
The Man With Silver Hair

I roll my eyes and go with it. We get on the elevator and I realized that we were on the top floor. The tenth floor. We went down two floors and this was the floor where I would get an official ID. There's a whole bunch of paperwork asking stupid questions and I just have to get something off my chest.

"What is this?" I ask disgusted.

"It's called a survey." Sky says laughing.

"Is it mandatory?" I ask.


"Great because I'm not doing it."

"So...you're a hero? And you're lazy?"


"That's a first."

"I don't wanna hear it and especially not from you."

"I've only known you for a few hours."

"Exactly, so shut up."

"Man you're just mean."

Sky helps me get an official ID with a valid barcode and so forth. It isn't really that hard, I could've done it myself. Maybe. After my ID is finished he hands it to me alongside a gauntlet. He says it's to contact other agents and to find my way around. He explains that the map is built in and that agents who scan the barcode on their ID on my gauntlet are added to my contacts and that they will be able to send and receive calls and messages. So, naturally I'm assuming I should never leave my gauntlet behind. On second thought maybe I should never take it off. Sky scans his ID and does the same with mine without asking.

"What makes you think I want to talk to you?" I say.

"You don't really have a choice." He says and I raise my eyebrow.

"Whatever." I say and pull up the map on my gauntlet. I click on the button that says "Home" and a pathway comes up.

"Did you think I was joking when I said we were gonna work on your manners?" Sky asks.

I ignore him and continue to follow the path to my room. This must be a really big building if every agent lives here. I take the steps up three levels because I don't feel like waiting for the elevator and I swear I hear Sky complain. Did he forget that no one invited him? Just to make him mad, I walked up two more flights of steps just to walk back down again.

"Oops, wrong floor." I say and Sky groans.

When I stop playing around we get to my door and I expect the room to be small, but instead find a two story condo decorated to perfection and fully furnished.

"Nice." I say sitting on the soft couch. "There's just one problem."

"What's that?"

"For some unknown reason you're still here." I say smiling and this idiot takes a seat on the velvet chair across from me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You," He says. "Are extremely mean."


"Listen Kayano, tomorrow we start tracking down Chaos and once we find him we have to move immediately."

"Your point?"

"You're not going alone."

"Great! Is The Light finally going to get up and do some work herself?" I ask kicking my feet up on the couch.

"No I'm going with you."

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I requested this mission and it was given to me, so you don't have much say."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Chaos killed my parents." He says bluntly.

I don't say anything, in fact I feel bad.

"Don't feel bad it's not your fault. I consider it a motivation to get the job done." He says this with a smile.

"Why do we have to wait until tomorrow?"

"Because whether you know it or not you're tired and you can't be tired while you're searching for an essence."

"Why not?"

"Because it could backfire and your soul would be sucked into Chaos. Not only would that make him stronger, but our only hope is gone just like that."

"So one misstep from me and it's over for everyone?"


"So why risk it? I don't even know what I'm doing let alone how I'm doing it."

"You're the prophecy child, you'll know what to do when the time comes. Now I highly suggest you get rest." He says this getting up and heading to the door "By the way, your people skills are already getting better."

And with that he was gone. I never before realized how much people were gonna need me once I arrived. So much was happening all at once and New Generation isn't wasting any time. So many people are about to start putting all their hopes in me, even Sky is depending on me. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. What if this is a mistake? What if tomorrow I fail? I head upstairs contemplate my possible failures. I found it hard to sleep. I don't dream about anything. I never do. But tonight, I guess, was different. I caught a glimpse of Chaos. He was running in the woods. He was at least six foot and he was extremely pale. If he got any paler, he would be transparent. His silver hair shimmered in the sun and came down to an even cut at his mid-back. The silver glow kind of reminded me of Sky. It's kind of weird really, if he wasn't the bad guy he would be number one on my 'Dear Future Husband' list. Chaos had finally stopped running and he smiled. He bent down to pick something up, but what was he picking up? I never found out. Why? Because it's seven in the morning and someone is banging on my door.
