
New Companion

That's right a baby dragon, and an hungry one at that. It ran away from the inner region to the outer region so as to fend for itself and get stronger. Although it was at the fourth stage it's could only contest against stage 3 beasts so staying in the inner region would only lead to it's death.

It had been wondering the forest for some days now and hadn't been able to eat well when it smelt the aroma of the roasting floral deer. Following the direction of where it came from he found Mark and Derek as they where about to feast on the deer's leg.

Realizing that they where of a lower stage than it he decided to release it's aura and scare them off but.

"Is that a baby dragon?" I asked surprised

[Do you still have to ask?]

".....Fair enough. I never knew Dragons exist in this world" Said Mark

[You would know if you had gone through the information i gave you completely.]

"Hey lets not talk about that now. What should i do?"

[Do you still have to ask? Its here because of the deer.]

"Oh." I said. Then the baby dragon growled at us

"He said we should move away from 'his' food" Derek said translating for the dragon.

"Wait you understand him?" I asked surprised


"Yes, i got it from you." replied Derek.

"From me? But all i hear is just growls." I said confused

[This is why i said you should go through that information.]

"Urhh" I grumbled before bringing out the remaining deer and pushing it to the baby dragon.

"Grrrrr" Growled the dragon in an intimidating manner to which I asked "What did he say now."

"He said you should move away from the deer" replied Derek.

Hearing Derek, I moved back away from the deer. Seeing me move away the baby dragon slowly walked towards the roasted deer while keeping it's eyes on the both of us. Not seeing any other movement from us it turned to the roasted deer salivating. Not thinking twice it began eating.

While it was eating I and Derek decided to do the same. When the baby dragon was done, it turned to look at them with a puppy dog eyes.

"Wha- is this still a dragon? Where was that majestic aura it had." I was shocked with what I saw

"It seems to still be hungry." Stated Derek to which the dragon nodded repeatedly. Seeing this I brought out a water buffalo a Rank 2 demon beast that was part of a herd I and Derek hunted. Fueling the fire that was about to go out he then placed the staked buffalo over it telling Derek to rotate the buffalo while I began to spice it up.

Unknowingly the baby dragon had gotten to our side while curiously watching the both of us. While we where working it notice the fire under the buffalo grow weak, remembering that I increased the fire before starting he decided to help with a dragon's signature move, Fire Breath. It indeed intensified the fire but.

"Noooo!! What have you done you dumb lizard, you've ruined it" I screamed as I watched the buffalo burn to a crisp. Turning to the baby dragon I prepared to charge at it but Derek held me back while the dragon looked down in embarrassment. Finally understanding the reason why the dragon was starving, I could only start cooking again but not before telling the baby dragon to stay some distance away.

In the forest the next day I and Derek set out to continue our hunt for xp on the head of the tiger sized dragon. Waking up in the morning the dragon begged to go with us, though I disagreed the system told me that there was an advantage to it so I reluctantly accepted. After an hour searching through the woods, I noticed an issue. There was no beast within my God's eye range.
