
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 14: End of Era

"DOOOOOWWWWNNN!!! In the mind numbing 20 minutes, champion Trever Herscher had displayed his mastery in both magic and tactic by defeating the former undefeatable monster!!! "

The whole Colosseum clapped and roar at the sight of my legendary exploit, that's right praise me more, spread my name far and wide, for this was only the beginning. Now for the real show

"Ooohhh! What have we here? It seems this legendary fighter want to speak a word or two to the audience. Someone give him the sounds amplifier stone."

A figure which most likely was the Colosseum lackey came down to me. That figure was wearing a long white robe and white mask which covered both his face and body. From the height it's hard to determine what race this figure is but I'm sure at least it's not Buggane. The body of the figure which was concealed also made it hard to determine the lackey gender but I'll assume that he was male solely for the fact that no female would risk their live seeking material here when they have better option where they can spend their live peacefully and without risk of danger as house wife.

He hand me a strange thing. It was a long block like stone about the length of half of my arm and on top of it was a smooth sphere, from a glance it was clear that the sphere was not attached to the block bit rather both the sphere and block was carved from one single big stone. The lackey tap the sphere a few time producing a loud static sounds. With a soothing voice he said "Sounds good. Well champion candidate, say whatever you want to say inside your little heart." As he hands me of what I assumed was sounds amplifier stone that was mentioned by Aurelious, the commentator.

"Hello everyone. I'm sure I don't need introduction for I also am really tired from having to have said my name many times in this few day. Just to be clear the reason I'm using this magic to stone is not to speak to all of you but only to one man. You understand my deal right Don Westel?"

Don Westel who was sitting idly with bored face was now smiling. In front of his strong presence, I'm sure this little rebellion act of mine was no more than an entertainment for him.

"Well what do you say? As my benefactor why don't you come down here and shake my hand after all I don't need any material reward for my benefactor praise is enough prize for me."

"Such noble heart from fighter Trevor. How would that gritty old man respond to this request? Let's just stir it up everyone!" Aurelious was herding the audience to my flow.

"Say it with me together. 3...2...1... Come down!" Aurelious said. Soon the other audience also follow. This whole Colosseum was filled with only one sound "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!" "Come down!"

It was a thunderous unison, with coordination from Aurelious the loud sounds of "Come down!" had been ingrained to all audience there, it's no exaggeration that all the audience only thought of one thing at that moment and that was to saw how the conflict will be developed between me the insolence servant and Don Westel the richest benefacfor in this city.

"Kekkekekk!" Just like a sharp thunder that broke the sounds of loud pouring rain, with one laugh, Don Westel had silenced the whole Colosseum. "No person have ever makes me laugh this loud, for that I praise you o' traveler of foreign land." Astarte who was sitting besides him was looking with gleaming eye while tucking Don Westel's robe. "Does that mean you have..." "No! I will still not approved of him!!!"

"Oooohhhh what have we here! It seems in the Fellendules family between the current head and the next heir there was a conflict when discussing this Trevor Herscher fellow, if there is a journalist among you here, it's you lucky day, there is no other prime material for hot news than this!"

The audience voice grew even louder, this time without any coordination. Some just mindlessly scream, some scream their hatred to mobility drama, while some purposely tease them to incite more drama content.

"Hmmmph... Commendable." His majestic figure stood up, flailing his cape, Don Westel walked down from his VVIP seat at the very top without having so much of a single step sounds. "I know you are planning something. To be honest this match between weakling have bored me to the death so I do hope at least you can entertain me more."

As expected of him, guess there was no use hiding it.

I tore the bandage on what used to be my right arm. It's been about a month or more and so the wound was already closed, there was no bleeding on it anymore. However, what surprise the audience was the presence of compartment that I hide inside the bandage.

I took the thing out, folding it then wore it like a glove in my left hand.

From what I have been told by other fighter during my wait, there was some human that's just unbeatable. Such human possesses the quality of finest creation. Having great reflex, unreal magic resistance, and boundless potential, to name a few of the trait. Don Westel victory against the exiled divine force was not a result of fluke nor coincidence, he was just simply stronger

Right now that unbeatable man was in front of me, a cripple. I knew because we were similar in pursuit of our ambition. I knew that he was bored, that he seek to become the strongest yet when he achieve it, all he was filled was with regret.

Without hesitation he shook my hand and the comparment reveal 5 magical circle of the color green, red, blue, yellow, and white.

"Come! Be it poison or mental corruption, my magical resistance will render your effort useless!!"

"Oh? I'm not so sure about that."

"What do you mean!? I was okay there was nothing happening to me." I answered his question with silence of my eyes and my gaze.

I was not looking at him, he follow my gaze and all that reveal... "Astarte! Y-you devil!!! What have you done to her!"

"Nothing much just some combination of my chaos magic and my friend curse enhancement magic."