
A Meeting With The Hokage

Naruto had just arrived in front of her house, when one of the creepy people with the white masks and no emotions appeared in her, startling her. "Ah! Why does Jiji have a division of cosplayers meant for assassination! At least warn me before you pop up into space." Naruto exclaimed and the ANBU's emotionless facade cracked at being called a 'Cosplaying Assassin.' He just sighed before handing her a scroll and bowing before his body flickered away. "Geez everyone is so formal in this village. It's like everyone has a pole shoved up their ass when they're born, the cosplayers have one, the freaky pupilless eye people have a huge one, the magic eye people had one, everyone should be more laid back, like me!" Naruto exclaimed.

She opened the scroll, to see that the Hokage had summoned her. She searched her house and found a lighter and set it on fire, before heading to his office. After all, even she knew it's common sense to burn orders after memorizing them.

Walking through the village, she quickly spread up to avoid the gazes and whispers. She tried to let them not affect her, but it always hurt. She quickly ran towards the Hokage's Building, past the glaring secretary, and straight into his office. She turned to see the Hokage looking at her with an amused expression. And she blushed in embarrassment.

"Alright, I summoned you here because of your little... outburst of chakra. First, you need to know that we have publically announced this as a chakra mutation. Announcing it as a Kekkei Genkai will get... bad results. Now I have this room locked down and only I will know what the truth of your abilities are, I will also have your secret on lockdown, so feel free to talk." The Hokage encouraged Naruto and as she was about to speak she stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Hiruzen asked, and Naruto blushed in embarrassment.

"ItMayHaveInvolvedDoingSomethingIllegalPleaseForgiveMe!" She quickly flushed out before slamming her head into the floor in a dogeza position.

"Could you repeat that," Hiruzen asked, he didn't quite catch what she said but she appeared to be apologizing.

"Erm, I might have done something I probably shouldn't have." Naruto stuttered out.

"And what, pray to tell, have you done," Hiruzen asked, amusement lacing his voice.

Naruto cleared her throat before starting her story, "So Jiji, it all started Friday when Iruka-Sensei told me to read a book. Normally, I'm always kicked out of the library, but this time the librarian was out! So I went inside and also noticed that the restricted section was missing its guards, so doing what any other curious ten-year-old would do if they could pick locks, I opened the door." Hiruzen felt like he may have a talk with some of his ninjas about doing their job properly, but that is a conversation for later. Realizing he was releasing about his chakra and pressuring the room a bit, he coughed and waved it off. 'Poor girl must have thought I was mad at her.' He thought, noticing Naruto's slightly pale face, before gesturing for her to continue.

"I went into the basement part and found a book named 'Eight Gates Sutra' it told me about a lost art called cultivation." Hiruzen looked greatly intrigued like this, he wasn't The Professor for something. "To sum it up, it uses natural chakra in the atmosphere to power your body beyond human limitations. It also said you can't use natural energy if you use natural chakra, not that I know what natural energy is." Hiruzen slightly cringed at this. A certain white-haired pervert was looking forward to teaching his god-daughter the sage arts. "So, the first step was connecting with the natural energy in the atmosphere then flowing it in a certain cycle. So I did this, and it felt like a blunt kunai was stabbed into my chakra veins and dragged along them before they ere smashed into every one of my tenketsu points. I somehow hung on and unlocked all my tenketsu and chakra veins using this method, the book said this strengthened them beyond human limits. It also said it removed impurities from the body, and that's why I look different. Anyway, that took up all of Saturday, so on Sunday, I looked at the next part of the book. It was called flesh training, which means I flowed excess natural chakra from my tenketsu into my flesh strengthening it past human limits." Naruto finished.

