
Chapter 1 Nooo!

Hi my name is mark, i like reading, playing games and above all, i loved animals. I also had a job that matched my love for animals. I was a vet.

Yes an animal Doctor and a successful one at that, had my own clinic and preferred to treat small animals, why, they look so cute and adorable and just make your heart melt. Imagine being surrounded these bundle of cuteness, don't know about you guys but that's bliss.

Well that's all over, cause i'm dead. Don't ask why cause i'm not saying, very embarrassing. In front of me now is an old man that claims to be God.

"So am i going to Heaven or what" i asked feeling impatient.

"No, you have helped a lot of animals in your life that i just have to reward you." said the old man.

"What kind of reward will i get when i'm dead" i said

"Rewards you can use after i reincarnate you. But the reward and world you are going to is a secret till you get there." said the old man.

'I have a feeling that i'm not gonna like this'

"Do i have a choice." i asked.

"Nope because i have a mission for you there. You see I'm doing this as a favor to a friend." He said.

"Hey don't use me to repay your dept." I said in annoyance.

"Well like I said you don't have a choice. Now off you go." He said hurriedly.

"Hey wai-"

Before i could inquire more my vision went black. After some hours my surrounding started feeling warm, suddenly.


[Merging system with host, please wait]

[1%, 19%, 32%, 57%, 71%, 98%, 100%. Merging complete.]

[Initiating Strengthening System]

"A system?"


"A Strengthening system?" i asked wondering while opening my eyes.

[...That's what i said.]

"What do I need a Strengthening system for?" i asked again.

[Well first of all you are weak, second do you think you can survive in this place.]

"This place?" I said while looking around, all i see are trees and bushes implying my present location is a forest? Trying to stand which i found difficult, i looked at my hands and in my view i see furred rodent fore limbs.

"Am..... am i a"

[Host can check status interface for confirmation]

I called up my status wondering how i knew that.

Host Status

Name: Not Given

Race: Forest Mouse

Rank: Ordinary



God's Eye; Gives user information about everything in line of sight. Grants user the ability to see everything within a radios of 100 meters and immunity to illusions. Every increase by one level increases the range by *10.

Sadly my fear was confirmed, i was a mouse.

"No..... n..no...noooooo! I know i love small animals but reincarnating as one was not what i expected. How am i supposed to get strong, a mouse is like at the bottom of the food chain"


And that was just the begin of my worries.

Hello everyone, this is my first ever book, if there is any error or places to improve on please comment and i will try to improve to satisfy your demands. Thanks.

Phantom_Mousecreators' thoughts