
Beloved By The Moon Goddess

The ancient scriptures often told the tales about the past successful events of successful entities. Emperors who had succeeded on their lives; kings who had won the race to the throne; and even Generals who had brilliantly won their battles. Other than that, those scriptures also reminded the living, about the horrible events of those old war times and the sugarcoated stories, of the victorious ones. But what it lacked, were stories about those who had failed miserably. Those who failed every single attempt to reach greatness; those who didn’t achieve their goals and primarily, those who had died while trying to do something. Talking about ancient scriptures... There was one at the peak of the Wolf King Mountain. It stood there, emitting a blinding light, that shot itself towards the stars. It’s just a pity, that no one had ever read its contents.

DanTeNL · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Bright Stars

After a few more tries, the women decided to give up on trying to feed him, as he refused to open his mouth.

"I'm sorry... Maybe he is really just not hungry." Andrea covered herself and stood up from the chair she was sitting in.

Lya approached Andrea with a worried expression on her face, as she carefully passed Atria over to her, instantly getting to hold her little boy once again.

All this while, Atria had her eyes closed as she quietly rested inside the warm embrace of the person who carried her. But differently from her, the little boy had his eyes open, constantly observing everything that happened.

His gaze was not only sharp, but very calm, as if he knew he was in a really safe environment, even though he was still incapable of forming a concrete thought process. However, as he crossed paths with Atria, his small silver moon birthmark silently and weakly glowed.

Unknow to the grown women, Atria's little body reacted as if she was being enveloped in the warmest of embraces and imperceptibly, her Southern Moon bloodline started experiencing some major changes.

Those changes were harmless to her and passed unnoticed to everyone present inside that room, but if anyone were to find out about the fact that her bloodline had suffered mutation through external factors, there would be an uproar in the entire Wolf King Mountain. No... Maybe even in the world outside of it, mighty waves would certainly occur.

However, to think that something as great as that, had happened by the unconscious acts of a newborn child... If someone were to say something like that was possible, he or she would certainly become a laughing stock, someone with zero credibility.

Atria's little body comfortably moved inside of her mother's warm embrace, while a silver moon birthmark silently appeared in the back of her right hand, but it quickly vanished without leaving any traces behind.

If Lya or Dacia were to see it, they would find it intriguing, since it's shape and color were identical to the birthmark their little boy had, albeit smaller. However, they would never even dare to think that it had been conferred to her.

Andrea looked at Lya, admiring how fast she was learning about parenting and finally, a question that she should have made right at the beginning, suddenly popped inside her mind.

"Lya, what's his name?"

Lya and Dacia looked at each other, as they felt a bit embarrassed by that question, since they couldn't find a suitable name for him at all. They wanted to name him after something special and after discussing throughout the entire night, they were unable to find that something.

"Sigh... We haven't decided that yet. It's too difficult to find a suitable name for him, as we would like to name him after something grand or bright, since he is our light." Lya said as she fondly looked at him.

Dacia nodded and reinforced: "Yeah, we don't want to name him the same way the men of our tribe is named. Sigh... There is no power behind their names at all."

Andrea picked a few key words on those two phrases and couldn't help but muse about them.

'Grand, bright, light and powerful...'

"You know... When I decided to pick a name for my daughter, I had to consider many things and choose between hundreds of good names. But once I realized what I expected for her future, it became incredibly easy for me to pick her name. At that day, I just wished that she would grow to be as bright as the star I was gazing to and I selfishly named her after that star. Impressively, through your phrases, I feel like you're envisioning something similar for his future, don't you think?"

As if something "clicked" inside of them, Lya and Dacia started to ponder over her words. They instantly thought of admiring the stars and see if they could find one that fit their criteria, but Lya realized it wouldn't be required, because she felt like a few letters were appearing right inside of her mind.

She swiftly turned her head down, as her eyes met with those two clear eyes, that were looking at her with expectation. It was as if the boy deeply approved of that idea, even though he couldn't really understand anything they were talking about.

Lya looked at him, as if she already knew his name from the very beginning and only, at that moment, she recalled what it was. Her mouth moved on its own, uttering the words everyone wanted to know.

"His name is Sirius."

She didn't say something like 'I'll name him Sirius', but said It, as a matter of fact, that he was called Sirius. However, no one felt anything strange about it, focusing their attention on the name itself.

While Dacia and Andrea were still getting used to it, Lya continued: "A guardian star that shines like no other; forever illuminating the dark sky with its brilliance."

"I see... I'm sure he will have a bright future with a name like that. Don't you think so, Atria?" Andrea interacted with her daughter, that was peacefully resting in her arms.

Dacia was about to say something, but she was interrupted by a melodious laughter. She looked at the boy and saw he was acting like he liked it. She couldn't help but feel her heart melting, swearing to protect him at all cost.

Actually, she was about to sacrifice her dignity for him already, since there were already rumors about the Grey Mane Tribe's party, entering their territory. In a few days at most, they would arrive. And at that time, she would have to impersonate a man and fool them all.

She couldn't help but get anxious about it, running her hand over her short hair and coming to accept that it would get even shorter soon. Impressively, she was not feeling so down about doing it anymore, after realizing it was not only for Lya, but for Sirius as well, the new member of her family.