

In her dream Bella was running with nowhere to go and suddenly hit some one and was soon in his embrace . when she opened her eyes and looked up the man said Don't worry I will protect you and he got struck by an arrow fell down then she suddenly opened her eyes .where am I she stepped out from her bedroom walked towards a mirror and ah this is real??

3 days ago heloo , everyone I'm your beloved sweet chestnut it's time for our weekly love stream. I will help you become a queen like , sweet and fresh. we refuse line celebrities and men's taste say goodbye to average faces. thanks to your support little fairies , the fans of sweet chestnut and weibo have reached 1 milllion .In order to thank you little fairies I will pick three people at random and give away a set of full colour mist effect lipsticks to each of them. in this love stream I will show the popular colours of master liquid foundation. It's colour no 2 transparent, natural nude makeup effect colour no 3 is matte , brightens up skin , making it healthy .as for colour no 4 isn't it super cute ahhh what the signal lost she turned around for signal as the heels skid though she held herself the heel broke and she was hit by a car .

what is this place , where is the crowd? I was broadcasting just now.. haaa whats this a appears suddenly before her . such long legs wast hips is he Leonardo? what the fuck ? Heloo miss bella I'm the NPC of this beta phase beauty makeup game. You might be confused right now . your body suffered car accident yesterday . I'm afraid body... right now IAM a spirit ? it's your consciousness your body is a vegetable our games values your identity as a beauty blogger . we want to invite you to enter our game. and start a brand new life . of course , it's upto you whether you are willing or not . If I'm not willing I have to go back to being a vegetable ? Deal ! its settled then . this game targets female players . one must use cosmetics and creams to solve the problems in the virtual world . You're seducing me ! Cosmetics .skincare, Rouge G De Guerlain! laduree blush , all kinds! Li, show me the way . He transformed into a handsome man .please call me back . this game is nice. Remember Bella , although this is only a game each character will appear in the form of a real person .And you may meet other players . so be careful wait for me. she's so impatient. open a key appears and opens a door .