Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
January 1, 1941
Germany Peenemünde
Usedom Island, the second largest island in Germany after Rügen Island, is called the 'Island of the Sun' and is a popular vacation destination for many people.
In 1937, the Nazis established an army research center in Peenemünde, located at the western end of Usedom Island, to test various weapons.
Among the weapons tested at the Peenemünde Army Research Center, by far the most famous are the V1 and V2 rockets used by the Nazis in their air raids on the British mainland at the end of the war.
The V1 rocket, short for Vergeltungswaffe 1, is considered the first modern cruise missile and the world's first jet-propelled cruise missile, and the world's first ballistic missile, the Retaliatory Weapon 2-V2, is the successor to the numerous ballistic missiles that appeared after the war. It is famous for having a significant influence on development.
However, Hitler did not show interest in these rocket weapons and did not provide much support for rocket weapon research because he was in a hurry to produce tanks and fighter jets.
However, Wernher von Braun and Walter Dornberger, rocket fanatics who lived by rockets and died by rockets, continued their research despite Hitler's indifference and eventually succeeded in changing Hitler's mind.
The problem is that it was at the end of the war, when Germany's defeat was certain. It was too late to change the situation with the deployment of V1 and V2, and Germany ended up losing the war.
However, I promised unlimited support to the Army Rocket Laboratory, where Dornberger had been director since 1934.
There is only one price for support: no matter what happens, do not stop and continue your research. That was it.
Air Force personnel, including Goering and Richthofen, unanimously agreed with my decision, but Schacht, who was responsible for the economy, opposed it, saying that the cost of such absurd research was too high.
Regardless, I actively supported their research, and Braun and Dornberger, who received the push, were able to focus on their research with peace of mind.
As a result of pouring a lot of money into rocket development, V1 and V2 were able to appear in the world earlier than in history.
"3, 2, 1… . launch!"
When the button was pressed, the observers watched with admiration as the V2 missile soared into the sky, emitting noise and flames at the same time.
The experiment was a success. Both V1 and V2 were successfully launched, and their speed and trajectory are also stable.
The research center officials, who were standing with anxious faces, whistled and congratulated themselves when the demonstration ceremony ended successfully.
"Look at this, Minister. "I didn't tell you it wasn't a waste of money."
Schacht, who had jumped up and said that it was a waste of budget when he heard that I would significantly increase support for the Rocket Research Institute, shrugged his shoulders as if he was embarrassed when the experiment ended successfully, contrary to his expectations.
"But no one yet knows how effective that will be in practice. And considering the cost involved, I don't think I was wrong."
"Stubborn again. Saving the budget is important, but do we need such weapons to protect Germany? "If we had neglected the development of weapons because we wanted money, the country that signed the surrender document would have been Germany, not France."
"I think Germany's military power is strong enough even without such weapons."
Yes, yes. you won How come you don't want to say a single word?
"Good job. After all, I knew that if it were you, I would definitely be able to do it. "It's been a really hard time."
"This is all possible thanks to the full support of His Excellency the President!"
After shaking Dornberger's hand, I approached the young scientist standing next to Dornberger. This man was Wernher von Braun, the father of rocketry.
"I have heard of your achievements. What do you think made the biggest contribution to research? "He is a genius who is born once every hundred years."
"That's too much praise, Mr. President. "Compared to the accomplishments of His Excellency the President, how dare someone like me-"
"This man is humble. You are enough to be proud of! Look at the masterpiece you created. That's not something you can make by just pouring a lot of money into it! "Be proud."
"thank you. "I will continue to do my best."
After saying hello to Klaus Riedel and Helmut Grötrupp, who participated in the development of the V2 rocket, he met with engineers from Fiesler, who developed the V1 rocket, and praised their hard work. To commemorate the occasion, I think we should have a company dinner.
"V2 could be deployed in northern France in preparation for war with Britain. And V1… ."
In history, the Nazis used the V1 to attack England, but I was somewhat skeptical about attacking England with the V1.
The V1 itself was made to attack Britain, but the damage it actually caused to Britain was not that great.
Unlike the V2, which was difficult for the British as it could not be intercepted, the V1 had a maximum speed of only 640 km/h, making it easy to be intercepted by anti-aircraft guns and fighter jets.
This alone was a problem, but the hit rate was very low (this was an unavoidable problem considering the technology at the time), so it failed to inflict any real damage on the UK.
This did not mean that there was no damage, but considering the money, manpower, and time spent on V1 development and production, it was an obvious loss.
Instead, you can make 12 V1s for the money you pay for a Bf109 (42,900 marks), and you can make 30 V1s for the money you pay for a bomber like the Ju88!
