

The news of Goebbels' speech had a significant impact on Yugoslavia and Greece.

Yugoslavs, especially Serbs, who were hostile to Germany due to memories of World War I, were furious at Goebbels' speech, which was tantamount to an ultimatum.

Contrary to reality, the Yugoslav government only sent out distorted reports to the public that its army was achieving successive victories on the front lines, and the people, who had no way to verify the facts, believed the government's reports wholeheartedly.

People had no doubt that Albania would be conquered soon.

However, when victory was just around the corner, Germany suddenly stood in the way.

If we do not immediately stop the war and withdraw, bloody revenge will follow... . Yugoslavs were angry at Germany's failure to turn back a war they had won.

"There are only a few days left until victory is announced, but are the Germans threatening?"

"You damn pigs!"

"Are you saying that we look easy?"

On April 14, 1941, a large-scale protest took place in Belgrade.

"Germans, stop interfering with our country!"

"Oppose a ceasefire! "Don't stop the war!"

The demonstrators who were marching through the streets of Belgrade chanting 'oppose the end of the war' and 'continue the war' turned into a mob when the German embassy appeared. Protesters, filled with anger, broke down the front door of the German embassy and broke into the embassy.


"They're Germans! "Kill them all!"

"Hey, that bitch is running away! catch!"



April 15, 1941

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

Employees working at the German Embassy in Belgrade were captured and lynched by angry protesters.

Even the ambassador was dragged out by the protesters and beaten as if he were being beaten, leaving him speechless, the German flag was torn and burned by the protesters, and female employees were raped.

The Yugoslav government, which heard the news late, quickly dispatched military police and police to the embassy, but by the time they arrived at the scene, the incident had already occurred.

When this news reached Germany, angry German citizens flocked to the Yugoslav embassy.

A battalion of the Waffen SS was deployed in advance around the Yugoslav embassy, but the number of protesters was so large that it almost broke through.

The Germans were enraged by the atrocities of the Yugoslavs.

Criticism poured in that war should be declared against Yugoslavia immediately, and even radio news announcers spoke passionately about the need for retaliation.

The Yugoslav government ignored the announcement that this incident was accidental, that the Yugoslav government was never involved, that it was currently investigating the culprits, and that it would begin ceasefire negotiations with Albania at Germany's request.

I have instructed all government departments not to respond or respond to any contact from the Yugoslav government.

"Violence is bad, but when you need a stick, use a stick."

"That's right, Mr. President. "A stick is medicine for a mad dog."

Now that things have come to this, war has become inevitable.

In fact, the Yugoslav government tried to avoid war at all costs, but this time we refused.

Are you trying to avoid war by committing an unprecedented situation by attacking another country's embassy and assaulting the ambassador and staff? That sounds like shit.

Of course, it was clear that this incident did not occur under the orders of the Yugoslav government.

No matter how crazy Serbian nationalism may be, the government is not crazy enough to openly declare war on Germany.

However, if this is overlooked, there is a high possibility that the German people will not remain silent.

No matter how much I am treated as a monotheistic person in Germany, if something happens that causes Germany to be openly insulted and I ignore it, not only will my approval rating suffer a huge blow, but there is a very high possibility that the image I have built so far will be destroyed.

And to prevent those Serbian bastards from going on a rampage again, we needed to take this opportunity to step on them properly.

"Goering, what is the air force's readiness?"

"If you give the order, we can sortie right now, Mr. President. The 3rd and 4th air corps have already been deployed in the direction of Ostmark, and the 5th air corps is scheduled to complete deployment within three days."

"Keitel, General Brauchitsch. "What is the army's readiness?"

"The 46th Motorized Corps, the 49th Mountain Corps, and the 1st SS Panzer Corps are on standby along the Yugoslav border, and four additional divisions are on the move. "I expect all arrangements will be completed within two days."

"If His Excellency the President gives instructions, we can engage in combat right away. "The soldiers' morale and armament are at their peak."

Well then, let's get started.


April 16, 1941

Over Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, means 'white city' in Serbian. The name was given because all the buildings in the city are white, and it is a historic city that has been used as a military base since the days of the ancient Roman Empire.

When World War I broke out, Belgrade suffered many hardships, including being devastated by artillery fire from the Austro-Hungarian army and the city being occupied.

However, after the war, it was restored and enjoyed rapid development and prosperity as the capital of the new giant kingdom of Yugoslavia.

However, these words will soon become a thing of the past.

German bombers flying over Belgrade in the dark opened their bomb bays at once when the order was given.

A swarm of bombers comprising almost all types of bombers, from existing medium bombers such as Ju88, He 111, and Do 217 to heavy bombers such as Fw 200 and He 177, which were also used in the Rome air raid, brought death to Belgrade.

"Drop the bomb."

"Drop the bomb."

Bombers focused their eyes and aimed at the target to inflict greater damage to the enemy, and bomber pilots dropped bombs without hesitation.

The bombs left the bomber and fell in free fall, lighting up various parts of Belgrade.

After the bombing began, the Yugoslav Air Force's Hawker Hurricane fighter planes quickly took off, but to no avail.

