

As my vision darkened, my breath caught in my throat.

At the same time, I felt like my whole body was being crushed, as if I had been crushed under a huge rock.

I tried moving my hands and feet, but they didn't move.

When I opened my mouth, dirt seeped into my mouth. he couldn't even open her eyes because of the dirt that covered her entire body.

I struggled because I thought I was going to die, but the more I struggled, the more pressure I put on my body.

In less than a minute, I felt a burning pain in my lungs.


This is wrong.

As I instinctively sensed death, my body became weak and I could not think of anything.

It's over.

The moment I gave up on everything and was about to close my eyes, someone's rough hand came through the dirt, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me back.


When I opened my eyes, a scary-looking giant who looked like something out of a historical drama was looking down at me.

I don't think he's a bandit, but I don't think he's the Grim Reaper either...

But are you wearing a military uniform?

"Hey, bro. Are you coming to your senses? "He almost died."

He was neither a bandit leader nor a grim reaper.

It was an ally.

Behind the giant, our soldiers were pulling out buried soldiers from what had been an evacuation shelter.

"Thank you..."

I really lived and died.

I don't know if it's just luck or if it's not time to die, but I survived. for now.

But it was too early to be at ease.

"emergency! Bisaang!"

"Tommies are coming!"

As soon as the bombardment ended, the British attack began.


"Everyone prepare for battle!"

As soon as the bombardment ended, the British army crossed the no-man's land and began the attack.

While the enemy was passing through a no-man's land full of shell pits, rotting corpses, rats, trash, barbed wire, and stakes, our troops hastily entered into a combat stance.

"Why don't you run faster, you bastards!"

"Do you all want to get lost?!"

Before the soldiers could even recover from the aftereffects of the bombardment, they had to run around while listening to officers and non-commissioned officers shouting and swearing.

Of course me too.

"Fuck! Fuck! "Fuck!"

I feel so unfair that I suddenly became possessed by Hitler, but now I have to fight.

Not just a fist fight, but a fight where bullets fly and you could die.

If I hadn't been so greedy for chicken, this wouldn't have happened.

Damn it. I had a lot of regret.

The actual battlefield was filled with a sense of urgency that was incomparable to the mock battles often experienced in the military.

"Ready the machine guns!"

"Don't shoot until I tell you to!"

The British army had already passed more than half of the no-man's land, leaving about 600 meters to the friendly trenches.

As I looked at the enemies swarming in like a swarm of dense ants, my heart was pounding like crazy and I broke into a cold sweat.

I've seen a lot of movies about trench warfare in World War I. , , , , , etc.

However, the difference between what I saw on the screen and what I saw with my own eyes on the actual battlefield was indescribable.

At least you won't die when you see it on screen, but here you have to risk your life.

"Start shooting!"


When the command to shoot was given, everyone reflexively pulled the trigger.

As gunshots rang out one after another, the sight of the enemy's front line collapsing came into view.

As the MG08 heavy machine gun, which I had only seen in pictures on the Internet, fired like crazy, the British troops fell like dominoes. The enemies barely screamed.

It might be more accurate to say that I couldn't scream.

Like everyone else, I pulled the trigger of the rifle as hard as I could.

However, the Gewehr 1898 rifle I am currently using was quite cumbersome as I had to manually move the bolt to remove the cartridges.

In fact, all rifles of this period were like that.

"I'm dying, really."

I was shooting so hard that before I knew it, I had used up all the loaded bullets.

As I took out a fresh clip from my pocket, a bullet hissed past my ear.


I was so shocked that my legs lost their strength.

It sent shivers down my spine to think that life and death were separated by just a few centimeters.

"Hey, you! "Have you been shot?"

A sergeant shouted as he saw me sitting on the floor. I barely shook my head.

"Oh, no!"

"Then quickly stand up and fight! Now the enemies-"

As a blinding bullet flew through his temple, the sergeant fell backwards like a machine at the end of its life.

Blood soon accumulated on the curved floor, forming a small puddle.

shit. I barely survived, but after only a few minutes, I looked like I was dead again.

"Ahh! Argh!"


"Oh no, Franz!"

"Help me!"

The screams of soldiers wounded by bullets and the desperate voices desperately searching for medics rang in my ears, making me lose my senses.

But there was another sound that was even more terrifying.

"What is that again?"

"no way?"

"Fuck! "It's a tank!"

"A tank has appeared!"