And considering that it is a missile that does not have people on board, so the loss of life is zero, it is not incomprehensible that the Nazis were obsessed with producing the V1 at the end of the war, as it was a means of dropping the most bombs on Britain at the least cost.
Nevertheless, considering the cost-effectiveness, using the V1 for attacking the UK is a matter that requires some consideration.
"for a moment. "Why not use the V1 on the front lines instead of attacking cities?"
"V1 is used on the front lines… "Do you mean so?"
The V1 development team looked dumbfounded for a moment after hearing what I said. Obviously, they made it because they were told to make a rocket weapon to use for attacking cities, but it would be absurd to suddenly say that it would be used on the front line.
"It's possible, but why are you suddenly asking that?"
"Since the V2 has a longer range and faster bullet speed than the V1, I thought it would be better to leave city attacks to the V2 and use the V1 for frontline attacks."
V1 weighs 2,150 kg (warhead weight is 850 kg). Since the Type 4 Tank H slightly exceeds 25 tons, if you load a V1 instead of one Tank 4 on a train, 12 tanks can be transported.
The problem is that a dedicated base is needed to launch the V1, but it is impossible to install a fixed base on a battlefield where the battle lines change in real time.
If the front line moves due to the advance or retreat of our troops, the bases located in between will become unusable. To do this, a mobile launcher is needed instead of a base.
Mobile launchers already exist in the world. An object that has existed in the world since the early 19th century, is still widely used, and is expected to be used until the day humanity perishes.
It's a train.
"We're using V1 on a train! That way, the cost and time will be much lower than building a separate V1 launch base, and it can be more useful. Regardless of whether our troops advance or retreat, all we have to do is put them on a train, shoot, and move. What is it like? "Wouldn't it be a more effective weapon than a train cannon?"
"It's a pretty good idea!"
The idea of installing a missile launcher on a train and using it as a mobile missile base first came up in the Soviet Union, and North Korea followed suit and is still operating it frugally in the 21st century.
In the 21st century, when the means of striking are highly developed and there is no need to use trains, it is an object whose location is ambiguous, but what if the beginning of modern weapons was in World War II, when they were just beginning to appear? There is no other striking method as advanced as this!
"Good. "Then, everyone, please research so that V1 can be installed on trains starting tomorrow."
"… ..yes?"
"No, what do you mean-"
"I'm sure you can do it. "I look forward to hearing good news soon."
The return of equipment captured and confiscated by the Germans from the French began on January 2, the day after the New Year.
First up is the Renault FT-17. Since it is an antique used in World War I, it is not a waste to return it, and since the number of units received is over 1,000, it is also possible to show off.
Next are infantry tanks like FCM 36 and D1. They do not fit our military's strategy of emphasizing mobility and their performance is ambiguous, so it is not a waste to return them. The same goes for cavalry tanks.
In the case of Somua S35, S40, and Shar B1, only 30 units of all three were returned. Including vehicles such as charcoal trucks and motorcycles, 800 pieces of equipment were returned to the French army.
"Even if it is Amman's outdated equipment, isn't it a waste to return it to the French army?"
"But it's too outdated for our military to operate, so it's not particularly useful. It would be better to leave it to France and show off. In return, we were able to use French colonies and even received France's promise to participate in the war when the war broke out, so I think they sold it for a fair price."
"What use are those ragtag people on the battlefield? Chances are you'll wet your pants while looking for your mom. Or turn the guns on our soldiers."
Göring, remembering the French army's poor performance, shook his head. Considering the disgraceful behavior of the French army on the Western Front, it is not unreasonable to assert this.
"So, since we cannot expect combat power, we should station them at the rear as much as possible and leave it to them to clean up after themselves. And since you will be able to deploy as many troops to the front line as the number of French troops stationed in the rear, it is not completely useless. "The quality of troops is important, but isn't the number of troops also an important factor?"
"That's a fair statement, but will we ever be in such a crisis that we'll have to lend help to the French?"
It was a little later, but until then, no one expected that Goering's words would become reality.
Even me.
In any case, two French divisions armed with equipment returned to Germany were deployed to Indochina.
Recently, Japan's pressure on Indochina has been increasing day by day, so it would not be surprising if war broke out at any time.
The Indochina Governor-General prepared to repatriate its citizens living in the Indochina area to the mainland, while also beginning to build a defense line along the Indochina-China border.
Japan protested against this, but Pétain responded with inaction.
Of the 300 Renault FT-17s remaining in Germany, 260 were loaded onto trains and sent to China. Although it was useless in Germany, the Renault FT-17 had extraordinary value in China, which was always suffering from a shortage of heavy equipment.
For the National Revolutionary Army, which was struggling with the Japanese army's armored power, which could never be said to be powerful, tanks, whether new or outdated, just released from the factory, were valuable in themselves.
