

Not a word was uttered during the journey back, the silence occasionally broken by a sniffle from one of the two. It was still impossible for them to fathom that the love of their lives no longer possessed his life. They say three is a crowd but two felt as if there was nothingness, an empty feeling constantly hissing at them yet brimming with bitter sorrow. It was like there needed to be someone there to bring back balance to this unstable roller coaster of emotion. There needed to be someone to bring life back to this tragic train wreck. There needed to be a hero to save them from their distress. But that someone was never returning. The final fight against the most powerful villain had been lost and as his grim smile burned into the skull of his victim he beckoned them into his lair, scythe gripped tightly in his left hand.

The car swiftly pulled into the driveway and they stepped into their home, their lips tightly shut yet quivering. Jack headed straight to his room and questioned what he had done to deserve this loss. He lay face down on his pillow in an attempt to suppress the expression of his sorrow but it was in vain. It was an uncontrollable wave of sadness and it crashed on the walls of his room, weakening them with each blow. He was drowning in his misery but didn't want to rise for a breath; he wished for the dejection to engulf him in its chilling embrace, transporting him away from this cruel world he lived in.

His mother begged him to come back downstairs to eat but he was adamant that he wasn't and as she pleaded more and more as her eyes moistened. She didn't want to give up but knew there was no point trying as she eventually retreated to the couch, now losing her appetite as well as the man she loved so dearly. A glimpse across the living room led to her noticing the favorite spot he would sit in, reminiscing the discomfort he felt when a visitor had taken it. A faint smile emerged from her lips but was cut short once she realised that the spot would never be inhabited again. Great heartache filled her body; without hesitation she wept forcefully, all alone with no one to console her, no shoulders to rest on.

A small hand rested gently on her shoulder. She gazed up, her hazel eyes tinged red, to see her son stood before her. He sat beside her without speaking and gave her the tightest hug his body physically could, tears still streaming down his cheeks. They sat and wept with their heads on one another's shoulders, wondering what the future held for them.