Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
Episode 287: Hell
The Valkyrie exploded 450 meters above Ufa.
The moment the Valkyrie exploded, the citizens of the Right witnessed an indescribably bright, almost completely white light.
As soon as I saw that light, my eyeballs burned.
But the citizens could not feel the pain.
Before they could even feel pain, enormous heat burned their bodies.
The weak human body, made up of ordinary blood, muscles, and bones, could not withstand the light of the sun god and melted.
People far away from the center of the explosion reflexively covered their eyes with their hands. At that moment, they could see the bones trapped behind the skin.
Before the people who saw their bones could be surprised, a high-temperature wind of thermal radiation swept them away.
The people located directly under the sky where Valkyrie exploded were evaporated by powerful heat rays, leaving only black traces where they had been. It was the atomic bomb shadow created when humans evaporated.
Due to the extremely high temperature, people melted in the intense heat regardless of age, gender, civilians, soldiers, and police.
Buildings were no exception.
Both old stone buildings and modern buildings made of reinforced concrete collapsed due to the shock wave of the explosion. There was no need to even mention the wooden building.
The Communist Party headquarters, where Stalin and the leadership of the Communist Party resided, also collapsed under the nuclear frenzy and shock wave.
Ironically, the fact that the Communist Party prepared a long-awaited banquet to boost the citizens' morale further aggravated the damage to the citizens.
Citizens who came out in droves to receive special rations rarely left their seats despite the air raid warning sounding.
They were afraid that if they left for no reason, when they returned after the warning, their turn would be pushed further back than before.
Citizens stayed in their seats despite the air raid warning, fearing that if they lined up too late, their rations could run out.
Even the military and police, who were supposed to lead citizens to air-raid shelters, were unable to stop them.
This was due to concerns that a riot might break out and the certainty that leaflets would be distributed again this time.
Even before the nuclear bomb was dropped, one German bomber flew in and quickly disappeared, and only three bombers followed.
They must have come today again to distribute leaflets or to conduct reconnaissance.
I never thought that judgment would lead them to death.
Those who barely survived the nuclear storm were not relieved to have survived.
They just howled.
In fact, those who died instantly were much luckier than those who survived.
At least they didn't feel any pain or even know what had happened to them.
But the survivors did not.
The moans and screams of the wounded but not dead echoed through the city as the firestorm swept through everything.
Almost all of the survivors suffered terrible burns. The burns caused by the nucleus were so terrible that they could not be compared to ordinary burns.
It wasn't just that my skin was red, swollen, and blistered.
The skin melted in the heat of the core and flowed down like rubber, exposing the fragile muscles.
The injured people ran around looking for water, their melted skin spilling on the floor.
Cries for water were heard everywhere. I needed water more than ever to quench my burning thirst.
Some, unable to hold back their thirst, greedily licked the snow that had instantly melted due to the heat of the core and the water, which was now so dirty that even the word 'clean water' seemed noble.
The survivors, whose eyeballs were burned out due to seeing the nuclear flame, were unable to see.
They cried out that they could not see and desperately asked for help. However, no one around helped the injured people who lost their eyes.
They couldn't help others because they couldn't help themselves.
Soldiers and policemen evaporated, melted, burned, and were blown away by the storm just like civilians.
Most of the doctors and nurses were dead, so there was very little manpower to save the injured. The nuclear flash destroyed hospitals indiscriminately.
There were also people who miraculously escaped death by staying in a basement or something.
But they too were driven out of their minds by the devastation caused by nuclear weapons.
Some who lost their minds chose suicide. Some people sat down and stared blankly at the devastation.
Someone rushed to the scene of the devastation to find their family members somewhere in the city.
They too were exposed to invisible radiation.
Right has been transformed into a land of complete death where no one can live.
"Hold on tight!"
The bombers that dropped the nukes were shaken like tin toys by the huge storm created by the nuclear explosion.
Weissmann tightened his grip on the control stick to prevent the aircraft from crashing.
What a shameful thing it would be if he was swept away by the wave created by the bomb he dropped and fell.
A dog's death is also a dog's death, and it will forever remain a laughing stock in history.
Fortunately, the bomber did not crash.
