiscriminately to threaten, so he could only wait with all his attention, and in just two seconds, when the suit fell to the ground, Lei Li was surprised to find that Mu Wanwan, who had originally tripped and fell to the ground, was gone!!



 All that was left was the Chi family who were in a mess in the church, and Chu Lingfeng, whose pistol was aimed in his direction!!






 "Found you!!" Aiming in the direction of the thunder hidden in the shadows, Chu Lingfeng boldly pressed the gusset!



 'Bang' - the moment the gunshot rang out, Lei Li, who was full of experience in blocking the attack, didn't care that he was on a tree more than ten meters high, he turned back with agility, and dodged Chu Lingfeng's counter-shot bullet in a thrilling moment, but he also fell from the tree more than ten meters high-



 "Go!" The whip in Jian Bai's hand flicked, and the wild lion beside him rushed to the bottom of the tree as if he had received an order, and caught the thunder that fell from the tall tree at the right time, which was a perfect match!



 "Whew-" Lei Li, who was lying on the back of the mad lion, exhaled deeply, gave Jian Bai a thumbs up, and said excitedly: "That guy, it's very powerful!"



 was able to accurately find out his location in such a short period, this is the second man who can see through his blocking, the first is the boss, and the second is Chu Lingfeng, both of them are first-class powerful characters!



 "You two will continue to stay here to stop the attack, remember that you can't let go of any of the Chi family, we don't need the live mouth of the Chi family!!" As soon as the suit and tie tightened, Uncle Zong Ming, who was neat in a black suit, had slept completely, and he woke up from the illusion of Uncle Waste Wood... MAN was a mess, so strong that it was almost suffocating, and people finally understood why he was the strongest first place in the "Black Division"!



 Uncle Zong Ming, who was followed by the perverted Charles, the righteous Chi Hao, stretched out his hand and said fiercely: "Attack, start-"



 The next moment, the double-sided doors of the cathedral were thrown open with a 'bang', and the reflection of the sunlight made it impossible for the Chi family members to see who was coming, only to see that in the full sunlight, dozens of surgical knives shot in in seconds, knocking down dozens of Chi family members in an instant!



 Fast enough, accurate enough, ruthless enough!



 "Don't mind if we join in this wedding!" "The perverted Charles, whose fingers are full of scalpels, and his white medical robe are graceful and flying, he looks polite, but, "However, this wedding is more suitable for a funeral!!"



 It's perverted enough (⊙o⊙)!!



 "Find your own goal and go to them!!" Zong Ming's state has reached the highest point, he rushed forward without delay and threw the Chi family members who were blocking the road to the ground one by one, and they were swept away everywhere he went, with super strong arm strength!!



 The soldiers are very fast, especially when facing a smart enemy like Chu Lingfeng, they must not be allowed to have a moment to think, otherwise they will lose!



 Sure enough, it is worthy of being the first seat of the "Black Division", and it is the most mature and powerful in all aspects!!



 Uncle Zong Ming's target was locked on Chu Lingfeng from the beginning, comparing him and Chu Lingfeng to being the strongest people here, while the target of the perverted Charr was on the baby-faced Luo Zhan, as Chi Hao who blocked Chu Lingfeng back road, he was responsible for attacking and observing!



 Everyone had already planned each other's battles in their minds, but when Uncle Zong Ming flew wildly in front of Chu Lingfeng, an indestructible chain blocked him, and Luo Zhan, who had no smile on his baby's face, said extremely coldly: "The boss of my family, it's not something you can touch!"



 The NO.1 of the Black Division VS the NO.3 of the Red Division, is a terrifying tough battle!



 "Damn the black family, you will pay the price for today's stupidity!" On the level of the second layer of the perverted Charles, the red boy who smashed the contact lens stared at the perverted Charles with red eyes, and said faintly angrily: "I swear on behalf of my master, I will make you pay a heavy price!!"



 It's the first time that they have ended up in such an embarrassing field! Bai Jianyu dares to do it, he dispatched all the 'Black Divisions', can this battle turn danger into a disaster?!



 "Child?" The quaint Charles noticed that Chi Tong's eyes were different from ordinary people's, and the classical beauty smiled knowingly, "I know who you are, the first boy of the Chi family's illusion department, Chi Tong." "



 It is said that the eyes of the red child can not only hypnotize, but also create the illusion of illusion, but no one has ever seen the red child use this ability!



 He'd like to dissect what this kid's body is made of!



 The situation is reversed, and the perverted Charles is actually versus the red boy with unknown ability?!



 Chi Hao, who had been guarding the front of the gate to block the road at the last checkpoint, was sweeping away the fragile Chi family while observing Chu Lingfeng's actions, but found that Chu Lingfeng, who was originally standing in front of the wedding, was gone!!



 "Chi Hao left!" On the headphones, there was Xiao K's eager voice, a brief hint, a second of reaction time, the strength of the No.3 counter-strike Chi Hao is not covered, his left hand is blocking the vital head defense, his body has dodged extremely quickly, and instantly bounced out of the range of Chu Lingfeng's attack, but his left arm was still rubbed by his fist, and there was a faint sound of bones cracking!