
Become A Black Merchant In Another World

A young man wakes up in the middle of a forest without any memories. In confusion, a beautiful girl comes to him and gives him power. A special power that allows him to get information about almost everything and the ability to create items from nothingness. With this god-like ability, he can be a hero, a demon king, or create his own kingdom. But instead, he takes a massive turn by becoming a merchant.

OnlyHestia · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A lost man and a mysterious girl

Author Note: English is not my first language. Please spare me if you find many grammar mistakes in the story.


In the middle of the forest where the sunlight doesn't reach the ground. Lay a man without a single cloth on him. No one knows why he laying there without a cloth. Judging by his clean and scarless skin, it's not likely he is the victim of a robbery.

The man gains consciousness and slowly opens his eyes.

"Where the hell am I?"

His eyes scan his surrounding. He can only barely see giant trees surrounding him. He tries to understand the situation and recall his last memory.


But suddenly pain strikes his head.

"I can't remember anything."

He murmured to himself. His expression becomes stiff and cold sweat starts to gather on his forehead.

I need to get out of here.

He can't see the light of the sun, so he won't know where he go.

He tries to pick a twig to make a mark on trees while walking.

"This is bad, I can't tell whether this is already night or not."

Being lost in the middle of the forest is already bad. Not to mention that the man doesn't even have a single cloth on him.

"Can I get out of here? Can I survive if I encounter wild animals? How about food? No, before that I need to get water. It's OK, I can do this."

He calms himself and thinks rationally. He tries to find water resources from leaves and uses his ears to search for the sound of water flow.

But suddenly he hears a rustling sound from behind a bush. He scans his sounding but can't see anything.

His heart is pounding and he starts to sweat more.

* The bush is moving

Without thinking further, he starts to run.

Suddenly a shadow-like creature leaped from the bush with an unbelievable speed. It moves so fast that it becomes close to the boy in less than a second.

It suddenly makes a scythe-like shape from his hand and attack the boy.

The boy that sees it tries to defend himself with a bare hand.

He grinds his teeth and waits for the impact.

Suddenly he feels hot on his wrist.

He sees that his hand is already gone.


He cries and doesn't believe what he sees. Meanwhile, the shadow creature is now showing itself.

His red eyes are glowing in the dark. The mouth that smiles side to side shows its sharp teeth. Its right hand has long fingers that look like a witch's fingers from a horror movie. Its left-hand doesn't have fingers, instead, it becomes a scythe that it used to cut the boy's hand. The black hoddie hid its body and head. The boy can't see its foot. No, it doesn't have one from the start.

It is just like the grim reaper itself is ascended from hell to take to the boy's life.

The boy tries to run away while holding his right hand that has been cut. But, he suddenly feels pain in his right foot.


The boy falls to the ground and screams while holding his right foot lost from the knee to the bottom.

The boy makes a rough breath while holding his knee and crying.


The grim reaper like a monster is making that strange sound while approaching him slowly.

It's enjoying itself while watching the poor boy become helpless.

The boy can't believe what he saw. He prays that this is only a dream. But the pain in his hand and foot pour the cold fact to him.

This is real.

"Ha... Ha... Hahaha haha..."

The boy let out a helpless laugh.

The grim reaper like a monster lifts his scythe hand.

The boy knows what fate will bestow on him.

As the monster swings its scythe, the boy screams.

"What the hell are yoouuuu????!!!"

And then,


A loud sound can be heard followed by the hole that suddenly appears in the monster's body.


The monster is confused and can't understand what happens. It tries to turn around but before its move, another two loud sound can be heard before the monster's head flies from its body.

The monster doesn't even make a sound when its body suddenly vanishes leaving dark red crystal on the ground.

The boy can't understand what happened. He is slowly losing consciousness because of how much blood he lost. The last thing he sees is a short-haired girl that he never met.