
Being Special Is Such A Pain In The Ass

Two children with special gifts grow up with a major secret. They fight for their freedom as well as their family and friends.

Betty_Tatum · ファンタジー
26 Chs

The Arrival

Thirty days later.....

     The judge looks at the three girls and say, "Natasha Anne Michaels, Amber May Michaels, and Janet Lee Anderson you are here by awarded to the state of Maryland, until your 18th birthday. I am sorry for your loss and I pray you stay well. I hope your lives get better now." Then she looks at the child welfare worker and says, "Take care of them. You may go." From the court house the girls are taken to the Sunny Day Orphanage.

At 5:00 p.m. the girls find themselves in a large room with fifty other girls. The girls are scared and alone but Tasha looks at the two girls and says," I promised mom I would protect you and I will, so please don't be scared."

"What do we do now?"

"Nothing we just got here. No one will take us. If they do it will have to be all three of us. The judge said so."

"Tasha how do you know all of this?"

"Because Janet mom said we would always be together. And the judge told the lady who brought us here that is was in mom's will. Whatever that is. So we have to stay together." "Okay, if you say so I believe you."

"Now girls it's time to eat, let's go. Since your new here just follow the other kids. Go down the hall and turn left. Then go through the big doors. Now on your way."

As they start out the door Natasha stops and says, " Nobody is going to want us are they?" "Oh Natasha I can't tell you that, you have only been here a few hours. Nobody even knows you three are here yet. Only the cops, the judge, the caseworker, and us knows you three are here. You will have to wait a few days. So please don't stress over it yet okay."

"But what about our daddy? Won't he come for us?"

" No sweetheart the judge said he can't. That's what wards of the state means. Your daddy can't have you anymore."

"Good I'm glad."

"Why is that Janet?"

" Because he scares me."

" I understand, How do you feel about him Amanda? Amanda are you okay? Won't you talk to me Amanda? It's okay no one will hurt you or yell at you here."

After a few minutes passes and Amanda says nothing, the women (Tena) sends the girls to dinner and goes to talk to the head mistress.

Knock Knock.....

"Come in, What can I help you with Tena?"

" Well Madame I need to talk to you about the three new girls."

"Call me Rysta please. Now what's wrong? You know all new kids need time to adjust."

" Well I know, but these girls are different. First of all these three seem to be well adjusted for their ages. It's like they know they are not wanted. Plus I have a feeling they are hiding something."

" Nonsense, they have just had a long week. They are only four and five years old, What could they possibly be hiding? Tena you do know they watched their mother die right. They are all in shock."

" You mean they saw their father kill her? Oh Lord no!"

" Yes she told Natasha to protect her sisters. and then she died."

" Wow, I'm sorry I didn't know that. No wonder she won't leave them. Okay but that still doesn't explain why Amanda won't talk."

" They tell me she hasn't said a word since her mother died. I would say she is in shock. You also realize no one will take her in if she won't talk."

" Come on Rysta you know that doesn't matter. The judge said they have to stay together. That means any family will have to take her even if she doesn't talk."

" Are you kidding me? The last deaf girl we got is still here."

"But Amanda isn't deaf she has just been through a lot and she is also very scared right now."

"Then why are you wasting my time if you know what the problem is?"

" Well I just thought you would like to know what is going on here, Now if nothing else is going on here you can go."

" There is just one more thing!"

" Now what?"

" When I went to get them they were just standing there staring at each other not saying a word."

"Why are you making a big deal out of this? They are most definitely scared. They are in a new place. Probably feel lost and confused. And they are in shock for sure. I can understand why they would not want to talk much. What is it Tena do you not want to work with them?"

" I just thought it was strange. I even scared them when I walked up on them. It's like they were deep in conversation and I interrupted them."

"Oh come on they are four and five years old. Okay I'll tell you what. Will it make you feel better if I go and see them tonight after dinner?" " Yes actually that would be great. Maybe you could welcome them or something, see what you think of them."

"Tena I get the feeling you don't like them. So I will go meet them just to make you happy. Now please get back to the dining room. I believe it's your night for dishes."

"Yes it is. Thank you for seeing me."

At 6:45 p.m. Rysta found the girls in their room. "Hello girls, my name is Mrs. Johnson. I run this home, and I wanted to welcome you to our family. And wanted to make you at ease as much as I can."

"How long will we be here?"

"Well Janet it could be as little as a few weeks or as much as a few years. I really can't say right now."

" But the judge said till we are eighteen."

"Well dear that I'd true. If you don't get adopted you could be here till your eighteen."

"But how many years is that?"

"Well let's see you are four and the twins are five so that means you will be here for fourteen years and they will be here for thirteen years." "What year will that be?"

"Well this year is 2008 and fourteen years from now will make it 2022. And thirteen years from now will make it 2021. Does that answer your question Janet?"

"I guess, so is that a long time?"

"Yes Janet I guess that is. But I will do my best to make it fun okay. Also try not to dwell on it and the time will go faster ok."

" What do we do here?"

" Now that's a good question Natasha. First of all we put you through school. According to the papers the judge gave us you are all going to start pre-K this year. Then when you are all old enough you can get a job if you want to. Isn't that exciting Amanda you will start. school on Monday. Doesn't that make you happy? Won't you talk to me please!"

"Sorry Mrs. Johnson but she is shy."

" Oh I see, well how long will it take for us to become friends Amanda? It's okay I won't rush you. I just have one question though. How will you communicate?"

"Well just ask me and I will tell you what she wants."

"But how will you know?"

" I am her sister, and her twin. I think I know what she will need."

"Now young lady don't get sassy with me. I was just asking an honest question. I also do not want to see Amanda alienated. She needs to have friends. You all do."

" Sorry, I didn't mean to be bad."

" That's okay Natasha you have all had a long day. But let's go see what the other girls are up to shall we."

After Rysta got the girls to the play room she went to find Tena. "Well what do you think?"

" It's just that she is in shock it will pass with time. It's just like I said before there is nothing to worry about. We should watch them for a few days to make sure they adjust well, but I don't foresee any problems."

"Okay Rysta we will watch them but I am still worried."

"Just relax Tena they will come around in time."