

作者: AiLund
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10 タグ
Chapter 1The Intoxicated Shinobis

It was late in the evening, and the sun was slowly rising in the west, casting its lingering glow onto the land, enough to feel its retreating warmth. Two figures could be seen traveling along the road that led from the border of Kawa no Kuni [Land Of Rivers] to Tanzaku Gai, a small but lively town that was a fair bit distance from Konoha.

One of the figures was a tall male standing about six foot four. He seemed to be in his mid-late twenties or so, although he carried himself as someone lower than that range of age. He had extremely long and spiky white hair tied into a ponytail along with two shoulder-length bangs that framed both sides of his face. Red lines ran down from underneath his eyes to his jawline and a Hitai-ate[Forehead protector] with the kanji engraved of the Konohagakure[Hidden Leaf Village]'s symbol which was firmly rested upon his forehead.

This man was Jiraiya, a former student of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage [Third Hokage], Shinobi no Kami [God of Ninja], and the Professor. Although their team under Hiruzen's leadership had disbanded, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade continued fighting together during the Second Shinobi World War, which had just ended not too long ago, although they were currently still undergoing peace talks among the villages' respective councils.

As with all wars, the Second Shinobi World War brought forth many heroes and took even more lives. As one would expect from a war between shinobi.

During one such fight in Amegakure, they were the only three to survive an encounter with Hanzō of the Salamander, which was a feared individual across the Elemental Nation, a legendary shinobi and the leader of Amegakure [Village Hidden by Rain] for which accomplishment Hanzō dubbed them as Konoha's 'Legendary Sannin'. Jiraya was famed as the Toad Sage of the Densetsu no Sannin [Legendary Three Ninja], while his other two teammates had their own title acknowledged by most - if not, all the shinobis living - they were feared, awed, and admired by countless people after their battle against Hanzō.

Tsunade Senju, in particular, became famous as the world's greatest medical-nin while successfully countering all of a Suna Elder's poisons.

The man walking next to him was roughly five foot three and looked to be in his early forties. Since they were not in combat, the man wears the official uniform — the customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that is tied using a white sash. He occasionally puffed smoke during their walk. He had dark brown eyes and spiky brown hair, he had a single line running vertically under the outer corners of each eye.

This man was the former teacher we were talking about, the shinobi that trained Jiraiya and all the newly dubbed 'Legendary Sannin' for that matter, the infamous Sandaime Hokage [Third Hokage] of Konoha, and the former mentor of Jiraiya.

The two famous shinobi were on their way back to Konoha after successfully negotiating and signing a peace treaty with Sunagakure no Sato [Hidden Sand Village] and its leader the Sandaime Kazekage [Third Kazekage].

Normally, it would be considered strange for a Kage of any village to be traveling in such a small party since, whenever it was suitable, he would be accompanied by at least a squad of Anbu or other shinobi of jōnin level.

However, this obviously wasn't just any normal traveling duo.

With both being kage level shinobi (Jiraiya may not, or may already, hold the prowess of a Kage at this point in time), the thought of even planning to attack them when they were together would be seen as complete lunacy by a majority of the strongest fighters out there in the Elemental Nations. They were both considered among the strongest in their own respective generations, maybe even the strongest depending on who was asked and would only be stronger as a cohesive unit made up of a longtime teacher and student.

In short, a protective detail was virtually unnecessary since an attack on the two was practically suicide.

"Well, Sensei, at least we made it to Tanzaku Gai. Guess we won't have to sleep out on the forest floor tonight." Jiraiya spoke jokingly with a smile and a slight nudge to his mentor's side.

Hiruzen Sarutobi let out a small chuckle. "I suppose you're right." He replied before looking a little wistful. "And even if we do travel faster with our speed, I'd rather take a little time to relax and stay away from the paperwork back home. Celebrating a new time of peace by checking into a nice hotel and going to a bar in the town sounds like a perfect excuse, doesn't it?" The Kage nudged back good-naturedly, carrying a bit of the same tone as Jiraiya.

"Now you're talking, Sensei!" The Toad Sage exclaimed in enthusiasm. Sake sounded perfect at the moment. "Hell, I might even get lucky tonight, all those fighting made me wanna go wild." He said pervertedly.

Hiruzen just responded with a smack on the back, making the white hair sannin slightly buckle in his steps, despite the difference in stature.

Soon enough the two shinobi found an adequate hotel and booked a room immediately after entering the decently sized gambling village. It wasn't that much longer after that that they went to the best bar near their hotel and unexpectedly met up with a familiar face enjoying her own free time.

