
Chapter 14 already planed out for profits, heavenly walk, the examples.

me and Issei wake up a little early than usual. we immediately got dressed and went to the kitchen with the gamboys. mom came in to make breakfast and was shocked at us being awake.

"Ichiro and Issei, what are you doing? why are you up so early?"

"mom I told you and dad that I was making a gaming company remember. I had Issei test on of the games with me and he is hooked. we woke up early and decided to play it before breakfast."

"oh is that the gaming console your going to sell?"

"yes though this is only one of the consoles I have made, this is one of them. I have 20000 consoles of each type and about 20 games for each console. all I need is for dad to now make the bank account, get the business license for limbo games, and get a little shop somewhere so people can buy them."

"ok I'll get the shop and license today I set up the bank account yesterday."

dad walked in saying this and startled me and Issei.

"mom, dad I will be going to Irina's house soon. I'll likely spend the night there, is there anything you need me to do? also Issei, I have put one of every game for the gameboy in your closet, it is in a red box."

"no you can go when you want. but what about employees?"

"I'll have them for when the store launches."


we now are eating breakfast and it was good, we had some biscuits with gravy and it was a filling dish. 30 minutes after I left to go to Irina's home. on the way there Michael showed up, obviously in a disguised form. he looked at me and smiled.

"Michael, do you want me to see heaven that bad?"

"young Ichiro, I see your still sarcastic, yes I do and a lot of angels do to, they want to see the dragon that heaven befriended. some might want to fight so for my sake, hold back a little."

"I actually have something I want to talk about so when were in heaven it would be a good place to do so. and dont worry I know how to hold back, I'll only break both of any competitors arms and then heal them. I dont like hurting others but to prove a point not to mess with me I will."

'well at least he said he would heal them' Michael thought and once in a secluded area he grabbed my arm and we went to heaven.

it was bright and I activated eyes of an emperor. reason was so I could see any sneak attacks that might happen in heaven, also so I could use the healing mana in heaven to heal the ones that I will cripple for wanting to fight me. once in heaven there was walkway and to what looked like a temple.

"come, we'll talk on the way there."

so we started to walk. we talked about heaven, the system of reincarnation to an angel, and a bunch of other church matters. the one that I took an interest in was the amount of low, middle, and high, Angel's there were here. suprised that the amount of the mid and low ranked angels were close I mean a ratio of 1 to 1.25, that's good.

we were almost there and Michael asked me to activate my sacred gear from now until we leave I did and the cloak surrounded me. Abeloth's voice chimed in saying,

"Ichiro your parameters are able to hold balance breaker now."

astonished and confused I open my parameters and my eyes went wide.

Name: Ichiro Hyoudou

Race: human

Overall Strength: high rank level 3.

Credits: 175

Soulbould Tools: purgatory dragon core(sacred gear) *released*, system(Alexa), chains of the void, limbo transportation cube.

vitality: 11279>

endurance: 10597>

power: 10265>

magic power: 13724>

defence: 9723>

magic defence: 12647>

dexterity: 8723>

developmental abilities: magic absorption(-), aura of a dragon(56), purgatory flame(1/100) shadow movement(10/100), aura suppression(86/100), martial arts(-), eyes of an emperor(-),dragon clones(-).

Party: Sally(maid), Bob(archer), Bobby(swordsman), Melissa(maid, assasin apprentice), Issei Hyoudou(active student), Irina Shidou(active student), angels(inactive students, completed(25>/60)),

"wow the dragon clones are racking up my parameters. I can go balance breaker."

"your welcome for letting you know. also should I tell the clones to go balance breaker too, they will double the training remember. just know that if you do have them do so only go balance breaker when in a fight, you will only have 12 minutes and then you will be spent, dont walk around in it where you are ok."

"yes go and have the clones go balance breaker. also have them tell the Angels that it is for training and they will receive a barbecue dinner today."

"ok will do."

so I told Michael I could go balance breaker for 12 minutes here and the angels are progressing faster that I thought. 25 are already masters in magic absorption. he was happy the angels were progressing and that I am stronger now. I told him I was probably as an equal to a level 3 high rank being. he looked at me again then 2 angels came to us.

"so this is the dragon, he is only 6 but has the benefit of talking to Michael casually. hahaha."

"yes he looks rather strong, I want to see what he can do."

I look at Michael since we both heard it and he sighed,

"I knew this would happen they are both level 10 and 9 mid ranked angels. go ahead and fight. I'll talk to everyone with you present about this so it doesn't happen again."


and so I bring out Sally and my speakers

Michael knew I had a maid from the last time I did this so he wasn't surprised when it happened.

"Sally, play my music"

"yes master"

(same song from last time Ichiro fought. anyone reading this should listen to it. Unity by TheFatRat. just think about that song playing while the fight happens. lol with me)

the song started and the Angel's were looking at me walking to them the got scared when I disappeared. then the beat dropped and they got beat up. I fought 2 on 1 and was amazed at me fighting capability now. I broke there arms and tossed them on the ground. the song ended and Sally went back in my sacred gear.

"dont try to fight me again, I dont like beating up my allies but to make sure I show my position I had no choice. consider yourselves unlucky for being the one to challenge me because you became grate examples. also you guys, I didn't even use my balance breaker so I hope that shows you how strong I am."

I started to heal them. they looked at me with fear and relief at the same time. fear for them becoming an example, but relief that I am healing them, and that I was on there side.

"Ichiro Hyoudou, let's get a move on we still haven't talked about what you needed, and now I have to have a speech with everyone present. why does it feel like your making my life harder."

"ok and we have both made each others life harder."

I wasn't wrong either. I have noticed a high rank devil watching me ever since I became allies with heaven. maybe I should find the gremory girl soon so I can be a reason for the alliance between them. also I want Issei to still be under Rias so I need to have a good impression on the underworld. 'should I be allies with both. becoming a neutral party?' I thought.

(this is the only one today. I have an appointment and now family issues came up again. sorry for the inconvenience, I will try to make a bunch tomorrow but no promises.)
