
Be Free Striving Flower

Meet Wen Lixue. Self Disciplined. Weak. She is fated to grow for Excellence. With an accidental switch of rattan bamboo backpacks by a clumsy disciple, her boring life became challenging as time went by. She is not trained to be strong, but her grandfather's health depends on what she chooses to do with her present life. Unfortunately, she got caught in between her problems. Until Jiang Kun Long invites her to go back to school with a pledge: Her grandfather would be taken care of as part of the scholarship in return, for one thing she must sacrifice-- the enormous strength she secretly holds. Wen Lixue must learn to protect the entire city by cultivating. Only by her effort can she open up the truth of her fate. But will she handle it when her grandfather's life is counted?

Write_D_Words · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Fake Medicine

"That's the spirit-one part brave, three parts fool." ― Christopher Paolini

China, Jiangxi

Wen Lixue had done a lot of herb experiments for the past four days.

But unfortunately, she was not smart enough to continue attending school, and her grandfather was old enough, which was her biggest problem.

In addition, they are as poor as temple mice. So Wen Lixue kept herself busy by learning medicines only, and though she was not born intelligent, she taught herself to have a self-disciplined manner and thought a lot about how she cared for her grandfather.

Yet, the extraordinary thing--In Wen Lixue's mind, perhaps other people could relate--was reading fictional books written by authors that she wanted to meet even just once.

That feeling of entering the text in every scenery she could grip in her imagination.

Her worries would vanish into thin air whenever she opened a book because it was part of her growing up.

She did not mind the comments from the neighborhood that she would not be able to find a man or marry. Her only three best friends would be Her Grandfather, the books, and Dai Li Jing.

Besides, what would she get if she listened to them? A lot of silver ingots? Obviously, not.

However, the silver ingots did matter.

A busy day again for Wen Lixue as she chose to roam around the city, hoping for someone to buy out her experimented medicine; she tested it on her skin and some severely injured animals to ensure it was a success.

If she did fail in making her experiment a success in healing injuries, she would not dare to reject the punishment from her buyers and give them the refund they wanted, which motivated her not to fail!

With her exposure to selling medicines and experiences in life, everyone at the side of the road selling other food and materials targeted the same thing: they wanted to get the attention of the royal members and high-rank visitors, something Wen Lixue could not do when she also needed to.

Moreover, she could see her dignity would be at stake if she copied the action of the other vendors. As long as she still knows what was the critical thing to keep 'Dignity.'

She was not a talkative type, but when the topic reached a part where dragons were the main root of the discussion, her lips blabbered accurate descriptions of it.

Somewhere at six, she started loving books circling in the world of dragons, medicines, and arts.

But she could not comprehend the language of business written as notes; her grandfather guided her every time she calculated the total income.

The Immortals, as she believed, were giving them hope to continue living since her daily income could sometimes help them eat decent food.

Gladly, even if she did or did not mention her life to the other vendors, they still treated her well.

Then she noticed Yung Min, a female vendor from the opposite side of the road walking towards her; it was safe to cross, nothing to overthink about.

Even though she was not interested in knowing her purpose in crossing the road, she was still breathing in relief because any time incidents happened.

"I see that you are desperately looking for a buyer," Yung Min raised her head to prove that she was almighty in front of Wen Lixue and was confident in making efforts to mock her. "Pitiful child, no parents, and a dying grandfather."

Yes, some sellers were not treating Wen Lixue well, but she did not count how many of them because she thought of them as a blessing instead since they spent their time talking to her, even if they sent hurtful words that slightly punched her heart.

"Do you want to buy my medicines?" Wen Lixue relaxed as she smiled at Yung Min, who continued to mock her.

Yung Min kicked the basket that settled at the stall , breaking a set of experimented medicines that Wen Lixue work so hard overnight.

The noise at their direction made other vendors near them gasped. Some just avoided looking, since they can't do anything to stop Yung Min's madness.

Yung Min earns a lot per hour, unlike Wen Lixue, who only makes a few bronze coins.

"What is going on here?" An official from the court with a thin body showed up between them. Yung Min pointed the finger at Wen Lixue as she explained her lies.

"I am just teaching this child a lesson; she is selling fake medicine products." Wen Lixue was about to speak up, but the court official grabbed her arm firmly.

"Ouch," She said while lowering the tone of her voice, ensuring she would not cause any more trouble.

Sure enough, Wen Lixue knows where they are heading.

"Come with me, and I must interrogate you." The thin man did not wait for Wen Lixue to arrange her stall and the mess that came along with it.

He directly let her walk away. Away from Yung Min, who was smirking as she glanced back at the side of her shoulder.

Wen Lixue's heart was pounding louder when the court official dragged her to a path where no people were around.

"Keep walking, child." He calmly said.

As soon as she did not hear any footsteps from the official, he gradually lets go of his grip on her arm, causing her to turn around and face the court official.

"Child, I do not intend to harm you. Because I still owe your grandfather. Do you understand that you must not sell your experimented medicines at that location?"

Wen Lixue shrugged, she need the money for her grandfather to stay alive. It was part of surviving everyday.

"Do you understand?"

With no choice, Wen Lixue nodded even if it was against her will to do so.

"Look, do not worry. I will find a good location for you to sell your medicines but make sure they are not the experimented ones. It would be hard for me to pull you out of prison if you are found guilty in selling those fake medicines."

Although there was nothing, she could do about the comment of the court official, her courage to speak out was the key, her mouth would be useless if she remained silent.