The Yugoslav fighters could not even get close to the bombers and were all shot down by the Bf109s and Fw190s escorting the bombers.

The Yugoslav Air Force, whose aircraft performance and pilot skills were far inferior, was nothing more than a flying target for German pilots.

"It burns like firewood. "You bastards."

Marshal Walter Weber also participated in the air raid on Belgrade. This time, instead of Richthofen, he personally took control of the bomber and went on an air strike.

Weber, who was able to relieve his regret of not being able to participate in the air raid on Rome with this, smiled brightly like a child as he looked down at the burning Belgrade panorama engulfed in the flash of the bomb.

"You messed with Germany, so you have to pay the price. "They're like stupid Slavic inferiors."

After speaking, the marshal remained silent for a while, then turned his head and looked at the co-pilot.

"You too, please say something. "It's embarrassing because it seems like I'm talking and I'm answering."

"uh? "S-sorry!"

The veteran major, who had participated in the invasion of Poland and the campaigns in Norway, France, and Italy, was astonished at Weber's point.

The moonlight reflected and sparkled on the Iron Cross, 1st Class, worn around his neck.

"Don't say you're sorry, just say something. "At such an important moment in history, are you not even thinking?"

"Ah, that… .. The enemy is so bad that it feels like a mock training exercise rather than a real battle, Excellency Marshal."

The enemy aircraft were all taken care of by the escort planes, and the anti-aircraft artillery was not in sufficient quantity and was of an outdated type used in World War I, so it could not even reach the bombers.

Weber grinned, as if satisfied with his co-pilot's words.

"yes? I also feel like this is training rather than actual combat. Still, it wouldn't be training for those down there."


As a result of the Luftwaffe's air raid, more than 5,000 people died in Belgrade that day.

Thousands of buildings were burned down or damaged, and Belgrade's cultural heritage, which boasts a long history, was also damaged.

The Old Royal Palace, completed in 1884, and the New Royal Palace, completed in 1922 and where Peter II and his family lived, were destroyed by the German Air Force, leaving only the skeleton behind.

While Belgrade was engulfed in flames, German artillery shelled Yugoslav army positions along the German-Yugoslav border.

After the bombardment, the 4th Panzer and armored vehicles that had been waiting in line crossed the border with the order to advance.

"Tank forward!"

"from now on!"

The Yugoslav Air Force was desperate, but the army was even worse. The T-26, the most powerful armored equipment possessed by the Yugoslav army, had been deployed in large numbers to the Albanian battlefield, so the Yugoslav army deployed on the German border had to fight against the German army's No. 4 tank aboard the Renault FT-17, which had been used in World War I.

"An enemy tank appears in front. Range 900, armor-piercing bullet!"


"Aim complete!"


The Renault FT-17, which was nearly 20 years older than the Panzer IV, later considered by historians to be the first MBT, was often destroyed before it even fired a shell.

Panzer 4 fired shells from a distance that could never be reached by the main gun of the Renault FT-17, burning French antiques in one blow.

Even the T-26, which was rarely mixed among the Renault FT-17, did any damage to the Panzer IV.

Even if the shell barely hits the 4th tank, it often fails to pierce the front armor of the hull and ricochets.

Tanks that failed to attack were invariably hit by a counterattack and destroyed.

It took less than three minutes for all 24 tanks, equivalent to two tank companies, to turn into a ball of fire.

Because the armor of Yugoslav tanks was so thin, two tanks were destroyed by a single 75mm armor-piercing round.

"This is not actual combat, it's just training."

Senior SS Captain Paul Hauser, who was watching the battlefield closely with his staff from the Sd.Kfz 251/3 command vehicle, clicked his tongue at the extremely low-level appearance of the enemies.

The difference in equipment performance was large, but the morale of the soldiers was very low. As soon as they crossed the border, Yugoslav soldiers poured out in droves, raising both hands and surrendering.

Most of the Yugoslav soldiers who surrendered were Croatians, and they had no intention of dying for the Serbs who discriminated against them.

Therefore, they threw down their weapons and surrendered as soon as the German army appeared.

Some Croatian units even shot and killed Serb officers and soldiers and asked them to join the German army.

"It is said that the Serbian army fought very bravely during World War I, but it seems they fought worse than then. "Can things change like this in just 20 years?"

"I don't know the details, but isn't it because they are afraid of fighting with us?"

SS Lieutenant Colonel Sylvester Stadler, Hausser's chief of staff, said: Hausser burst out laughing at Stadler's answer.

"is it? Hmm, that's persuasive."

There was quite a lot of talk about the 1st SS Panzer Corps, which was created in preparation for the war with Yugoslavia, even before its creation.

An armored corps in the SS, which was founded later than the Wehrmacht, which boasts a long tradition and history! Although many army generals reacted skeptically to the creation of the SS Panzer Corps and questioned its necessity, it was created thanks to the strong suggestions of SS leaders, including Himmler and Hausser, and the approval of the Fuhrer.

