
Episode 4

'I won't let it go.'

'I won't put my family

on the line.'

'Unlike papa, I won't waste

my life in boxing!'

'Boxing is a worthless game!'


It's not a worthless game!

It's not a worthless game, my son.

It's not a worthless game.

What happened, Baldev?

I'm sorry.

Where were you lost?

Where my very own deserted me.

Where my very own deserted me!

Mr. Roy, if you want to

have a world championship..

..in my age category you may

have it organized for sure!

Baldev Singh is still ready!

I challenge to win.


"Our kin turned stranger."

"Let's go."

"You never find a better time."

"To make a stand.

You'll be fine."

"You know the game.."


"Watch it now.."

Stop here.

Here you are.

- That's a lot more.

It's alright, keep it.

Keep this too.

Don't drink and drive.


- Boxing would be..

Boxing! It's a worthless game.

"To make a stand.

You'll be fine."

"You know the game.."

Stop the music.

Wow! This is great!

Why did you turn it off?

Turn it on. I'll dance too. Yes!

Papa, sit down. I'll show you.

No, son. Show it later.

He's very tired. Take rest.

I'm tired?


- Wait a minute, Grandpa!

What's this!

You keep moving

around with this all the time!

I have to mail this to

aunty Pooja in New York.

One minute. Let me sit.

- Do you have a message for aunty?

Pooja, how are you, dear?

I remember you a lot.

Everyone here remembers you.

Karan has recorded

some very good songs.

He is going abroad

for the musical tour.

I'll come with him too.

Missing you a lot.

I love you, dear!

I'll come with him.

Love you, child!

I love you.

So? Are you happy?

I'm very happy.

You came to the function.

Great, at least someone is happy.

'Cheater! Cheater!'

'Mr. Baldev, you've been

found with drugs in your blood.'

'Please trust me.

I have not taken any drugs!'

'Somebody must have

mixed something..'

'..in my drinking water, sir!'

'Because of Mr. Roy,

you got such a big fight..'

'..and you cheated the sport!'

'Roy, why don't you

explain it to him?'

'You've been found

with drugs in your blood.'

'You have brought

the game of boxing..'

'..into disrespect.'

'The mafia told me to

lose the match, but..'

'You have been

banned for 15 years.'

'Mr. Roy, please

explain it to them.'

'Cheater! Cheater!'

'They found traces of

drug in your blood.'

'You have been

banned for 15 years.'

You can ban me..

..but you can't

ban the spirit in me.

My son Angad will come.

He will bring my pride back.

I challenge you.

I challenge you! I challenge!

Grandma, get me a

Playstation from Germany.

Okay, dear.

- Okay, get it.

Get off now.

Aryan, let dad go.

Have a safe flight.

Son, don't worry

about your father.

You may leave.

I'll explain it to him.

He will be normal by morning.

Bless you.

Go happy and return joyous.


Why were you standing in the dark?

Angad left as it was time

for his flight.

He has gone to Germany.

He came to meet you

but was afraid..

..because of your mood.

Why do you people get

worried about my mood?

I have a bothersome mood.

It remains bad

without any reason.

Later, as morning comes

it becomes normal again.

Sometimes it is bad.

Then it becomes alright again.

Have some food.


My life has become a burden.

I've never felt myself to be

so helpless and lost.

I was sent away from America..

..and was called a cheater

and a wretched Indian.

I didn't consider

myself to be a loser then.

But today, I think

that I am a big loser.

Why are you saying that?

It is because the challenge

that I had made in America..

..I couldn't fulfill it.

I had just asked

Angad for two more years.

What would he have lost if he had

given me two more years?

This house could have been

made two years later.

Pooja would be

married two years later.

No Indian has been able to..

..become a heavyweight

champion till today.

I had an ambition

to make an Indian..

..a heavyweight champion and..

..create history!

But no one can create

history alone.

For creating history we need

the ones who are close to us.

But my dear ones... my own..

"Kin belong to us."


- Yes, Mother.

Dear, he says

anything when he is angry.

Don't feel bad about what he says.

Dear, during those times

our family's condition wasn't good.

Angad's father used

to work all night..

..in a steel factory.

After that he would teach Angad

boxing the whole day.

He could barely

sleep for two-four hours.

This harmed his health too.

At that time, a good marriage

alliance came to us for Pooja.

It was slipping out of our hands.

Then again,

boxing couldn't get us anything.

That is why poor Angad..

..faced his father's wrath

for the good of the family.

He gave up boxing.

Don't cry. I'm his mother. I know.

Angad is a very good boy.

Don't think about small things

and feel bad, child.

He hasn't made any mistake.

Don't cry, dear. Don't cry.

No, Mother.

I am not crying for Angad.

I just can't bear to see

father so sad.

I didn't feel bad

about what he said.

It's just that none of us...

could understand his sorrow.


You are a very good person,


You are a very good person.

Mr. Baldev Singh

hasn't come today.

I couldn't sleep

the entire night too.

I kept thinking about you.

The more I thought..

..I realized that none of us..

..could estimate your sorrow.

Even I couldn't realize..

..that you are so deeply hurt

by this event.

Forgive me!




Brother Ehsan had come.

He told me everything.

Don't let this chance slip away.

If you say, I'll talk to Angad.

He won't refuse me.

Really? Do you have

so much faith in Angad?