
Chapter 1 - That Night

"Hey sexy lady, give me a blow job." The guy asked Shaira.

She faced the guy with a sexy smirk on her face, and said "Sure. I'll give you the best blow job you will ask for more,"

"Tell me, how was it? Do you want more?" she challenged him, leaning closer to his ears. She saw how he closed his fist and moan a little.

"You were the first to give me the best experience, and I want more," He replied as he touched her hand in a sexy way.

"Sorry, but you can't bring her home. She can only give you the best blow job drink, but nothing more. You can give her big tips, but you can never touch her tits," Jackielyn responded as he pushed the man's hand away from her best friend.

They heard the man grumble before leaving two thousand pesos as a tip. Jackie is always there to save her from those types of guys. Well she can't blame them because sometimes she was the one who provoked them - to get more tips.

Don't get her wrong, because she's not what you are thinking she is. Shaira has to be like this because she needs to earn money. It is not because her parents don't give her anything, but it is because she wants to earn her own money. Working at her best friend's bar is one of the best decisions ever.

"Shai, how many times do I have to tell you not to act like that? You are even richer than me but because of your pride you ignored what your parents wanted you to do," she spoke seriously while we were in the locker room.

"It's not that I'm doing this because of my pride, Jackie. This is because I want to prove to them I can do better than what they want me to be. I chose this path because this is where my heart is. This is what I love." She explained.

"More than you love Franco?" Jackielyn asked.

"Well, it's a distinct thing. I love Franco, and no one can beat that. Why are there so many people now, unlike the other nights?" Shaira asks as they walk towards the bar counter.

It was a crowded night at Jash Den. It's like something or someone known will be there tonight. This normally happens if there are some events being held at some of the VIP rooms on the second floor. As far as Shaira knows, no one booked the VIP room for any celebration.

"There is no special occasion, but the Magnate5 will be here tonight. Do you know them?" she asked Shaira, who looks clueless right now.

"Tch. I really don't know where you have been all your life. You don't even know those five hot, gorgeous, and rich men. Like duh! Almost everyone in town knows them."

"Fine. I'm busy with Franco and our own world that is why I no longer care about the actual world." Shaira answered while giggling.

"My gosh Shaira, you look like a lovesick puppy." Jackielyn said,

"Whatever Miss Single. So, tell me who these Magnate5 are and make sure they are better and hotter than my Franco." Shaira.

"Magnate5 boys are five popular guys wherein four of them are single and their youngest is already married. The eldest is Jordan Lacsamana, a museum curator. He loves to collect different paintings from known and unknown artists. He built his own museum at eighteen. Jordan is already managing his business at an early age, while Franco is busy controlling your life that you already forgot how to live a life of your own. That is his difference to him." Shaira gave her a sullen glance.

"Next is Godfreid Davis Villeza. His name speaks of authority and respect, and he is the youngest business tycoon. At eighteen, he managed his family's business after their death. Godfreid Davis or better known as God in the business world because he can deal with every kind of business and people. If you invest in him it is one hundred percent that you will be successful and rich. But he is a cold-hearted guy that everyone thought of him being gay. Girls are throwing themselves at him, but he's just ignoring them. There are rumors he's secretly married to Jersey Castro, his childhood friend."

"Or maybe he's really gay," Shaira said out of nowhere.

"The third one is Doctor Sylvester Sanchez. He is a psychiatrist at the hospital owned by Chase Buenaventura. I'll introduce him later. Going back to Doctor Sanchez, he is the warmest among the boys. Easy to approach, and you will never feel awkward around him. He is friendly but to few people. He hates people who are talking behind his back. Liars are number one in his 'Do Not Encounter List' of people. He even has a notebook for that."

"I am wondering who's on the lists. Are his friends on that list too?" Shaira asks but Jackielyn doesn't answer.

"The fourth one is Dexter Baurista. Second to the youngest. A smiling angel to everyone. Among them five he is the one who doesn't know how to frown. He isn't as grumpy as Godfried. Dexter is more friendly than Doctor Sylvester. His greatest weakness is Lego. This guy owns a toy factory because he loves to play with toys even at his age now. He acts like a three-year-old kid, but he talks like he lives a hundred years ago."

"Mature but acts like a kid?"

"The fifth and the youngest member of Magnate5 is Chase Buenaventura. He owns the hospital where Doctor Sylvester and his wife Doctor Clarette work. His great grandfather built and owned the hospital. He is also a doctor by profession but didn't practice, so he managed the hospital instead. He talks sweetly that he can sweep every girl's heart away, but to him there is only one person who can sweep his heart away - Clarette. His childhood sweetheart, and they are the epitome of genuine love. How sweet." Jackielyn said, while holding her cheeks in both of her palms.

"So, he is a playboy but maturely." Shaira said while nodding her head.

Jackielyn was about to say something but stopped when girls started screaming "They are here," so this means that the Magnate5 arrives. Everyone treats them like an artist. An idol. A God to the others, but they didn't know that these five men hated that.

"I don't know what's wrong with these people. They keep on screaming our name and that is so irritating." Sylvester said as they sat in the farthest corner of the bar.

'These people couldn't even realize that the boys don't want the attention that they are giving them.' Shaira said at the back of her mind.

Shaira keeps on laughing because Jackielyn keeps picking on her. Little did she know someone from afar was observing her. The guy is entertained with how her lips dance as she smiles. And one thing took the guy's attention, the jewelry she's wearing.

He suddenly remember how she got that necklace.

"Hi Mr. Villeza," Raymond Parker addressed the newly arrived visitor. "Welcome to my daughter's debut party."

"Thank you for the invite. Where is she? I want to give her my present personally," Godfreid Davis Villeza, One of my business partners.

"Sure, I'll just call her," Mr. Parker said, and pulled Shaira out of her friend's crowd.

"Shaira, I want you to meet Mr. Godfried Davis Villeza. He is one of our business partners. Godfreid, this is Shaira, my daughter." his eyes never left her. The moment he saw her, he already knew she's the one.

"Hi. Please enjoy my party. I'll leave now," she said and was about to leave when she felt a hand holding her wrist.

She frowned a little because she couldn't understand how she was feeling. She felt a tingling feeling the moment he held her wrist.

"Happy birthday. And only you have the right to call me Davis" he leaned closer to her ears and he felt how tense she is with the way her shoulders rise and fall.

"Here, take it as my gift." and handed a blue velvet box to her.

"Tha-thank you." she said as she stammered. She wants to question herself why she is acting like that in front of his daddy's guest.

"You're welcome. Enjoy your birthday," and he walked away from her. He wanted to look back, but he's afraid that he might not control himself and do something that will scare her away.

"At the right time, I'll make you mine. At all costs."

"Hey, it has been years since you are looking at her. Why not make a move?" Godfreid heard Sylvester speak, and that pulled him out of his reverie.

"She's in a relationship right now. I am not the kind of person who will take away someone's happiness. She's happy to be with him, but if he makes her cry, I'll make sure he can never have her again."

"You really gave her that necklace. Are you really sure she's the one?" Sylvester asked while looking at Shaira.

"Yes. At that moment I saw her at the party, I already knew she's the one. The way she stammers. The way she responded to my touch," Godfreid said as he remembered again how she reacted with his touch.

"But remember, she doesn't have any idea about the life you have. She might reject you, or at worst thinks of you as a bad person."

"Whatever she will think about me, that's fine. Having her is all that matters to me."

"Whatever, Godfreid." and left him to join their other friends.

"One day, Shaira, you will be mine. My little bunny girl."