The first corps commander of the 1st SS Panzer Corps was SS Senior General Paul Hauser. This appointment was made with the belief that there would be less opposition from the National Defense Force if he took command, having previously been promoted to lieutenant general in the National Guard before transferring to the SS.

Hausser knew that the responsibility of this position was very great.

If he misleads or makes a mistake, the Wehrmacht, which has always regarded the SS as a thorn in its side, will immediately try to bite the SS, and the SS's position will naturally narrow.

However, on the other hand, if he makes significant achievements, the Wehrmacht will no longer be able to ignore the SS as a group of idiots who are only good at fighting.

With that in mind, the Fuhrer placed the SS at the forefront of the attack.

The SS must live up to the Führer's expectations by proving that it is as skilled in strategy and tactics as the Wehrmacht.

Hausser looked at the map once again to see if there were any elements that could hinder the operation.

So far, the operation has been going much more smoothly than expected.

Thanks to the weak combat power of the Yugoslav army, it took only 20 minutes to break through the defense line, which was expected to take 1 hour.

"At this speed, we will be able to reach Ljubljana within today."

The distance from the German border to Belgrade was longer than the distance from the German border to Paris.

However, the Yugoslav army, whose combat power was far inferior to that of the French army, would be able to quickly reach Belgrade.

The Yugoslav army's defense line was cut into pieces like butter, and Stukas flew over the heads of the advancing Panzer IV.

Soldiers on the ground waved their hands at the Stukas flying toward the east, and the Stuka pilots responded by waving their wings.


April 17, 1941

Klagenfurt, Ostmark, Germany

Leaving the invasion of Yugoslavia to generals such as Keitel and Brauchitsch, I had a meeting with the person who would become Germany's new ally.

Ante Pavelic. Croatian fascist and leader of the Ustaša party, as infamous as the Nazis in the Balkan Peninsula.

Pavelic, who had assassinated Yugoslav King Aleksandar I seven years earlier in 1934, had been living in Italy, but when Yugoslavia invaded Albania, he led Ustasha party members to Germany.

The smile never left his face, perhaps because Croatia's independence, which he had been waiting for so long, was just around the corner.

"Mr. Pavelic, you know that I intend to make you the leader of the new Croatia."

"Yes, President. "I don't know how to thank you for that."

At the same time, he showed me considerable favor, knowing that I intended to appoint him and Ustasha to important positions in Croatia.

I had some doubts about whether I should join hands with the Ustasha, which never fell behind the Nazis and Japan in their atrocities, but I had no choice because there was no political party in Croatia that was as pro-German and supported by Croatians.

"Instead, there is a condition. "If you accept our terms, I will give you and the Ustasha my full support."

"If this is the condition the President puts forward, then of course we must accept it."

"If Croatia becomes independent, Serbs living in Croatia will become a problem. First, let's ask one question. "How do you plan to treat them?"

"That's why we have to kill them all."

I felt distraught when I saw Pavelic saying, as if it was so obvious, that genocide was the answer.

Should I break up with this guy right now?

"The Serbians are like a cancerous bunch. If we leave it alone, it might try to take our lives. "Wouldn't it be better to just kill them all before that?"

"Hmm, hmm. "Is there really no other way than massacre?"

"Well, if we have to find another way, the only option is deportation. However, deportation takes a long time and requires manpower and administrative power, so massacre is simpler and much more efficient."

"No massacre. "I will not touch you until you are deported, but massacres are absolutely unacceptable."

Pavelic's eyes widened when I disapproved of the massacre of Serbs. No, why are you looking so shocked? I know that saying not to kill people is not that surprising.

"Why, President? Are you saying we can't massacre? "Mr. Fuhrer, don't you know what the Serbs did to the Croats?"

"How could you not know? I also understand that you Croats have a grudge against Serbia. But think about it carefully. "Aren't those Serbs going to be shot to death quietly like livestock?"

Even rats bite people when they are cornered, but what about people? The massacre of Serbs will most likely lead to partisan resistance and drive all of Croatia into a battlefield.

Even in history, Serbs who lost their homes and families in the Ustasha massacre became partisans and fought against the Ustasha, further hindering the German army's war effort and causing trouble for Hitler.

I also do not look kindly on the Serbs who started the war and committed numerous crimes, but that is by no means a reason to massacre them.

The best way would be for Croats and Serbs to find a way to coexist without fighting each other, but I don't think that's possible.

The only realistic option is deportation, which will also receive backlash from Serbs, but isn't it still better than massacre?

I expressed my firm opposition to the massacre, citing the resistance of Serbs, the spread of partisans, and the enormous consumption and waste of manpower and materials that would result from this.

Pavelic, who had initially taken my words to heart, changed his mind after hearing my explanation and became quite serious. Still, I'm glad I'm not someone I can't communicate with.

"… .Sure, that would be a problem. "If just one out of 10 Serbs in Croatia became a partisan, that number would easily be in the tens of thousands."

I'm glad you understood quickly. Even after explaining it this way, if he insisted on massacre, I was planning to deal with him like Stauffenberg, but at least he was a person who could communicate.

"What are the next conditions?"

"The next condition is… ."