
Chapter 1: Unknown Creature

As the sun rises beams of light starts shining towards a pile of blankets which seems to be hiding a person in side of them.

The person under the blankets removes them to reveal a boy with white medium hair, pale skin, and red eyes that shine with the beams of light.

He then proceeded to get out of bed to show his slim-sized body. And walked to put on different types of clothing that seemed to belong to a school.

At school

In class on a summer day during a boring lecture, Akio was deep in thought of staying on a warm beach staring out the window.

While watching the scenario outside he notices an unknown object heading towards them. As the object got closer and closer the one thought came to his mind.

He tried to shout it out to the teacher but a sound didn't come out as the monster busted through the window. It's monstrous humanoid form with its long dis formed head long jagged teeth and unsymmetrical arms.

It lunged at the teacher in less than a minute the teacher was devoured. It felt like time stop as I was frozen in place looking at the horrific scene before me. Time seem to move slowly as he was devouring him but as time seemed to start again all Akio could do was hide.

He ran and hid under his desk before the creature finished devouring him. Hearing the screams of his classmate sent shivers down his spine.

As time passed by he notices that it has gone quiet too quiet. His curiosity got the better off and he peeked around the desk to see a heart retching scene before him the body and blood of his classmates splattered everywhere. Causing him to nearly vomit for the horrific scene.

"What is this thing? Why is it here?" Akio thought to himself as the vomiting went down. The creature tilted its head in the direction of Akio's hiding spot. It starts approaching the desk until a chinking sound was being made.

It turns its head in the direction of the sound but it was just a pencil. "This is my chance," Akio thought to himself as he pushed himself up. He grabbed a nearby chair as the creature was turning its head just to get hit in the head. Knocking it to the ground Akio let go of the chair and sprinted out the classroom door.

With bated breath, he kept running hearing that the nightmarish creature was chasing him. As it got closer and closer Akio kept breathing heavier and heavier. Until he tripped on one of the dead bodies.

At that instant, Akio knew he was gonna die. Before he had time to get up it was too late the monster was too close there was no way of getting out of this mess. With that it was standing only a foot behind him he was unable to escape from it in time.

As it stopped right behind him it seemed to be getting ready to attack at any moment. As Akio laid there on the ground the creature started to extend its large deformed hand towards him picking him up as if he was nothing more than paper.

Within no time at all the creature open its hideous deformed mouth filled with rows and rows of jagged teeth ready to devour him. Akio not struggling notices something near the creature's arm a fire extinguisher.

"The only way for me to be able to get it is if I time it right, If I don't I will probably get devoured, " Akio was thinking to himself as he was dangling in the air. As the monster pulled Akio closer to its mouth he got ready to grab the fire extinguisher. The rotten smell of the monsters breathe made Akio gag as it got closer and closer.

" Now!!" Akio shouted as he grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed the monster in the face. The creature kept its grip firm and tight even with it getting sprayed in the face until Akio bites down on the arm as hard as he could while he was spraying.

Biting so hard that he took a chunk out of it until it finally let go of him. While the creature seemed in pain Akio started running towards the stairs. Running up each floor until he reaches the roof. As he opens the door he shuts it and tries to find something to block it.

" Going up here was a stupid idea" he shouted due to there being no way to escape. Since there was nothing on the roof to block the door he uses his body to keep it shut. But it was futile the monster kicked both him and him to the rims of the roof nearly knocking him unconscious.

As his vision became blurry and unclear due to the impact the creature started to throw spears of it's own flesh but only missing an inch away from him. When he starts to regain his vision as he sees that it is about a meter from him due to the weight of the door he can't escape. It made a faint cracking sound as it got closer the sound got louder before he knew it the floor of the roof was collapsing.

Time seemed to be moving slowly as they were falling from the roof unable to comprehend what was happening until it was over.

Akio groans in pain as he wakes up from the fall. Looking around to see what happened only to see the creature crushed under the rumble.
