
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · ファンタジー
195 Chs

Chapter 109

He sighed, glancing at the beautiful human Prince beside him. Red curls swaying with the gentle wind, creamy skin shimmering under the silvery hue of the moon, emerald-coloured eyes filled with warmth and happiness then the beautiful smile that always made his heart race.

Prince Ron was the human he liked.

He had known for a while now but admitting it like that to himself seemed to release a lot of tension in his body. His heart was racing, his fingers slightly trembling but it was all in a good way. He found that he was actually excited to be beside Prince Ron, watching the fireworks together.

5 of them stood side by side on the balcony, each person housing a desire of their own in their hearts.

Prince Ludiciel wanted to watch the fireworks with a clean heart, accepting the human Prince that would soon be his brother-in-law and all the other humans he was yet to meet for once Zedekiel weds Prince Ron, Ashenmore and Netheridge would be united.