The person they found in the bar was a woman with brownish-black hair, which was unrestrainedly resting on her back that reached down to her lower hip with a hairpin strapping her bangs together on the right angle. If she were standing she'd be about five foot four with a frame that was covered by a black shinobi uniform, with gray guard padding that covers the vital area of the body, she also wears the same Hitai-ate[Forehead protector] as Jiraiya. However, her most prominent features were her extremely sizable behind and breasts (which were about 27-inches on waist with a 36-inch butt and a hundred and six centimeters according to Jiraiya's keen intellect, respectively). She's what most individuals would consider extremely attractive.

The Sandaime Hokage's eyes lit up in surprised recognition. "Anzu! My, I thought you had already reported back to the Village! I didn't expect to see you here!"

The woman that Hiruzen Sarutobi called out to was none other than Anzu Sarutobi, a clan member of the Sarutobi Clan and, the only female child of the Saindaime, which means, it is his daughter. Along with being the offspring of Hiruzen, she was also a competent Konoha Tokubetsu Jōnin, which she earned through the merits she contributed to the war. Having the Sandaime Hokage as a father along with her being a strong kunoichi went without saying. It was also thanks to her and Jiraiya's efforts in infiltration and deception that Konoha was even able to get an advantage in the Second Great Shinobi World War in accordance of the few intel they retrieved from some of their assigned mission, this caused her to earning the title of 'The Shadow of Kindle' in two Bingo Books - from Iwagakure[Hidden Rock Village] and Kumogakure[Hidden Cloud Village] - in the Elemental Nations.

When Anzu turned to see who called to her, the woman expected to see a fellow shinobi hitting on her. However, she was instead greeted with the sight of her old man, Hiruzen and his former student and aforementioned Sannin, Jiraiya Ogata.

"Hokage-sama, Jiraiya! What are you two doing here?" Asked Anzu as she set down her saucer of sake and turned around on her barstool.

"Jiraiya here and I just arrived in town just a little while ago. We just trekked through Kawa from Suna after negotiating the peace treaty between Suna and Konoha." Replied Hiruzen with an almost hidden smile.

The famed kunoichi noticed the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. "So I take it that the discussions went well since you're here? Celebrating, maybe?" Queried the Shadow of Kindle.

"Yeah, they ended fine, great, actually. Although the whole process was tough thanks to the Saindaime Kazekage. He kept on trying to make the alliance favor Suna more instead of making it equal to both villages. It also didn't help that he made several snide remarks about Konoha being too soft and weak." Replied Hiruzen with a frown.

He didn't like the Saindaime Kazekage much. He often found him to be a rather cold and stoic individual.

When Jiraiya saw her, he greeted the brown-haired woman with a strange grin on his face.

The two males then went to sit down next to their new company with Jiraiya sitting in-between both of the shinobi. Once both were secured on their own barstools Anzu continued the conversation.

"So, who's looking after the village while you're away? Please tell me you didn't leave the village in the care of those old teammates of yours, Otosan - Koharu, Homura, Danzō - or anyone else on the council?" She asked. She never did like those three power hungry old teammates of her father, what with them acting like they knew better than everyone else no matter the situation, and would often try to usurp the authority of others, especially the Hokage's if they didn't agree with his decision. While they couldn't officially do anything, they could definitely bring on the guilt and play on people's emotions to get the rest of the council to change their minds. Danzō was reputably exceptional at doing so.

"Nah, we left Orochimaru in charge until we got back." Said the white-haired male.

Anzu nodded absently while twirling her saucer, she knew that Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, was the Hokage Candidate her father was grooming. "So, Jiraiya how is life being hailed as Sannin?" She asked before taking a savory sip of her sake.

The white-haired clicked his toungue in an exasperated fashion. "Hard! Especially with all the A or S-rank missions I have to do and all the meetings I have to attend with the Daimyo. It doesn't leave me any time for a social life either, I was... Planning on doing some research on one of my new hobbies, well, it didn't actually go as planned now that I'm busy with the job." Replied Jiraiya as he took a sip of his own freshly ordered alcohol.

"You and your hobbies, Jiraiya, when will you grow up? Why don't you start a family and take a desk job, although your skills are needed as a shinobi of the Village, you are smart enough to assist me." Hiruzen shook his head exasperatedly, then suggested something that was on his mind, although he already knew the answer his student would give him.

"You already know my answer to that, Sensei. I don't do political bullshit." Jiraiya answered with a heavy sigh. "Although the war has ended, the key word here is 'just'. You know yourself what the aftermath of war would produce in shinobis, unsettled rage and resentment should be accounted for. I will continue being undercover and travel around the borders of our enemy villages."

"...I'm sorry for putting this on your shoulders, Jiraiya." Hiruzen said regretfully. He personally thought they were doing well, but sometimes it just wasn't meant to be, not when the repercussions of the war were still restless.

