
Time Starts Now

The noise of the hammer pounding the metal vibrates through the entire room. Scrap metals where everywhere. Stanley get his welding rod and just finishing up the details of the time capsule he was working on. He wanted to bring the idea of travelling through time be possible. They have run tests and have been monitoring time paradoxes. Him, together with his team of elite scientists, have been working on the time capsule to prove that travelling through time could be possible at this very century, the 24th century.

Hovering cars were made possible to this date, they thought if one of the impossible things was made, time travel could be possible too. Earth has been evolving itself through human made technologies. The planet has been peaceful were all people came into resolution of uniting every continent, from the American continent to Asian continent, all condemned peace. Humans worked together to develop a innovative for each and everyone and that was thanks to the scientists who have been developing knowledge beyond on what they believe.

Stanley has grown facial hair through the entire time of focusing on the time capsule. A 40 year old man who can't even shaved his beard. He sacrificed a lot to be able to beat the impossible because even though hovering cars, artificial intelligence and hollographic statues were made no one attempted to dive deep more on the possibility of time travelling. He and his team hold on to hope that someday it will be possible.

The Continental Government Anchillary supported them by giving them funds in hopes of the succes of their team effort. The CGA also condoned protection of the future if anything happens when a catastrophic event would occur but they were confident as according to the pre-emptive safety leveling that they've conducted and have been monitoring, there a low chance of destroying the current time rift that could result in a catastrophic event.

Ms. Swain Johannson, the chief metropolitan officer checked on how the team was doing. Her metal armor made her bolder than what she looked like.

With her heavy footsteps, she invited herself to monitor the time capsule.

"Mr. Wood how far are you from finishing this time capsule." Her voice emanated the room.

She knew herself that something could happen if the team didn't succeed. Her brows raised as she needed answers as much as possible.

"Were on the final stage of checking the capsule and might try a trial for--" Stanley was interrupted by Miss Johannson's laugh.

She wasn't buying that they could make it work.

"Sorry.. go on.." Miss Johannson later on said.

"As I was saying.. We'll be having a trial moments from now if the monitor shows that it could be an ideal time to open a rift." Stanley said while explaining their plan through the monitor.

"A trial? Who's gonna be the mice for this project?" Miss Johannson asked, a doubt from her face was evident.

Stanley at his team knowing that he couldn't sacrifice one of them, he volunteered himself.

"Me." He firmly said. He was also thinking that it would be his chance to be with Anna again if it worked.

"You do know what it could cost you right?" She asked.

"Yes, Miss Johannson." He replied without any trace of hesitation to his face.

"According to the New Continental Order, The Article of Time, Section 15. Anyone who would tie his/her responsibility of being a valuable traveler that could cause any catastrophic event on the time he was in or in the future shall be brought back and if proven that he/she maliciously intented to cause the event he/she would be executed." Miss Johannson said.

The team gasped as they knew Stanley would be in great trouble if they didn't made it right.

"But this could be avoided in the following conditions.

One, a traveler made a positive impact in the nature of one being's life.

Second, a traveler saved an individual's life that shouldn't have died in the time he or she's in.

Third, a traveler avoided any possible contact of information about the future of the past individual." Miss Johannson added.

Doubts came in to Stanley's team's minds. They were hesitant to continue to the last step of the project. They were worried for Stanley and to the current time they're in.

Stanley knew he'll be sacrificing himself and the current time all people are in but he sure was confident that they could make it work. This is the time he was waiting for, to be back and tell Anna how he regretted leaving her. He even don't know what Anna looked like now. He just remembered how she looked in the past, with her almond shaped like eyes, her smile with her peachy colored lips and her slightly natural curled hair.

He regretted not seeing those things.

He walked to his nervous team. He huddled around them. They form a circle and put their arms to their shoulders.

"It will be alright. I know that we can do this right. I don't want to sacrifice one of you and lose just because of my intentions of changing my past." Stanley explained to them.

They knew how he wanted to change his past but others were worried about it as it could cause some minor changes in the age of time they're in.

"You could communicate to us using this Mr. Wood." Russel gave him a time watch that produces a holographic picture.

He put on the watch and slightly browse unto it to know how it would function.

"When you press this.." Russel pointed to a seemless button in the corner of the watch.

"It could produce paralyzing needles if someone attack you and if you press the center for 4 seconds longer, a laser beam would shoot out from it." Russel added.

Russel designed it as he was worried if Stanley would get in trouble.

Stanley smiled back to Russel as he was proud of him. He saw how Russel grow from a dreamer to an innovator he is now.

"It'll be the only thing I could do to help you Mr. Wood." Russel said.

Each one of the team hugged Stanley and they began to start up the time capsule.

"Alright! Start it up!" Miss Johannson said.

They started to enter the monitoring room and leaving Stanley at the testing area.

"The monitor time data reads stable." Russel said.

"Starting up process of opening a possible time rift." Another one said.

There's just one thing in Stanley's mind right now and that is Anna. The eagerness to see Anna again in his arms. Hoping that the tome capsule would be a success even though it's just a trial.

"Loading up the time capsules momentum." A girl from their team said.

Miss Johannson put her hand on Stanley's shoulder.

"Remember no one should know about the future or else you'll be thrown out to the void." She said with a serious look in her eyes.

Stanley nodded as he don't know what could be the outcome of the project but being thrown out to the void was on his head before Miss Johannson even told him.

Mostly the notorious criminals were thrown out to void as they committed gruesome crimes no one could ever imagine. In Stanley's case he could commit more than that as he could destroy the entire future if him being in the present was interfering to the most sensitive cases timeline of the world.

But he wasn't thinking of the worst scenarios rather than he was thinking of how he could change his life without causing such catastrophic event. He closed his eyes and exhaled out what he has been feeling.

"Mr. Wood please step in to the time capsule." Russel said.

"Good luck Mr. Wood." Russel added with a taint of worrying on his face.

Stanley sat down inside the time capsule. The capsule was shaking and the momentum of it kept rising into a whole degree.

"Momentum increases at 80%!!" Russel stated.

The time capsule was up in the air and started spinning. It created a whirlpool of wind and static as what they've expected. They ground was also shaking as the speed of how the time capsule spin was impecable.

The sky started to tear a small rift above. The project time capsule seems to be working but it won't be done until Stanley could be transported to the past and be monitored through his chip.

"I wish I could be back on those times." Stanley closed his eyes as the capsule kept spinning out of control.

It was a success. The monitor showed that he was transported back to the past.

"Yes!" All of them shouted for joy but not Miss Johannson.

The team and as well as Miss Johannson looked at the testing area to see if the capsule wasn't there.

"The capsule is here!" Miss Johannson shouted.

"What that couldn't be! We made sure that it should be brought back to!" A girl from their team said.

"Maybe he was trapped on his past body." Russel suggested the impossible.

"What! How could we know now if---" Miss Johannson angrily said followed by a grunt.

"Idiots! Idiots! Fix this! And we'll go after him before could do anything out of context!" Miss Johannson grunted and got out from the testing area.

She was worried as it shouldn't happen because he might not be able comeback carrying his past form. Past forms shouldn't pass future world.
