



Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

" You guessed correctly" she smiled, only God knows when last I  saw her smiling...

" Tell me,"

" I just met with Mr. Parker" I stopped on my track almost immediately, my eyes dilating in terror as it moved frantically to her side. She noticed a sudden change in my  expression and she also stopped.

" Bobby's father?" I asked once again just to make sure I heard her clearly, something flickered inside her eyes before he eventually cleared my doubts.

" Yeah, you sounded as if you knew him, not in a good way Melissa, are you okay?" she looked concerned, I can't help but to flash her a weak smile just to assure her that I am okay. 

" I can't wait to hear the news when we get to the quarter" I mouthed, trying not to sound curious, but I guess it was poorly disguised, but she doesn't seem to notice it anyway.

Why did she call her all of a sudden? She said it is not a negative thing, hope is not what I am thinking? Are we leaving? Did he find out about me and Bobby? No, no, what am I even thinking about, it is not like we are dating officially, but still, I can't help to wonder why my mom was called by him all of a sudden, we never received a condolence message from him when my dad died,so, why now?  I can't help but to think about different assumptions that could fit into the picture.

" Mrs Mark" someone called my mom when we were about to enter our apartment, causing the two of us to turn back at the same time, only to see that it was the Head Maid. 

She walked briskly toward us, smiling as she strode to us. She was wearing a pink gown, emboldened with some crystal like stone around the neck to make a design, but instead it looks like a...... Anyway, she is an older woman, our taste for styles is very different.

" Melissa, it been a while since I last saw you"

I smiled," you saw me in the morning, you forgot?" I asked, her eyes widened in surprise.

" Ohh, uhh, that's true,don't mind this old woman"she chortled.

"Can I have some word with, very brief" her eyes darted to my mom who just stayed motionless without saying a word..

" No problem, Go in first" she muttered to me, and then the two of them walked back, leaving me standing.

I sighed, I pushed the door open and moved to the living room, dropping on the nearest couch, very exhausted already. 

With my back resting on the backrest, I wait for my mom, patiently. I don't want to think about anything, besides, if this involved me my mom would have said it straight immediately she set her eyes on me, she won't even look happy, right?

Waiting for her for ten minutes with the hope that she would show her face anytime, but to my disappointment, the door remained the same, no one opened it, or walked in from the outside.

I breathe in frustration, she is supposed to be here already,what's taking her this long, or she forgot she was keeping me waiting?

I stood up from the couch, moved to the sofa with the hope of lying down.

The sudden sound from my phone made me flinch before I could sprawl on the sofa.

I shoved my hand into my trouser pocket, abruptly.

Yeah you are right, I really thought he was the one.

"Draven" I chided in annoyance as I stared at the screen in disappointment, I walked to the couch and sit on it again, contemplating whether I should pick it or not.

What am I even thinking about, I offended him, still, he called me instead. Just that I don't even know what to say if I picked up the call. While still thinking about what to do, my phone stopped ringing before I could even come into conclusion.

I glared at the screen, a notification popped up, one missed call.

I wanted to drop the phone on the table, but the sudden sound that came again made me stretch back my hand.

 I picked the call immediately.

" Hi, Draven" I muttered, calmly, awaiting his voice...

For like three seconds ,I didn't hear a sound.

" Are you there?"

" Ohhh, sorry about that, Hi" his voice is not steady.

" How are you?" his voice came again.

" Fine and you?"

"Not really...... he paused, " Melissa,"

" Humm" I grumbled.

" I'm very sorry about how I reacted yesterday, I never meant to offend you" his pleading voice madee wonder who is supposed to ask for forgiveness, here. My jaw dropped, this is making me feel guilty and look like a bad person, why pleading when I am actually the offender? That's just the only thing I don't like about his personality, pleading when it's very glaring that the opposite party is the one that is guilty..

" Draven, you are making me feel bad by doing this, I am the one at fault, why taking the blame" I rasped, it's just something that doesn't sit well with me.

" You are funny," he answered from the other side in a seductive purr.

"That is how it should be, there is nothing bad in taking the blame, what if the other didn't know how to address the matter?" his question made me smile a little, he is right on this, this is the perfect definition of what just happened.

" Anyway, that's true," 

" So, we are good now,"

"Sure, we are always good" we both laugh together.

After the laughter subsided, he talked again.

" But let me be frank with you....... his voice this  time sounds serious and sour again... " You can't be with Bobby, and that is the truth," his voice was a bit loud when he muttered the word truth.

"I don't want to talk about this please," 

" I know but you need to hear me out first" 

" Just st...

" He have a fiance already"