Weissmann was relieved when the shaking subsided and he was within a safe distance. When I became convinced that I was alive, laughter escaped my mouth without me knowing.
"oh my god. "Look at that."
"oh my god."
The bomber crew could not help but be shocked and amazed when they saw the huge mushroom cloud created by the nuclear bomb they dropped.
It was as if an entire mountain had been moved into the sky.
And they once again shuddered at the sight of the city beneath their feet boiling like lava.
"What your Excellency the President said was not an exaggeration."
"That's right."
"I never thought a single bomb could have this much power..."
The Fuhrer never told them lies or exaggerations.
I only told the truth.
The idea that a city could be erased from the map with a single bomb was no longer imaginary.
It was a reality and truth created by people.
"The war is almost over now. Even if the Roskees were crazy, they wouldn't be able to call for war after seeing this, right?"
"I agree."
"Maybe they'll surrender before we even land."
The crew, who were chatting wildly with excitement, soon discovered something strange.
"Hey, isn't there a strange taste in your mouth?"
"Did you feel it too, Captain? "I thought it was just me?"
"So do i."
Weissmann felt a bitter taste in his mouth. It feels like licking the surface of metal.
Is this also the effect of a nuclear bomb or something else that caused that enormous explosion?
Weissmann thought he would report in detail when he arrived at the base.
Even on the way back to the Kuznetsk airfield where the sortie had been launched, the mushroom cloud did not disappear from the crew's sight.
The mushroom cloud remained in its original position, like a giant tombstone created by gathering smoke.
Soldiers on the front line located about 120km away from Ufa were also able to see the huge mushroom cloud rising from Ufa.
Just before the mushroom cloud formed, they saw a twinkling light. A bright light as strong as the sun brightly colored the sky.
Soon, people heard the powerful explosion produced by the nuclear explosion. And I felt the nuclear shock wave.
Both German and Soviet soldiers could feel the shock wave created by the nuclear explosion.
"What the hell is this..."
When the nuclear bomb fell on the right wing, the soldiers were eating combat rations.
When the core exploded, the soldiers stood still, forgetting that the furenudel's noodles were blowing up, and stared at the mushroom cloud rising from the distant frozen ground.
Not only the soldiers but also the officers were very surprised.
"What is that...?"
"What on earth happened?"
Since the officers had not received any reports, they were confused when they saw a huge mushroom cloud rising from the enemy's capital.
But soon the mystery was resolved. 30 minutes after the nuclear drop, a message arrived at all front-line units.
The sender of the telegram was their one living god, Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.
"Attention everyone! From now on, I will read the telegram sent by His Excellency the President!"
"It is said that what your soldiers have just seen is the latest bomb, a nuclear bomb, developed by our scientists, blowing up the enemy's capital without a trace."
Not only the soldiers but also the officers listened carefully to the message the Fuhrer was sending them.
The soldiers, who had heard the word nuclear bomb for the first time in their lives, did not know exactly what a nuclear bomb was, but they did know one thing.
The nuclear bomb is something so powerful that it cannot be compared to existing bombs.
It is possible to erase a city from the map with a single nuclear bomb.
And we must be careful because where a nuclear bomb explodes, a substance called radioactivity remains, which is extremely lethal to the human body.
The Fuhrer gave orders to his troops and soldiers.
Advance, defeat the enemy, and surround the right wing.
The march into the center of the Ufa was planned to take place later.
Right now, the right wing is contaminated with radioactivity, so if you enter without caution, something terrible will happen.
Therefore, they planned to surround the right wing so that not even a single ant could escape and then slowly push in.
After hearing the report that the Valkyrie had successfully detonated and devastated the Ufa, I immediately gave the following command.
Commence the offensive as soon as preparations are made.
However, do not enter the Ufa area, but maintain a distance of about 50km and move left and right to defeat the enemy and completely surround the Ufa area.
People and even scientists still have no idea how dangerous radioactivity is.
It was long after World War II that the dangers of radioactivity became known.
The United States, which had been ignorant of the dangers of radioactivity until then, even conducted training to detonate a nuclear weapon and then advance to the center of the explosion.
The result, of course, was the radiation exposure of soldiers who participated in the training.
If they win at best and expose tens of thousands of soldiers to radiation through such a foolish act, it will not only be recorded as one of the most idiotic acts in human history, but it could also cause enormous problems to German society in the future.
