
chapter 2-end of middle school career, invitation to Seido

not long after knowing the situation he began to tell his parents of his wishes and his parents directly supported him

because the Japanese environment is generally very fond of baseball compared to other sports, soccer which is the world's number 1 sport will be number two in Japan and parents who know their children want to play baseball are happy to support it

the next time I also started planning the training menu

"yosh, it's time to plan training for the next few years"

"Because my body has not fully developed, right now I will practice throwing the ball and control the ball quickly and gradually increase the speed until I enter middle school"

"And also I have to practice hitting, I don't want to just be a placeholder but not good at hitting the ball"

"But I have to know where to practice?"

and after planning Akira began to think about how to practice properly and finally she decided to buy some beginner baseball books to professional and distinguished ones she watched videos about baseball and that's where I started training


time passed until several years without realizing it since Akira began to undergo his training and he began to enter junior high school in his closest school and at junior high school he would not choose to enter a famous school because according to him the real purpose of SEIDO while to enter junior high school there was no special planning

"Well, middle school I have to be close to home because after high school I will be far from home and go home" that's one reason Akira

"Now middle school is the basis for me to be able to adjust to high school baseball, in my opinion it's not all that great when middle school will be great when the key is basic high school ... well, but if it's good at junior high as well as facilitating later registration

I think the reason most junior high school students are not successful when high school is because they are too proud when they are in junior high school and cannot adjust to high school baseball

bisbos practice site

every week in addition to training at home akira to tempal baseball training to measure the speed of the throw

"first throw time"



128 km / hour

"second throw"



129 km / hour



128 km / hour







"not bad, 128 - 129 km / hour when the initial entry can be said fast but I have to strengthen my physical and control so that my throw is harder to hit" said Akira with a happy mood

"The next Yoshh hit practice"




....------------------------------------------- -

the junior high school period began

it turned out that the school chosen would have a baseball club even though it wasn't quite well-known but still quite capable of akira

after the entry of the school became the brightest black horse to enter the national tournament and I became famous because of the speed of throwing the ball and its excellent control and almost all the beater he had faced was very difficult to hit even the Narumiya mei even the title was similar so he was nicknamed "KING OF MIYAGI"

I would have faced Narumiya Mei in the final of the national tournament but she was defeated by a thin 1-0 scandal which was caused by Akira's exhaustion until the 11th in the In fact, Narumiya had to be replaced on 9th and team mate would not be able to hit Narumiya mei well while the opponent is a qualified and trained batter who is forced to lose.

after the match ended his team mate cried and apologized to Akira

"I'm sorry I can't beat the opponent's throw"

"Sorry I'm sorry even though you've played well"

thank you for your work our school team can reach the national finals "

even their teachers cry

Audience applause echoed in the stadium

junior high school career akira ends in national tournament

the baseball magazine's most surprising note throw speed was 148 km / hr



a week passed after the tournament

at home Akira was visited by guests who were waiting for him, namely the talent guide from high school seido

it must be known that almost all famous Japanese high schools like inajutsu, Hakuruyu, ichidai sanko have sent invitations but have not been received by akira

in the living room there was a young adult woman wearing glasses

"Greetings, my name is Takamura Rei. You are Akira-kun? I am an assistant coach from Seido High School" he said while handing me a business card and invitation

"I am here sincerely inviting you to join Seido High School," he continued