Jiraiya only brushed Hiruzen off, saying that it was okay and that he was enjoying the job anyway, at this point. Maybe he could have some time for his new hobby while he'll travel around the border?

"So…" Drawling a now slightly tipsy Anzu, "I guess that means that you're back on the market for all those eligible ladies out there who want to be the next Mrs. Ogata," She finished with a smirk.

"I guess you could say that, and would you be among those ladies Anzu-chan~?" Asked Jiraiya with a small and playful smirk as he took another sip of sake.

"Ha! You wish, you're more like a brother to me, Jiraiya." Laughed Anzu as she took another large sip of sake from her saucer before refilling it.

Hiruzen kept his silence. But was mulling over their last topic.

Over the next four hours the three talked about all kinds of various topics, switching back and forth from what came to mind in relation to Konoha and just about anything about the world in general. Not much of what was discussed would be remembered due to everyone's mental state being affected by the continuous alcohol intake, but they were enjoying themselves nonetheless.

Of course, the ageing Hiruzen wasn't one to dabble in such activities for very long, mostly because it wasn't his thing anymore, and somebody had to be the rational and coherent one between him, his daughter and student. That's why Hiruzen had left two and a half hours prior to taking care of something at his own shared hotel room before turning in for the night, which he spent every second of since when he returned to the village, he would be too preoccupied by those damn paperwork, he cursed. As he left the bar's doors he could only hope that the two would behave themselves since sticky situations weren't afraid to rear their ugly heads into the lives of eccentric shinobi, especially when there were alcohol was involved.

Just past the four hour mark, Anzu and Jiraiya continued to talk with one another. As they talked they continued to down more sake, becoming so intoxicated that the two Jōnin/Kage(for Jiraiya, maybe) level shinobi began to flirt with one another.

"Y'know, Anzu, I had the…biggest crush on you when…we were genins," Jiraiya slurred, wobbling a bit even in a seated position.

Anzu snickered slightly with an immediate hiccup following. "Well, I'm honored, Sannin-sama." Anzu replied in the same fashion.

The two continued to flirt back and forth like this until Anzu suddenly said, "Maybe we can have our own little party…back in my room…to celebrate Konoha's new successful peace time." Giggled a fully inebriated Anzu like a little school girl.

"Lead the way, Anzu-chan~." Said the equally intoxicated Sannin.

Soon enough, the two drunken shinobi staggered away from the bar, leaving numerous bottles of sake on their table.

The two shinobi reached Anzu's room at the same hotel where Hiruzen and Jiraiya were staying at and entered the room. The instant the door was closed they quickly and drunkenly began removing each other's clothing and proceeded to 'examine' one another in a disorderly yet heated passion.

For most of the night moans, grunts and giggling could be heard coming from Anzu's room, sounds that didn't quell until very late into the night.

-Next morning in Anzu's room-

Late the next morning, Anzu slowly woke up with a groan due to the massive hangover that she was currently feeling and the light blaring from the sun in her eyes, prompting her to turn over on the bed and face away from the window.

"Oooooh…my head…that's the last time I celebrate with Otōsan and Jiraya like that." Thought the weary Anzu.

After a little stretching and trying to blink away any mental and physical blurriness she froze and came to a stark realization.

She was naked.

Then she heard a groan next to her.

Ever so slowly she turned her head to the space on the bed to her right. Trepidation quickly filled her gut more and more with every fraction of a second that went by in the process until her brown eyes gazed at the bare back of a man with spiky long white hair.

The reaction was instantaneous.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Anzu screamed as she jumped out of the bed and pulled the bed covers with her to cover her modesty. As soon as she pulled the blanket, the man next to her jerked over the side and fell off the bed, crashing onto the floor and causing him to groan again, this time in even more pain than his own previous and quickly interrupted hazy awakening.

After a quick moment or so the mystery man slowly sat up from the other side of the bed, holding his head from the painful hangover he was sporting and from the large bump that was forming on his head after hitting the unforgiving bedroom floor.

It was as the man's head peeked over the mattress that Anzu realized who the man was.

"Jiraiya?!" Anzu shouted

Jiraiya cringed at Anzu's loud voice, easily increasing the throbbing pain in his head. It was when he gained his bearings and looked at Anzu's shocked face that a confused look swept across his visage.

"Anzu... What are you doing here in my room?"

"You fucking... PERVERT!!"

-One Month Later-

Anzu was laying down on a bed in her courtyard within their Sarutobi Clan's residence. She was blankly staring at a med-nin that she privately hired to do something.

She was pregnant.

Anzu bolted up from her laying position and quickly started to put her clothes back on.

"When I find that bastard, I'm going to burn him, revive him and then burn him again!" Anzu angrily raged in her mind, her face obviously conveying the roaring emotions without even trying to hide them.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
