

"Mommy! Mommy!" I ran up to my mother, smiling and holding a piece of paper in my hands. "Yes, sweetie.?" She responded while putting her coffee down and looking at me. My hands moved the paper around so she could see it. It was a drawing of me, her, and my dad.

"That's really good, Kokichi," My mom smiled as my father walked into the kitchen where we were. "Hey, Yoshiaki. Do you think this is hang on the fridge worthy?" She showed it to my dad, keeping her smile. "Of course! Anything he draws is hang on the fridge worthy."

Mom stood up and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a magnet and placing it on top of the piece of art that was against the fridge. "Yay!!" I giggled, knowing that my parents enjoyed the art.

My dad walked over and picked me up, throwing me onto his shoulders almost immediately. "Wanna go for a ride? We gotta go see Cousin Junko!" He smiled as we walked to the door, mom following close behind. "Yeah, yeah! Auntie Junko!!" I smiled. Junko was always so cool! She ran a show called Danganronpa, and I admired her so much for that, even though I wasn't aloud to watch it yet.

Me, Mom, and Dad got in the car and drove off.

The car crashed into a tree, and I was the only survivor.


"Come on, Buddy.. it's okay to cry.." Junko said trying to comfort me. I had just gotten out of the hospital, and I REALLY wanted my parents.

"I-I want m-mommy and daddy..!" My feet carried me to the pink haired girl as I wrapped my arms around her and cried. She picked me up and carried me to my new room, placing me down and allowing me to drift off to sleep.