Of course, even the National Revolutionary Army rarely used the Renault FT-17 in its original form, and used it by removing the turret and installing the PaK 38 to make it a Type 50 tank.
The Type 50 tanks, completed by German engineers, were sent to the front without even a chance to paint them.
We need to produce at least one more Type 50 tank and deploy it to the front lines. Only then can we save the continent. This was what Chiang Kai-shek said to his staff.
Since the Type 50 tank was an anti-tank self-propelled gun rather than a tank, it was difficult to operate it like a tank, but it was an ideal product for the National Revolutionary Army, which was mainly engaged in defensive warfare.
All I had to do was to sit in a reasonably quiet place and shoot when a Japanese tank appeared.
There were cases where Type 50 tanks, which had almost no defense, were placed at the vanguard of an offensive, only to be destroyed in return. However, when Falkenhausen issued instructions prohibiting the use of Type 50 tanks only in defensive battles and in offensive battles, such cases quickly decreased. .
Japan soon became aware of the existence of the Type 50 tank, and when it learned that it was a weapon made with German technology, it protested fiercely.
"If all Germans in China are not evacuated to their home country right now, Japan will consider severing diplomatic ties with Germany."
"joy. These guys have lost their cowardice. "Do you think we will give in to such trivial threats?"
I was going to give Ribbentrop, who delivered the message from Dirksen in Tokyo, the usual instructions to ignore it.
But before I could give instructions, Ribbentrop spoke first.
"But Mr. President, there are still our people in Japan who have not completely evacuated. "For their safety, I think we need to act a little more cautiously."
"That too. Then tell Dirkzen this. The German engineers currently in China did not go to China under orders from the German government, but were hired by the Kuomintang government, so they cannot be arbitrarily interfered with. "It is said that even if it is possible to issue a withdrawal order, it would be difficult to use coercive force."
"Will the Japanese believe that?"
"What if I don't believe it? Well, anyway, the breakup is over. If they're going to break off ties with us first, that's fine with me. "It means one less thing for us to do."
"Isn't there a possibility that Japan will take further action beyond severing diplomatic relations?"
"I can't say it's very unlikely, but the possibility is slim. Especially at this time. They have no intention of going to war with us. They know that it's impossible.
In order for Japanese bombers to bomb Berlin, they would have to cross the Eurasian continent or cross the Pacific and Atlantic to the North Sea. Does common sense make you think that would be possible? And we, Germany, have no colonies in the Pacific. Even if you want to attack, there is no target to attack. So how are you going to wage war?"
Ribbentrop was convinced by my words and turned around. After he opened the door and went out, Hess spoke to him.
"Mr. President, I have a question for you."
"If Japan declares war on Germany, what do you plan to do then?"
In response to Hess' question, Göring, Goebbels, and Himmler also quietly shifted their gaze towards me as if they were curious about my answer.
"If they really go crazy and declare war on Germany, we should fight. "They started the war over there first, so we can't ignore them."
"But didn't you just say a little while ago that you had no intention of actually going to war because of the distance difference?"
"yes. But that only meant that it was impossible for the Japanese army to attack Germany, not that it was impossible for the Wehrmacht to attack Japan."
"What do you mean by that? "It's impossible for them to attack our territory, but we can?"
"The answer is simple. All we have to do is move the National Defense Forces to the battlefield in the Far East via land. "If war with Japan breaks out, I plan to ask Stalin for passage of our troops."
"Stalin… . To the Soviet Union?"
"Yes, Soviet Union. "There is no way to send our armored forces to China in large numbers other than through Soviet territory."
"But will Stalin acquiesce to our request?"
Himmler asked.
"Maybe so. Because the person he fears most right now is us. I'm talking about Germany, not the US, UK or Japan. So, even if they don't want to show us hate, they will accept our request. I'll ask for something in return, but we'll think about it later.
In any case, once our air force and armored forces arrive in China with the cooperation of the Soviet Union, they will wipe out the Japanese army like fallen leaves.
The weapons possessed by the National Defense Force are far superior in performance to those of the Japanese military. They would liberate Manchuria and the Korean peninsula beyond the Chinese mainland, and ultimately, they would pour out rocket weapons with greatly increased range by improving the V2 throughout Japan to get Tenno's surrender. "It may take some time, but for now, there is no other way than this."
"Hey~ I learned more today than yesterday!"
"As expected, the President's thoughts are different from ours!"
As soon as I finished speaking, the four people each praised me with flattering comments they had prepared. It's an assumption that anyone can come up with if they just apply their brains a little.
No, it's done. No matter what I say, 'Oh! These guys have a habit of shouting 'Your Excellency the President, Sugoi!'.