I thought I could hear the sound of rolling iron wheels in the strange engine noise, and then the high-pitched screams of soldiers announcing the appearance of a tank erupted from all over the trench.

When I pulled up the strength I had been nursing, I could see a huge monster crossing the no-man's land.


The flower of ground warfare and the grim reaper of infantry.

A tank identical to the Mk IV I remembered was rolling towards us with a bunch of infantry.

I heard that when tanks first appeared on the battlefield, the German army was anxious because they did not know how to destroy tanks.

However, the story was different in 1918, two years after the tank appeared.

The Germans, who were initially taken aback by the tank, realized that this tank had surprisingly weak defense, and quickly developed weapons to deal with it.

"It's coming, take aim!"

When the tank appeared, our troops took out their secret weapon.

At first glance, the tankgebear was so large that it looked like an enlarged version of an ordinary rifle.

As you can guess from the name, it is extremely large, probably because it was created solely to deal with tanks.

Although it was quite heavy due to its size, its performance was certain.


The Tankgewehr, which spewed fire and made a loud roar that was incomparable to that of an ordinary rifle, hit the front of the Mk IV.


"You got it right!"

The tank, hit repeatedly by Tankgewehr's large 13.2mm bullets, soon stopped.

The driver may have been injured, or there may have been a problem with the engine, causing it to no longer roll.

However, there was not just one British tank.

As soon as the first tank was taken out, two more tanks appeared from behind.

To make matters worse,

"Hey, what are you doing now!"

When the tankgewehr gunner did not fire until the second tank overtook the previously destroyed tank, the panicked officer shouted,

"A tram is coming! "Why don't you shoot?"

"The gun is broken! "The shell casing is stuck and won't fall out!"

It's going to spin, really.

When the secret weapon I trusted was suddenly retired, there was only one means left.

"Now, let's all take one."

"Uh, me too...?"

"okay. "This is the only way to catch that monster."

As the tanks approached, cluster grenades were distributed.

I suddenly took charge of one of the cluster grenades and was suddenly given the important task of dealing with tanks.

Damn it.

"Everyone stand by! come!"

"Keep in mind. "You must, absolutely, catch it at once."

I understand, so stop talking. My heart is on the verge of exploding right now.

The two unlucky soldiers like me had their faces turned pale, as if they were about to faint at any moment.

I wonder if that is the face of a living person or a dead corpse.

Before we knew it, a tank had arrived right in front of the trench. I had no idea that the caterpillar sound I heard so many times in the military was so terrible.

"Now is the time, throw it!"

At the officer's command, the three of us threw cluster grenades almost simultaneously.

The grenade, which he threw with all his might, surprisingly landed right on top of the tank.

And explosion.


The tank, which had been hit directly in the upper part by a cluster grenade, burst into flames, spouting a plume of fire.

As the tank soldiers, their bodies on fire, came out of the tank screaming, the waiting soldiers fired bullets all at once.


"What, that guy is still alive?!"

Of the grenades thrown by the other two, one exploded away from the silver tank, while the other grenade did not explode for some reason.

Thanks to this, the British army still had one tank left.

He fired his machine gun and turned the two soldiers who threw the grenade into a hive.

And they tried to trample the trenches with steel wheels.

If it continued like this, it would be the end. The moment we allowed that monster to break through, it would rip through the trench with the machine gun on the right, and we would be trapped in a hive.

In a desperate moment, an unexploded cluster grenade came into view.

At that moment, the tank stopped moving as if there was a problem with the engine.

If you wanted to catch him, now was your chance. I quickly ran towards the cluster grenade.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


Since it was the same whether I died one way or another, I decided to take an adventure. I picked up the grenade that had fallen on the ground and approached the tank.

The reason the grenade didn't explode was simple.

Because I just threw it without even pulling out the pin in the first place. This way it won't explode.

He pulled out the grenade pin and threw it onto the tank.

Then he hurriedly fell to the floor, holding his head.

There was a loud roar and the sound of small fragments and parts falling.

When I looked up, I could see a brightly burning tank.

Just as I was about to exclaim, a roar was heard from the right.

When I turned my head, there was a British soldier running towards me, brandishing a mounted rifle.

Seeing the blade of the bayonet flashing as it reflected the light, I quickly picked up the rifle and pulled the trigger.

But the bullet didn't go out.

A thumb-sized piece of metal was stuck in the body of the gun.

"What the fuck..."

Meanwhile, the enemy soldier who approached me let out a shout and brandished his gun.
