

Wade a normal 16 year old boy sleeping in his uncles work shop got hit by a meteorite In the middle of the night and activated a basic system. Could Wade overcome the power struggle in the empire with his basic system and found out what is this Basic system and who created it and finally got his hand on his beautiful big bre- Kind hearted aunt. Join the Adventure of Wade Empolemos on his journey to become the most powerful person in the face of Aardel. weak to strong Mc - System - Fantasy - Medieval kingdom - Action - Kingdom building - Romance with mature women - R18

17CS · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Deal

After the conversation with his aunt Wade can now kill his uncle if the situation demands but he wasn't a fool to do it cause he has a son who is a 3rd circle intermediate class mage. If he want to oppose his Uncle and claim the owner ship of the Workshop he need to be stronger than his cousin to do so. Of course the law provides safety for the Mugward but that doesn't mean they have equal rights as a mage or a swordsman.

Thinking about increasing his stat Wade has now reached the party office to receive his pay for the hunt.

The party office was comparable to the workshop. It has a reception, The party leader's room and a small storage.

After waiting for a few minutes Wade was asked to meet the leader. Wade wondered why he was asked to meet the leader since everyone will receive their pay on the reception.

"May I come in? ", Wade asked Icarus before entering the room.

" Yes come in", Icarus replied with a large grin on his face.

"So what did your uncle say about the returned coins", Icarus questioned.

" He was upset, left the shop and went to the tavern ", Wade replied with an expressionless face.

" You do know why your uncle gave the coins right? ", Icarus asked.

Wade was going to say no but he could feel the suppressing Aura from Icarus and decided to speak the truth.

" Yes I know"

"And what is it? "

"He wanted you to give me the dangerous job possible in a hunt", Wade continued after a pause " Which you did".

"Of course I did, why would I gave up a chance to earn some free coins. You were practically dead when you want to join the party at your age", Icarus laughed while saying that.

" Then why did you return the coins", Wade asked with a curious face.

"Cause I was wrong about you. You worth more than two silver and if I don't return the coins I need to kill you myself on the next hunt" Icarus replied. the previous smile was nowhere to be seen.

"What do you mean? I am just a Mugward even a slave is costlier than a Mugward", Wade asked Icarus about his first statement.

"You are correct about the last part but wrong about the first one", Icarus replied.

wade was showing a bit of shocking look on his face and Icarus replied seeing his state.

" You thought I, a swordsman wouldn't notice the aura covering the club " when Icarus said these words Wade was frozen on the place he stood.

"don't worry I won't reveal your secret to the kingdom or your uncle", Wade was relieved to hear this.

" In return I want you to work for the party for the next 6 months and of course you will be paid for your service", Icarus demanded.

Wade was confused about his demand. In truth it wasn't a bad deal. If Icarus want he could have asked to work for him indefinitely or ordered him to do impossible tasks.

Seeing the visible confusion Icarus replied with a smile.

"I know you wonder why ask such a simple demand when I can ask for more", Icarus answered Wade.

" You know why no mage or swordsman join a party when they could even kill a magical beasts of lower level but instead they always join the army or a become a Hosecarl for the nobles? ", Icarus questioned.

(*Housecarl means personal bodyguard)

Without waiting for an answer Icarus continued."Cause the kingdom and the nobles doesn't want a commoner or a peasant to earn more than what they are earning right now. You do know that a low level magical beast can be sold for a maximum of 1 Gold coin", a gold coin can provide a family of four for almost six months.

"That's why they offer coins and take the people who have access to Mana to the army or trained to be a Housecarl for the nobles to be dependent on them. And i have my own reason for not being in the army But you, you are an anamoly. who would have thought that someone who was a Mugward could use Mana ", saying the last part put a greedy smile on his face.

"With you on my party I could hunt animals and even a low level magical beast which would fetch more coins" Icarus revealed the reason for his demand.

" With that amount of coins we will earn for the next six months we can retire ourselves for the rest of our lives And I promise you, you will get a fourty percent share on the magical beasts.", Icarus extended his hand for a shake to confirm the deal.

Wade thought about what Icarus have said and his demand. He thought it was a good deal not only he can earn stat points but also earn coins. Wade came to a conclusion.

"I accept the deal", wade extended his hand and they shook to confirm the deal.

" You made a good choice, I am sure you won't regret about it", while saying this Icarus reached out for his pocket and took some coins and handed it to Wade.

"Here, this your pay for the yesterday's hunt. It would be a few more bronze coins if not for the Jackass to get hurt", saying this Icarus handed over fifteen bronze coins to Wade.

Wade was now given an information that Icarus haven't deducted his magic and he could only deduct an Aura if used in front of him and he was glad to know that. who knows what he will demand if he gets to know that Wade can use both magic and Aura.

"Thank you, I will be leaving now" Wade slightly bowed before leaving the room.

Icarus nodded in agreement and returned to his seat.

Wade wondered that a single wild animal hunt can earn him ten bronze coins which would usually take normal person a week or two to earn. He wondered how much would he get if he slay a magical beast and how many stat points could he gain from it.

wade opened the system window to see his stats one more time.



STR : 10

AGL : 7

STM : 8

SNS : 5

MAN : 6


After seeing the [POINTS POSSESS] section Wade frowned.

'I need to have some extra points in case of emergency since adding points doesn't hurt me anymore and who knows whom I will be fighting? '

Thinking about this Wade entered the forest once again to earn some stat points.