"Alright Naruto, I forgive you for taking the book, but I must warn you. Never share this technique with others. You are very special, this special thing allowed you to have much stronger chakra veins and tenketsu. Unfortunately, if regular people tried what you did they would most likely end up crippled if not dead." Naruto blanched at this. And she was thinking her Jiji could live longer if she gave it to him, and Iruka could finally make Jonin. Hiruzen, as if reading her thoughts, chuckled, "Don't worry little Naruto-Chan, this old man still has plenty of time left on this earth. I have to keep this hat warm for you, don't I?" This instantly cheered Naruto back up and she quickly nodded yes. "Now onto the next reason, I called you here. You can't pass the academy." Naruto's mouth flew upon and her eyes started tearing up, as her face morphed into a kicked puppy expression, it hurt Hiruzen's soul. "You will never have enough chakra control to do any basic academy jutsu, unfortunately, except for the replacement technique. But I have a solution. The first is a different kind of clone, the shadow clone. Unlike its forbidden counterpart, the multi-shadow clone jutsu. The shadow clone is not forbidden and can be used to help you advance your chakra control. The shadow clones allow you to keep the memories stored inside of them, unlike the multi-shadow clone jutsu, which makes studying and anything non-physical related much faster and easier. The only downside is that the technique is limited to only five clones. And the more chakra you put into them, the more memories they retain and the more intelligent they are. I would use shadow clones for paperwork, but unfortunately, my chakra has dwindled with my old age so they are no longer intelligent enough to do it without making any mistakes. I would recommend sending a high-powered shadow clone to the academy on days you don't have to spar." Hiruzen pulled out a scroll and handed it to Naruto. "And the second technique will be very important to you. This a high-powered transformations technique that costs over ten times the amount of chakra upkeep. This technique is usually only allowed to people who are Jonin and above going on an infiltration mission, but I'll make an exception due to your.. unique circumstances." Naruto accepted the second scroll before hugging the Hokage and thanking him repeatedly like it was a mantra. "Yes, now scurry away, I want you to take this hat away from me soon, I'm not getting any younger."

"I know Jiji, just wait! I'll put you into your retirement homes soon!" Naruto yelled as she ran out the door, two scrolls in hand. Hiruzen waved her away before sighing and picking up his pen again. Back to work it seemed. He deactivated the silencing seals too, allowing the ANBU to know his meeting was over and they could come back.

Meanwhile, Naruto quickly arrived in her apartment again and laying out her two scrolls. "Might as well start with the shadow clone jutsu." She opened the scroll and started reading.

A couple of hours later and a few lakes of chakra, and exhausted Naruto lay in her bed panting as sweat coated her body from arduous hours of using chakra over and over. But she finally had it and a grin spread across her face before she pushed herself into a standing position. Putting her fingers together in a cross position and flaring her chakra, "Shadow clone jutsu!" she cried and a large puff of smoke appeared, to reveal the most bizarre site ever.

There stood five clones, but, they were quite odd. One had a ton of makeup on and was inspecting herself in a mirror, muttering about how hot she was and all the drama in Konoha. Another was doing pushups on one finger, screaming things about youth and fitness. The third was curled up on her bed with her teddy bear from her Jiji! Damn that shadow clone. The fourth was sharpening her nails with an evil glint in her eye. And the final clone had glasses and a lab coat on, lounging on her couch with a book about history her Jiji sent her that she planned on reading one day but hadn't gotten around to it.

"What exactly is going on here." She couldn't help but ask, and the five clones all turned to her.

"It appears that since we used natural chakra to make shadow clones, we have all adapted our own individual personalities, along with being much stronger and more intelligent. If I had to take a shot, I would say we each represent a desire inside of you. I am your curiosity, the part of you the craves knowledge." The one with the glasses said.

"I'm your girlish nature. By the way, ditch the jumpsuit, cupcake. Get some fishnet and a nice trenchcoat and watch the men drool!" Naruto felt her eyebrows twitch, this clone did realize she was only ten... right? Also, wasn't this a little too similar to a certain dango loving kunoichi!

"Kukuku, I'm all the evil thoughts you've hidden away. How about we take a little spin around the village and show them what a real demon is!" She quickly dispelled this clone before turning to the one in glasses, it just shrugged and claimed 'Not all of us are normal.'

"I'm you that loves cute things." Said the clone on the bed snuggling her teddy bear.

"YOSH!!! Save the best for last! I am you that overflows with YOUTHFUL ENERGY!!!!!" Shouted the final clone that was still doing pushups.

"I have predicted that if you were to focus on making us dull you could, effectively, limit our personality. But they will also be much weaker. So I only recommend doing this on an academy test." The clone with the glasses claimed, Naruto nodded along with that.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys, I'll clone glasses to go to the academy for me tomorrow, if I need anyone else I'll summon you." Naruto waved to all of her clones as they dispelled. Satisfied with the results, she decided to get back to cultivating, so she grabbed her book and flipped it open, preparing for the next advancement.

In this fanfiction, I have significantly lowered how effective training with shadow clones. I always felt this technique was way too overpowered in other fanfictions and the canon. So I decided to mix it up and make it more interesting with a bunch of different Naruto's running around. I have also made it so that cultivation is unique to Naruto in the Elemental Nations.

GreenDragon1222creators' thoughts