What if soldiers who returned to society and got married without knowing that they had been exposed to radiation had children, and all of those children were born with deformities due to the effects of radiation?
Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.
I once read in a book that in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, just a few days after the nuclear explosions, citizens who entered the cities to save their families and relatives were exposed to radiation without their knowledge, and many of them suffered for eternity.
"Marshal Manstein. Be sure to keep this in mind. Please wait at least two weeks before entering the right wing. Until then, crack down on any troops from entering the right wing. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mr. President! "I will keep this in mind!"
Vlasov, the President of Free Russia, kept blinking as if he still couldn't believe what I told him. Finally, he opened his mouth.
"Is the nuclear bomb that the President spoke of really that dangerous?"
"exactly. It's not usually dangerous, but it's very, very dangerous. It's so dangerous that it makes any weapon developed by mankind look like a child's toy. "Simple fire power is fire power, but the radioactivity that remains on the ground after an explosion is more frightening."
As I explained the dangers of radioactivity, Vlasov listened to what I was saying with more attention than ever. After the vegetable science lecture, he asked a question.
"How does the President know so much?"
"We, Germany, are a country that has produced the world's best scientists. The Valkyrie dropped on the right is also their work. "Isn't this the answer?"
"Ah, I'm sure it is. "So what do you plan to do now?"
"Of course not. "We must end this war."
As all news from the right was cut off at once, Soviet troops on all fronts fell into chaos.
Soon, reports poured in from all directions about sightings of a huge flash in Ufa.
"They say an unidentified explosion was observed over Ufa!"
"We can't reach the troops stationed in Ufa!"
"What about Comrade Secretary General? What happened to Comrade Secretary General?"
"Mo, I don't know. "There isn't much confirmed information yet…"
Voroshilov felt his stomach sink.
After receiving instructions from the Secretary-General to lead troops to defend Ufa, he was heading toward Ufa with Budolni and Khrushchev.
However, as we reached Omsk, all communication with the right wing was suddenly cut off.
Soon, radio signals poured in from each unit on the front line.
There is no communication with the right wing. And then I saw a huge flash coming from the right wing.
Voroshilov was confused by the common testimonies, as if they had been planned in advance.
What on earth is going on? What happened on the right?
As he was in confusion, new news arrived. Our wiretapping team intercepted some of the German military's communications, and it is said to be related to the loss of communications from the right wing.
The story is that a new bomb developed by the German military blew up the right wing at once.
Soon, additional reports arrived that the German army had launched an offensive.
Voroshilov could not come to his senses as reports poured in from all directions. Khrushchev, who had flown in with his best friend Budnyi to deliver a warning to them on Stalin's orders, was at a loss due to the completely unexpected situation.
"What do we do now, Comrade Commander-in-Chief?"
"What should I send to the front line troops?"
"Tell them to fight first! Fight and stop the fascists!"
Voroshilov desperately wracked his brain, which was already stiff and wouldn't work, and came up with what he thought was the best plan.
First of all, I kept trying to contact them because I thought there might be survivors on the right.
The news that the right wing has been destroyed appears to be true to this day. However, the life or death of the secretary was not confirmed.
Secretary, is Koba dead? Or is she alive?
I heard that the Secretary General has been living in an underground bunker since the Ufa also became a target of bombing by the German Air Force.
It was built deep underground to withstand a large-scale carpet bombing, and was stocked with enough food and water in case of an emergency, so if the secretary had not been outside at the time of the explosion, there was a high possibility that he would still be alive.
If the General Secretary is alive, and if there are still loyal subordinates and NKVD troops following his instructions, they will pull him out from the rear from the shattered Ufa.
Perhaps the Secretary General is now moving out of the right wing and toward the rear, escorted by the NKVD. Voroshilov wanted to believe that.
Buduni and Khrushchev also tried to say in bright voices that the Secretary-General could never die and that he might be alive and making plans to overcome this difficult situation.
But the same question did not leave the minds of the three people.
If the
So really, what if
What if the chief secretary died?
What if not only the Secretary, but also those who had been carrying out the orders given by the Secretary by his side all died and disappeared at once?
What happens then?