
Chapter: 1 Sight of Paradise

It has such gorgeous greenery.

Stretch out over an endless expanse of land blessed by the sun's warmth.

While women stayed at home to tend to the children, a large number of men worked hard on the farm.

Gorgeous flowers are blooming all over the vast terrain. And the land was being grazed by numerous animals.

The land of promise...however, why was it gradually becoming red?

Mother called out to me, "SILVER, WHERE ARE YOU?" interrupting me mid-nap. I chose to take a nap on the hill beneath the apple tree on that one particular day, from where I could see my house and the nearby town clearly.

There was no sense in keeping her waiting. I experienced that firsthand.

I hurriedly ran down until I arrived at my family's cottage.

Father was busy instructing the seaborn class in the front yard on how to use their powers appropriately. He said, "KEEP A CALM MIND AND YOU WI will SUCCEED!"

Before going back to his instruction, Father gave me a quick glance.

My mother was lying down on the bed when I came inside.

My biggest anticipation was the prospect of having one or more siblings very soon.

"Would you please light a fire for me?" She was just starting to get cold, I see. Fortunately, she found the right person.

I walked towards the fireplace. I put both of my hands up against the wood and visualized the flame burning...A flame flicked across the wood.

When it was all over, I went back to my mom's side and did the minimal amount of work. Making food as she requested, as well as heating the blankets and pillows.

She appeared happy, "Do you think my brother or sister will be born during the war?" Until I asked her the question.

Six countries, each ruling its own territory. With their gods, traditions, abilities, drive, and battles.

Flameborn, Seaborn, Evergreen, Wind Bringer, Lighters, and Nighters are the six races.

My name is Silver Morningstar and I am a flameborn. In spite of the fact that my adopted parents are seaborn. My innate adversary. I am still being raised by them as if I were their own.

Mother sighed quickly and quietly before answering, "There will always be war. Whatever we do, no matter how hard we try. Conflicts can only be settled by war. Your future sibling must, regrettably, bear the consequences of our ignorance."

There are no signs that the war, which has lasted for nearly 40 years, will end.

This planet will very likely end due to the ongoing damage we inflict upon it.

I heard a soft voice ask, "Silver, are you home?" after four soft knocks on the door.

With a gentle smile, my mother said, "Your father will be taking over your duty. Please do not cause her to belly up like me anytime soon."

That somebody was Risa Godfrey, my girlfriend. "Yeah, right." Every time I respond to Risa calling my name, my mother finds it funny. I have cat-like twitch in my ears, she said. Which sounds funny, to be honest.

After confirming that she was most likely covered by the blanket, I said, "I will be back before the sun sets." My question was answered with a genuine smile from her.

I hurriedly approached the door. I took a deep breath before opening it, saying, "Hello there, sorry for the delayed response." She arrived today wearing a black dress and even straightened her golden hair.

I can not deny that today I decided to wear my new white robes and cut my black hair slightly shorter.

Her flawless blue eyes beamed down into my golden ones, "No, I am just glad you answered. Would you happen to be available?" Despite her usual nervousness, she asked. Fearful that I will say no.

A simple poke on the cheek, "Sure, where do you want to go?" I asked.

Her face broke into a huge smile, and she uttered the simple phrase "Heart tree."

After a quick chuckle, I said, "Lead the way."

We both had trouble making friends when we were younger. To put it plainly, I was not like them. In addition, I was Michael Morningstar's son. Also known as the Red Death.

Because of her late blooming skill at controlling her water, she was teased and hailing from a line of con artists. The majority of people avoided her.

Right up until we discovered one another sitting beneath a tree.

We became friends until we grew older. She declared her love for me.

We strolled alongside the road, navigating two hills before arriving at a cave.

Here was where we kept to ourselves, safe from prying eyes. Most people think that this cave was cursed. However, the cave can actually only accommodate two people.

A single woman and a single man.

Should more than two people enter. Additionally, the genders were not what the caves preferred. Subsequently, you would see terrifying images of monsters pursuing you.

However, if you follow the cave's regulations. The path then leads to a serene and lovely garden chamber, where cherry blossoms illuminate the space before a tree shaped like a heart emerges.

As soon as we got there, Risa ran over to the tree and rested her palm there.

"You really love it here," I said, following her closely and putting my left palm on the tree.

Instead of simply saying yes, she furiously nodded until she got a headache.

She would give me a cold look and ask, "Are you laughing at me?" whenever I tried to laugh.

Even though I was trying to be serious, I ended up making a mistake. I ended up with my stomach elbow as a result.

"We will soon begin celebrating our combined eighteenth birthday. You understand what that means, right?" said Risa.

Unfortunately, I do, "To finish our element training. Finding a Grandmaster is necessary, but the only problem is that I am in the incorrect region. I need to travel across the sea until I reach land."

The land of water. Multiple islands surrounded a body of water. According to reports, it consisted of approximately forty islands surrounded by water.

"I understand that we will be separated for a long time. which I am still not prepared to bid farewell to. Still, we pledged to put an end to this terrible conflict." Her right hand brushed against mine.

"Yes, from when we were kids," I said, grabbing her hand in response. We both had visions of a different world. A world in which all six races could live side by side. In order to establish the Promised Land."

"Perhaps then people will accept our partnership. Both a seaborn and a flameborn. We violate a religious taboo that only our parents are informed about." Reaching over to give me a hug, she pulled me in.

Her body had a naturally low temperature. That would account for her skin's slight blue tone. As for me, I was the total opposite, my skin slightly flushed from my elevated body temperature.

However, it feels exactly right. Neither too hot nor too cold.

"The world will come to understand very soon. Why it makes me happy to do something forbidden to you. Speaking of which..." War, according to some, is in our nature.

Except from how we each interpret life, we can never agree on anything. Discrimination against certain elements, how certain aspects should operate, and much more.

However, this is not the case with the stunningly naked couple.

It is still possible that the world will eventually find equilibrium.

Acceptance is the first step.

I, the flameborn race's Silver Morningstar. Will go above and beyond to carry out my responsibilities.

Constructing a new world in order to spare kids from the need for tears.

And make the land of promise.
